
Going through the spiral

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A revolution is about making societal changes, a coup is about a personality.



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Why am I so much concerned about US politics? I'm not even a US citizen, so wtf is going on with me?

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One of the reasons why my sleep is so difficult is because I'm afraid to loose my mind.

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Fortunately, I still managed to not loose my mind despite some people in the house.

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This website looks like a good ressource for health.


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I always knew something was wrong with me, but never understand what it was. Now I understand.

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The Puzzle of Consciousness

Consciousness is a puzzle with infinite pieces. Each piece is both a part of the puzzle and the puzzle itself. A piece needs to be the puzzle, otherwise, the puzzle cannot exist.

The puzzle exists when the pieces aren't assembled/perceived together and the puzzle doesn't exist when all the pieces are united together.


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The only way to win everything is to loose everything.

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Reuniting Self/Others

I recently started to become aware that the difference between me and others is an illusion. There is no me, there are no other people, there is only ...

If I have a conversation with another person, the conversation cannot exist if either me as a small I (the individual) or the other person does not exist. if a conversation cannot exist without at least two person, it means that we are interconnected. We are like two sides of the same coin. The individuals don't look the same, but they are the same whole.

If you are reading these words, realize that you are me, and that I am you. When I write that, I don't mean that I'm a human, but I mean that I am experience, that I am ... You can only see this because we are interconnected through the powerful illusion of technology.

See the link, see the sides of the coin, see the entire coin. You are reading yourself here.

I feel like I'm only at the beginning of understanding and that there's a lot more profoundity here.

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Did I ever said how much I hate noises?

Edited by Raphael

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On 7/11/2019 at 3:45 PM, Raphael said:


If you are stage orange/green and you are this kind of idealist person who thinks everyone is equal and that we should all treat each other respectfully, then, there are still many chances that your not embodying these ideas and lack to understand all the complexities and nuances of interacting with lower stages. This was me more than one year before, I thought I was smart, but in reality, I was quite dogmatic. Working in a mostly stage blue and also very briefly red environment has helped me a lot to understand myself and people. Even if it was difficult at the moment, doing it has pushed me into stage yellow. It's funny that something I used to hate so much helped me grow. If you can have an experience like this, do it. You will grow a lot from it.

I love it! I agree with everything you said! My stage red/blue narcissistic mother made me climb up the spiral so fast hehe! But... i couldn't be able to do it without Actualized.org. 



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16 hours ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

I love it! I agree with everything you said! My stage red/blue narcissistic mother made me climb up the spiral so fast hehe! But... i couldn't be able to do it without Actualized.org.

Their example is so bad that they motivate us to do the complete opposite of what they are doing haha :D

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Neediness & Visibility On This Forum

I recently notice that I'm needy, but I'm not expressing it. I want to attract attention on this forum, I want people to quote me/respond to me more. I also want visibility on my profile, I want people to click on my picture and look at my personal information so that I can feel good. I'm quite sad that I'm not getting that much responses and visibility :(

Please click on my profile picture, now! xD

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I never got anything from my dad except insults and criticisms. He is dead since many years for me.

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