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Everything I chase...

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Everything I chased seemed to be there all along. As soon as I stopped and observed, I saw that everything had already been given to me. 

It seems like the chase strays you so far but so close to the goal you can almost taste it. The craving at this point gets so strong and it seems that only once you give up completely does it start to present itself to you. 

This leaves me wondering what I have missed in the past because my focus has thrown me off course. But then I have not missed anything as everything is given to you that you're ready to accept. 

So how do I use this in my advantage? How do I still work hard but pick up on these queues that show up out of nowhere? It seems there's a way to work in the universe that makes things so fluid. 

I know I know, there are millions of guides and programs out there on this. It was just a very profound moment for me today to realise that all of the experiences that have truly benefitted me have just come to me out of nowhere. And just seeing the connectedness here is insane. I'm drawing up a timeline of my life the past few months right now to see what I can determine. 

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Also to add, everything I chased, when I got it or thought I had, was either a very difficult experience or just seemed numb, an experience you try to pick meaning out of. 

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