
Does pickup ideas work in east

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If we take women from west and east in general (i accept different women have different values, but iam curious) Women in west are mostly free going and easy to chat and approach . Women in east are not like that coz of religion,ideology,morality etc. And its hard to approach. Different social system and customs. There is pickup community in west, but i havent heard anything like that in east. 

So does the things a man doing in west work in east to get women. Or does the things pickup teaches to get women in west work on women in east?

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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@Harikrishnan  the inner game principals work everywhere. When dealing girls like you discribed i would focus on building comfort more than gameing in the start. Also you got to be more careful calibrateing.

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@Aldo You're on point. I can attest from experience in both America and India. Do definitely calibrate well, and go out with some wings from the local area. 

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East?! East is a big big place. You need to be more specific.

But speaking about my country the principles can and cannot be the same. Here city to city, even region to region, values differ enormously. In one family girls can go to party or invite their boyfriends to their home and introduce them to their parents and in another family this is an unspeakable sin! It may result in abandonment of the girl from her home.

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first your wrong about women on the west are easy to approach. Go to a feminist place like California, or Canada and be ready to get arrestd by sexual harassment if you approach the wrong woman.

Answering your question, pickup doesnt work in eastern women. As an example, I met a philipine girl, which mother was the old style christian conservative... His daughter had to ask for permission to mum everytime she went on a date with me..., the girl being an adult 23 yo woman...

But the girl had lots of limiting believes, shame about romance and sexuality... extremely shy...

Im shy enough, if I go out with a girl more shy like me it would be like putting glue on my shoes...

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not at all in the middle east, even the modern countries!

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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