
Going through the spiral

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1 minute ago, Raphael said:

Because they've never been able to build a bridge to communicate together. Because they never merged together.


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Just now, Raphael said:


Because they were way too strongly opposed to work together, yet you came out of them. You came out of a strong, ruthless, visceral man and came out of one of the kindness women on the planet.

You have an extremely strong power, you feel it when your blood flows through your veins and you also have the kindness of your mother inside you.

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1 minute ago, Raphael said:

Because they were way too strongly opposed to work together, yet you came out of them. You came out of a strong, ruthless, visceral man and came out of one of the kindness women on the planet.

You have an extremely strong power, you feel it when your blood flows through your veins and you also have the kindness of your mother inside you.

What do I do?

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Just now, Raphael said:

What do I do?

Heal them, make them work together. Synergize the strong masculine power that flows through your veins with the kindness of your mother. Penetrate the world with your deep masculine power through your genuineness, your care, and your love for it.

Heal, become whole, become God.

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1 minute ago, Raphael said:

Heal them, make them work together. Synergize the strong masculine power that flows through your veins with the kindness of your mother. Penetrate the world with your deep masculine power through your genuineness, your care, and your love for it.

Heal, become whole, become God.

Thank you very much. I love you.

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1 minute ago, Raphael said:

Thank you very much. I love you.

No problem. You're doing great.

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Some Thoughts on Men And Orange/Green Transition

I think that many men are afraid to lose their power and at the same time many men are afraid of their power, especially in the Western world as the culture is transitioning from stage Orange to stage Green. When it comes to being afraid of being powerful, too much comfort and technology makes so many people (men and women) irresponsible. However, this issue of being irresponsible hit more strongly men* because even though the Western world is transitioning from stage Orange to Green with more equality between the genders, there is still an overall masculine/feminine balance (with of course exceptions) where men are expected to provide containment and women are expected to be more vulnerable.

Now, I'm getting into controversial territories here so don't get me wrong: all the progress concerning gender equality and improving the condition of women are important. I want that and I want that to move forward as fast as possible because I saw women that I was very close to being abused while growing up. Progress is very important in this area. However, men will always be overall physically stronger than women (except if we evolve into a different specie), which mean that there will always be more abuse from men against women, so we will never get to a point where women will be as safe as men in society. But, it's still important to work for increasing women's security and rights as much as possible because anyone want to be safe even though it will never be perfect.

So... progress is happening and this is good, but backslashes are also happening mostly from the masculine side because many men aren't able to integrate Green. Many are getting confused and don't know what to do: after all men have being dominating women since the dawn of time, so now when change is happening many of them are trying to be kind men... but this doesn't work with women because most women are attracted to masculine men and men who are getting into unhealthy aspects of stage Green by being too kind and too feminine aren't attractive to feminine women. Having an healthy masculine / feminine integration is difficult for many men which causes the creation of four main groups:

  • Toxic men who fall into toxic ideologies. The amount of people in this group will increase as society will move more and more into Green, then decrease when Green will become better integrated and more normalized.
  • Silent depressed men. This group will increase, it represents men who cannot find a partner because they are too much into unhealthy aspect of Green (too much equality for example) and maybe have masculine shadows and thinks that masculinity is bad because of how many damages it caused to the feminine in the past.
  • Normal average men. This group will decrease as society will move more and more into Green, then increase when Green will become better integrated and more normalized. During the decreasing period, a certain number of men will fall into the Toxic Men group or the Silent Depressed Men group, but also a small percentage will evolve, learn to properly being masculine with a feminine integration and will get into the Strong Healthy Men group.
  • Strong Healthy Men. This group will increase a bit.

I think that most men have a Green shadow (because they are at Red/Blue/Orange), but also for the first time in history many men have some Red/Blue/Orange shadows (because they are at Green and are reactive against the previous stages because masculinity at the previous stages caused a lot of damage to women, so they dismiss masculinity because they don't want to be seen as bad).

