
Making Decisions when there's no Free Will

57 posts in this topic

16 hours ago, Wisebaxter said:

@abrakamowse I toyed with using a dice and becoming the dice man :) But do you think a coin is better? Better to have just two choices? 

I think is more direct, with the dice you have more options. So, it will be more difficult to decide. With a coin is Yes or No hehehe...

Do you know where did I get that idea? From the book "Think and Grow Rich". There was a general that he use to take really fast decisions and everyone admired that he always knew what to do. One day he revealed his secret and that was his secret, he just flipped a coin Lol...


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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49 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

There was a general that he use to take really fast decisions and everyone admired that he always knew what to do. One day he revealed his secret and that was his secret, he just flipped a coin Lol...


@abrakamowse Haha I think I'd be pissed if I found out the general was gambling with my life like that. Surely a general is prized on his own ability to make the best decisions? Saying that, maybe the coin toss was the best decision. Funny story though. I'm gonna try it and report back 

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@Wisebaxter hahahaha... I don't do it with everything, but sometimes you will be surprised that it gives you the answer you were looking for but you were not so sure... hehehe..


Let me know how it goes.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Sri Ramana Maharshi

19 hours ago, Sri Ramana Maharshi said:

Yup. What Wisebaxter seems to need is a good paradox. Plenty here in the offerings. What can "I-I" say? Add? Subtract?


Wisebaxter: That stage is a great stage. Enjoy. Breathe deeply. A good paradox quiets the mind. So does the voice of Adyashanti. No matter what pretend little level or stage we're on, it's really great IMHO. Adya's voice. Leo's 2.5 hours of content, or Sri Nasargadatta Maharaj (especially all the stuff that contradicts the other stuff). If it's stressful, seeking is occuring. If it quiets the mind. Yay.


Cool dude, I had considered how paradox might be playing a part here. That's really opened up some new lines of enquiry for me. 

Hell yeah, Adyashanti's voice is really soothing. He has a lot of content addressing this issue too, but his is more pending an awakening experience and I don't think I've had one yet. I think I've raised my consciousness and I've done some LSD and felt really connected and a deep love, but I haven't experienced the absolute, or no-ego. of course I'm it right now, it's nowhere else, but still hidden from me. Planning to do some mushrooms soon. I need to up the ante a bit.

Will check Sri Nasargadatta Maharaj, thanks for that

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On 7/10/2019 at 7:31 AM, Truth Addict said:
On 7/10/2019 at 7:31 AM, Truth Addict said:


Very simple. Don't decide.

You can choose a ready guide 
In some celestial voice 
If you choose not to decide 
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears 
And kindness that can kill 
I will choose a path that's clear 
I will choose free will


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3 hours ago, MiracleMan said:

You can choose a ready guide 
In some celestial voice 
If you choose not to decide 
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears 
And kindness that can kill 
I will choose a path that's clear 
I will choose free will

Nice! Is it originally yours?

Back to our point:

There is no one deciding anything

Even if you think you decide

It's just some thoughts blabbering

Pride is alright. Let's ride


Edited by Truth Addict

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On 11/07/2019 at 4:50 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

You're both an Ego and a No-Ego at the same time.

@Joseph Maynor This clicked something in me, thank you. I feel more in control now. I was seeing the ego as separate from God and saying things like I'm taking a back seat so God can take over. I was stuck in this self deception for ages. I was shunning any form of control over anything. Does this mean that the Self with a capital S is some kind of intent? Or intelligence? Because it certainly feels like I'm directing something. I mean awareness is imagining choices. Whether it's true or not, or just a concept, awareness is having that experience. 

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@Wisebaxter Infinite intelligence, spontaneous creation unbound, appearing as wisebaxter & the world....so....the appearance will appear the only way it could...finite intelligence, chosen creations, appearing bound. In the same fashion, what is eternal and appears to itself, while unknowing of, or, in unrecognition of self...there appears to be “time”. Infinity...unrecognized, appears as ‘being in space’. Infinite love appears as a limited ‘product of’, etc, etc. 



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On 12/07/2019 at 4:46 PM, MiracleMan said:

You can choose a ready guide 
In some celestial voice 
If you choose not to decide 
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears 
And kindness that can kill 
I will choose a path that's clear 
I will choose free will

Spot on man, loved that. It was just what I needed to hear. I'm making progress with this issue now. I feel much more empowered and I'm making wiser choices.  

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7 minutes ago, Wisebaxter said:


Spot on man, loved that. It was just what I needed to hear. I'm making progress with this issue now. I feel much more empowered and I'm making wiser choices.  

the prophecy of your name coming true ?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 hour ago, Preetom said:

the prophecy of your name coming true ?

@Preetom About time :D You can't go wrong with a name like that. You're telling the universe what you want, maybe. This whole thing of referring to the universe, I'm starting to wonder how healthy it is, because a lot of the time it's used in the context of it being something separate from you. Like, 'the universe always does this and that for me' etc. Just had that realisation. I'm taking back ALL the power 

Edited by Wisebaxter

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On 7/12/2019 at 3:18 PM, Truth Addict said:

Nice! Is it originally yours?

