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What Do These Dreams Mean?

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I had 3 Dreams last night and i could remember them. Normaly i NEVER remember any dreams! I was looking forward on exploring some dream contents of mine and enlighten more shadow aspects in the month of may anyways, so this is awesome! I interpreted all dreams with a swiss site called "" But maybe some of you guys know more about dream-symbols than me and can interpret those more? so here they are...

1st Dream:
This one is pretty basic: A fight with my cousin, he´s an underachiever, not interessted in spirituality, lazy, weasely, a nice guy don´t wanna put him down to much but our path kinda separated, even if he was close to me at some point.
he only does the minimum in life, alot! of gaming, actualy re-introduced me to gaming, and in the dream i threw him out of my flat! "what the fuck are you doing here" , "get the fuck out" xD i went quite drama queen xD
but somehow i couldn´t stand him beeing here in my "private" zone .

in the interpretation it says:  the flat/apartement beeing the sense of individual order and what part of yourself you "mastered" I guess it means i don´t want those aspects i associate with his character in my "order" anymore and i agressively refused those in the dream. It actually felt semi-lucid in this one and i literaly wanted to throw him out, it felt real physical agressiveness.

2nd Dream:
then i dreamt about loosing my jacket on a small trip i was taking with my father. 
In the interpretation it says: the jacket can be a symbol for the "image" you have , and it makes sense, since i felt now is a time where i start to loose the old "image" of mine i had for the last 2-3 years (i bought this jacket i dreamt about 3 years ago)

3rd Dream:
This one was a bit more scary and abstract - dream symbol: jaw 

in the interpretation it says: the jaw stands for melancholie / feelings ..transcendental meaning(transcenDENTAL!! get it?! xD ) meaning: to understand or to experience the infite now ..  (WTF?? how accurate is this mofo? this was exactly what i experienced 3 days ago in my sds, it actually says that on the site!

When i woke up this morning i had no idea what it means and i was realy confused about that last dream but now it makes sense...)
in my dream i saw persons who suffered, they were all in a room (the society?) and their jaws were broken on purpose like they were part of an experiment. I felt sorry for them and was shocked by the sight.
then when i watched one of them i saw he made a wooden aligner around the jaw to heal it , when i went closer he tried to attack me
(don´t know what that means! i then woke up and remembered all 3 dreams (maybe the attack was a part of me wanting to wake me up with a shock so i can get conscious of the content??)

...further interpretations/meanings are welcome :)

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On 2.5.2016 at 10:46 PM, Henri said:



Thanks @Henri  i like him and found many truth in his teachings but here i not even disagree but i think what he says is true in a sense and also what c.g.jung explored about dreams and the unconcious part of the mind is equaly true/usefull, both aspects are important i guess. the abstract/feeling/subjective attributes of dreams but also the concrete/mind-ish/objective attributes ...

some of the contents of our "wholeness" (the hidden part of the ice-berg) that get suppressed or better say filtered out in the "half-wake" everyday mindstate that is limited by a)words by b)social conventions (some thoughts are unacceptable even to think we were told) and c)by logic (what doesn´t conform to logic can´t be true and won´t get conscious when "wake" but in dream-state those 3 filters are OFF! how important can the messages be for us if we listen to them and use the chance i say! but everyone can disagree , i´m always open for different suggestions :)

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