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How Do You Find Time Alone?

6 posts in this topic

hello there,


Whenever I sit and quite down and stay still. My sister thinks I am crazy and that i am reavaluating my life.

then i look at her thinking that shes missing the point. i really like to sit still sometimes it makes you more calmer and think crystal clear and i hounor it. this is because we live in a time where we were told to not waist time. but then you automatically portray a stressed anxiety figure and i dont like that. whenever i leave my house i make sure im organised and calm. i dont want to be running with a cup of tea thinking multitasking is saving everything. In contrary is disappointment and self destruction. But sometimes, i look at myself sitting thinking that its all stupid. but then again another time , i honoor it like it suppose to be like this EVERYDAY. not just one time. this is becase i remember the importance of it. 

do you guys agree with the benefit of stillness?

what do you most value in sitting and be still, just being?

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@IVONNE Any time used to step off the hectic wheel of life to find yourself some stillness is never wasted time. You'll live longer too!

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1 hour ago, IVONNE said:

hello there,


Whenever I sit and quite down and stay still. My sister thinks I am crazy and that i am reavaluating my life.

then i look at her thinking that shes missing the point. i really like to sit still sometimes it makes you more calmer and think crystal clear and i hounor it. this is because we live in a time where we were told to not waist time. but then you automatically portray a stressed anxiety figure and i dont like that. whenever i leave my house i make sure im organised and calm. i dont want to be running with a cup of tea thinking multitasking is saving everything. In contrary is disappointment and self destruction. But sometimes, i look at myself sitting thinking that its all stupid. but then again another time , i honoor it like it suppose to be like this EVERYDAY. not just one time. this is becase i remember the importance of it. 

do you guys agree with the benefit of stillness?

what do you most value in sitting and be still, just being?

you should have discovered by now that when you are calm and are in this stillness there are no problems, pain, sorrow, nothing is grasping at you, and you are not grasping at things in the world.  It is from this place that life can only be lived in a fruitful constructive manner, without it becoming a rat race and a mess of consequences. You are young now enjoy this space of being, it is your saving grace as you age, it will save you a world of heartache and heartbreak.  Enjoy this space of being that you feel this calmness in, and know that the majority of the world around you are not doing this and it is creating a mess for them.  Experience this deeper and deeper, you will be a being of love, peace, joy, happiness, and what you do will be constructive without creating consequences that bring pain and misery.  Be these things and you will be a light to those around you, they wont get it fully until they are there, but it will leave an impression and a mark on their consciousness, that may bring change for them at some point.

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@charlie2dogs Such a concise yet beautiful way to say it . I agree 110% Thank you so much^_^

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