Back to our point:

There is no one deciding anything

Even if you think you decide

It's just some thoughts blabbering

Pride is alright. Let's ride


Its a song by Rush called Free Will haha, check it out!  :D


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I didnt read anything, i will just answer on the thread...

Forget about that part when making decision...

Make them as you did before... do it from the heart and from the brain (dont be to stupid and emotional and dont decide to often without thinking and dont choose what could be obviously wrong/stupid)... your emotions and beliefs stay, but logic stays more constant so think... still think also with your hearth...


No free will, everything is determineted helps only after something happend or after you decided... knowing determinism you dont need to resist, to blame you/free will and to get stuck, it helps you to accept everything as it is because it was ment and determinated to be exactly like that and there is no you/free will who is guilty/responsible 4 it... so you can say yes to everything that happend and that is happening and that will happen and its easier to let it go if needed... peace




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On 15/07/2019 at 4:11 PM, Dino D said:

I didnt read anything, i will just answer on the thread...

Forget about that part when making decision...

Make them as you did before... do it from the heart and from the brain (dont be to stupid and emotional and dont decide to often without thinking and dont choose what could be obviously wrong/stupid)... your emotions and beliefs stay, but logic stays more constant so think... still think also with your hearth...

No free will, everything is determineted helps only after something happend or after you decided... knowing determinism you dont need to resist, to blame you/free will and to get stuck, it helps you to accept everything as it is because it was ment and determinated to be exactly like that and there is no you/free will who is guilty/responsible 4 it... so you can say yes to everything that happend and that is happening and that will happen and its easier to let it go if needed... peace

@Dino D That was exactly what I needed to read, thank you. I'd kind of downgraded logic and rationality in favour of just using my heart and that approach wasn't getting me anywhere.

I like what you're saying about not being attached to outcomes. This has made me realise how obsessed I've been with needing to control outcomes and how I've been throwing tantrums and refusing to participate in life as this couldn't be done. 

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2 hours ago, Wisebaxter said:

@Dino D That was exactly what I needed to read, thank you. I'd kind of downgraded logic and rationality in favour of just using my heart and that approach wasn't getting me anywhere.

I like what you're saying about not being attached to outcomes. This has made me realise how obsessed I've been with needing to control outcomes and how I've been throwing tantrums and refusing to participate in life as this couldn't be done. 

Glad I could help... Also dont be to serious :) se what @Nahm wrote to me and the links he linked on this post::: (about not being serious)

it was one of the strongest advices that I got, and it changed me deeply ... (Nahm thx again)

Also this perspective that I wrote to you, about making decisions and accepting determinism, and the freedom that comes from understanding that it had to be like that, that this was the ONLY possibility and that it is not my responsibility, because I dont exist and because ,,the me" in a relative way had to choose exactly as I  did choose because of 10000 other causes that determined my actions... so i can accept and forgive (if needed) my self and I can love the path that God determined for me... At the same time I take actions, get responsible 4 it, learn, and work ,,to be better"

At the same time,1) I do what i like(hearth) (at least sometimes), what i must(brain+conciuos love without strong emotions), i follow my brain and my heart, and try to balance it to the best relative outcome from my perspective, and whenever I can i try to remember not to be serious about it!!!!

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50 minutes ago, Dino D said:


it was one of the strongest advices that I got, and it changed me deeply ... (Nahm thx again)

@Dino D I've had a similar epiphany recently, which has been strengthened even more by hearing you say this. It was something Matt Kahn said about how important relaxation is. That it puts you back in the natural state of love and acceptance that the universe wants to be in, it's natural state. This made me realise how I've been in a state of excitement and stress my whole life, trying to achieve this or that, rejecting the moment. So I've started just feeling into relaxation and using my free will to conjure it up. Actually, the advice given on this thread has helped me to do that. I feel like I'm in control again now, like my pendulum has swung even further over towards a sense of empowerment than before, due to the contrast of feeling like I had none.


Also this perspective that I wrote to you, about making decisions and accepting determinism, and the freedom that comes from understanding that it had to be like that, that this was the ONLY possibility and that it is not my responsibility, because I dont exist and because ,,the me" in a relative way had to choose exactly as I  did choose because of 10000 other causes that determined my actions... so i can accept and forgive (if needed) my self and I can love the path that God determined for me... At the same time I take actions, get responsible 4 it, learn, and work ,,to be better"

Very well put, this will be helpful for me when it comes to accepting outcomes. You've really helped to highlight that this been an issue for me. It really has. 


At the same time,1) I do what i like(hearth) (at least sometimes), what i must(brain+conciuos love without strong emotions), i follow my brain and my heart, and try to balance it to the best relative outcome from my perspective, and whenever I can i try to remember not to be serious about it!!!!

So it's about balancing the masculine and feminine. I started with masculine, a mind-based approach as that's what I was programmed with. I then rebelled against that (when the outcomes didn't match what I wanted) and went over to intuition and the heart. It was a fine piece of self deception actually as I didn't see how I'd just reacted against one paradigm and jumped into another. Now, I've realised that I need to move back over to the middle ground. Thanks

Edited by Wisebaxter

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