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tom rAy

Mystical experience caused by sickness?

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It happened to me last autumn. One day I was having severe cold or flu with fever and everything. I also was really tired of studying and workouts, depressed and sleep-deprived.  I started to have glimpses of  that feeling walking a street  in the evening.
Then I slept longer then usual and when I woke up I felt magical. I have memories of feelings like that from when I was a little kid. And I always wanted to bring it back. I don't think the word feeling is even right for this.
I can't find a better word to describe this then mystical. It's like I felt the magical nature of everything around me. Like there was something more, some omnipresent presence behind  everything,  that you can't quite grasp, something we don't usually see, but I know it from my childhood memories. And I felt unconditional joy and unconditional freedom and full acceptance. It lasted for few hours and never came back since then.

Leo have mentioned this "existence feeling magical like when you were a kid" in his videos few times. So this is what I mean. I wish I could feel it more often. Sometimes I  experience  similar thing in dreams.

Recently I was reading A New Earth. And there was that part where Eckhart Tolle says that sometimes people get more present to the moment when they sick because the body isn't putting enough energy into maintaining the ego. So I thought it may resonate with my experience.

Have any of you guys  ever experienced similar effects of an illness on your state of consciousness?
I also thought, maybe there's a way to recreate similar conditions without getting a flu of something? I'm still not sure about the mechanics behind the process.

Edited by tom rAy

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5 hours ago, tom rAy said:

Recently I was reading A New Earth. And there was that part where Eckhart Tolle says that sometimes people get more present to the moment when they sick because the body isn't putting enough energy into maintaining the ego. So I thought it may resonate with my experience.

Yes. Do you ever notice that when you feel awful, a lot of your usual activities shut down and you are much closer to sitting there being with the feeling? Thought is much less active and you do nothing but lay there and be until the sickness passes. This isn't just with sickness and applies to just about any intense feeling. The more intense it is, the more awareness that is needed for it, for the body cannot ignore it. Even weed can provide such no-mind states with its intense highs on higher doses.

Edited by Shadowraix

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Yes! Different things like that accidentally give us tastes of higher consciousness. Shamanic or Wim Hof breathing, long runs or endurance exercise can cause very similar states. Meditation and self inquiry will help to raise your consciousness through the day and reprogram your thoughts everyday. Sometimes you need more dramatic tastes of what life could be like before you are motivated to do the more subtle practices. When I was mostly only following Eckhart Tolle I didn't realize I was doing both of these informally throughout the day by following his teachings, he has a brilliant way of doing that. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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