It is very tricky for many men to properly integrate masculinity and femininity, yet this is very powerful. A strong man use its strong masculine power to penetrate the world with its love, he is ruthless, yet loving at the same time. He ruthlessly penetrate the world because he loves it.

Teal Swan has an amazing video on power and its place in life.

* this might be a masculine bias here, I'm not sure.


Edited by Raphael

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How can you only be a man if you came from a woman? How can you only be a woman if you came from a man?

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15 hours ago, Raphael said:

You know that you are deeply strong and powerful, so powerful that this is difficult to handle. We've told you to be kind and submit, yet this doesn't resonate with the deep power that you have inside you. You've hidden your power so much because you were afraid of showing it. You know that this power is strong, so strong that it scares the shit out of people, so strong that it can shake the world.


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21 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Raphael Hey what have found you to be the most effective methods for growth and healing?

I'm not even deep into that nor spirituality to be honest, but so far here's what has been most effective for me:

  1. Forgiveness: most powerful thing that I discovered. Just a few sessions cleared my mind from a lot of intrusive thoughts of past traumas.
  2. Breathwork: just super powerful. I feel the trapped emotions flowing through my body and getting released.
  3. Screaming, crying, just letting the body express itself. It releases what it accumulated.
  4. Instrospection, comtemplation.
  5. Talking with subpersonalities. I didn't do this that much, but I feel like this is promising and can solve many inner conflicts.

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Reuniting My Father Self With My Mother Self

I had a nice conversation with myself lately. It was so interesting that I want to put it here.


Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:06 PM, Raphael said:

@Raphael I have some questions for you, please take some time to contemplate them:

  • Why do you always stop so quickly?
  • Why do you change your focus so quickly?
  • Why do you feel so easily discouraged in the face of challenges?
  • Why does pessimism comes so quickly when you face challenges?
  • What don't you push through things more?
  • Why do you feel some tears coming up when you sometimes focus intensely to overcome the challenges?

Take this seriously, it's important. Let me know your answers when you're ready. Thank you.

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:33 PM, Raphael said:

Why are you asking why?

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:35 PM, Raphael said:

You know why. Why this defensiveness?

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:38 PM, Raphael said:

Because I'm afraid.

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:40 PM, Raphael said:

What are you afraid of?

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:43 PM, Raphael said:

My power.

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:50 PM, Raphael said:


You know that you are deeply strong and powerful, so powerful that this is difficult to handle. We've told you to be kind and submit, yet this doesn't resonate with the deep power that you have inside you. You've hidden your power so much because you were afraid of showing it. You know that this power is strong, so strong that it scares the shit out of people, so strong that it can shake the world.

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:52 PM, Raphael said:

Why do I always have two conflicting sub personalities? (My father self and my mother self)

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:55 PM, Raphael said:

Because they've never been able to build a bridge to communicate together. Because they never merged together.

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 6:58 PM, Raphael said:


Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 7:05 PM, Raphael said:

Because they were way too strongly opposed to work together, yet you came out of them. You came out of a strong, ruthless, visceral man and came out of one of the kindness women on the planet.

You have an extremely strong power, you feel it when your blood flows through your veins and you also have the kindness of your mother inside you.

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 7:07 PM, Raphael said:

What do I do?

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 7:14 PM, Raphael said:

Heal them, make them work together. Synergize the strong masculine power that flows through your veins with the kindness of your mother. Penetrate the world with your deep masculine power through your genuineness, your care, and your love for it.

Heal, become whole, become God.

Lower Self

On 6/24/2021 at 7:17 PM, Raphael said:

Thank you very much. I love you.

Higher Self

On 6/24/2021 at 7:19 PM, Raphael said:

No problem. You're doing great.


Edited by Raphael

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I think I repressed my masculinity many times in the past. The masculine examples that I had were ultra toxic and caused me to perceive feminity as being better than masculinity and to better trust the feminine. Yet, this is a trap, masculinity ain't necessarily toxic. Immature masculinity is toxic, but well-integrated masculinity with a proper feminine balance is super powerful.

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A lot of people are horny on this forum... including me.

Edited by Raphael

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Well I am just having fun. All the best man. 

Getting schooled quite often. 

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I have been having thoughts about dating, relationships, about me not wanting to get involved in relationships and being a virgin at 24, about my limited environment, about toxic masculinity, about the relationship of my parents, about my sister and the risks for her to get involved into a toxic relationship, about healthy relationships, about meta relationships, etc. since the last 2 months but didn't write anything...

It's time to throw everything out.

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What Women Wants

Generally, women want:

  • A strong, stable, and reliable man.
  • A financially stable man.
  • A leading man.
  • A confident man.
  • Containment. This comes as healthy dominance which makes the woman feel safe with her partner.
  • High integrity.
  • Honesty.
  • Respect.
  • High competencies in dealing with life.
  • High emotional mastery.
  • Humour.
  • Playfulness.
  • Emotional support.
  • Support in difficult situations.
  • Deep emotional connection.
  • Intimacy.
  • Sex: dominant sex, intimate sex.

I think I got things right.

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About Having an Intimate Relationship

When it comes to relationships my brain is a bit sliced in half. One part thinks "Yeah, why not have a relationship with a girl? It would be fun and interesting" while the other part feels like I don't need a relationship because most of the time I am satisfied with myself. Maybe my brain will explode one day.

In all cases, I took the right decision to choose not to get involved in relationships. I was so insecure that it would have been a disaster. It wouldn't have been possible just two years ago because I was in a difficult psychological state. Some relationships that I saw around me were very toxic and I didn't want that. I told myself that I would have to self-develop first and fit minimum standards before getting involved in a relationship.

Now, I currently feel ready for that even though I still see some things in my personality that are susceptible to create frictions. Also, I'm conscious that I lack education in this field and will have to read a lot about masculine/feminine dynamics because I never thought that much about relationships in my life. People's obsession with relationships always felt weird for me. Everywhere I go I would see people being obsessed with having a girlfriend/boyfriend where I would wonder "Why?". I personally had some moments of shame in the past for not being in a relationship because I felt societal pressure, but most of the time my mind was like "Well... whether I'm in a relationship or not, I'm ain't going to die, life simply goes on."

Anyway, even if I feel ready I don't think I'll get into a relationship immediately. I'm currently in a busy period and would not have enough time to invest. Relationships will come later for me in life.

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About Having an Intimate Relationship: Personal Flaws

Just now, Raphael said:

I still see some things in my personality that are susceptible to create frictions.

Things that I noted:

  • Way too private. Nobody really knows me. Even the two persons that I'm the closest to — my mom and my sister — don't really know anything about me. They only know a tiny part of who I am. It's the same thing on this forum, I only share a small tiny part of myself here. I have nothing special externally and I sense that it bugs many people. I live mostly internally so I'll have to do some efforts to share more about myself.
  • Too attached to my independence and freedom. This will cause an issue because if I choose to get into a relationship, I will have to invest in it and spend time with the girl to the detriment of my time in solitude. Independence and freedom are very important for me, I'm not a lovey-dovey person who always wants to hug or get some hugs. I'll appreciate some of that, but too much of that would annoy me. A relationship won't work with a girl with very high social needs and who wants her guy to be with her all the time. I need a lot of space and freedom in life.
  • My happiness needs some improvements. This is paradoxical here because sometimes I feel happy and privileged, but I also quite often experience some sadness. I'll currently rate my happiness at 6/10. I can deal with my emotions healthily so it doesn't actually impact anybody, also, the trauma healing work that I'm currently doing is helping me and I should see my happiness increasing more and more as I continue.
  • I feel boring and feel like I will not be emotionally stimulating enough for a girl.

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