
Siddhis and Miracles

49 posts in this topic

15 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

There is no such thing as “objective existence”. As far as the relative world goes, all there is is subjectivity. 

Of course. Again, because you covet experience more than the Truth. 

This is a common thing many people struggle with if what they seek is liberation. They covet the ignorance and clinging to their own experiences more than truth. That’s not shaming experience. It’s awesome to have experiences of deep compassion with friends and loved ones. It’s awesome to provide contribution to the world that fulfill you and what not. That doesn’t negate the issue though that many people struggle towards liberation because of their attachment to the illusion of experience which doesn’t exist fundamentally. 

That’s not disowning or poopooing experience. That’s calling it what it is. 

At the “bottom most point” there is no why as to why actions are being done. Fundamentally that’s a false dilemma. There is no action nor doer, much less a reason as to why there is either. 

You can interpret what I’m saying as not putting any value on the “physical realm” but at the end of the day, if we’re going to talk about consciousness work and enlightenment and the Absolute and nonduality, I can’t go around pretending that such relative matters have any existence from the Absolute if that’s what we’re here discussing using relative dualistic and inherently assumption language. That doesn’t discredit them. It’s putting them in their proper context in being honest about the matter. 

Then we agree on objective existence :)

Did I say I coveted experience? I dont remember stating that ;)

Im not talking about clinging to experiences. If you believe clinging is required to get perceived benefit from experience, we will have to agree to disagree.

I suspect our fundemental disagreement lies with what we believe is our True Self. Buddhist think there is nothing. Yoga says there is nothing but there is also paradoxically something (the atman). When someone is enlightened, the false self no longer exists yet there is still "something" that continues to be refined. Yoga doesnt have much to clarify on this point but the occult would say that the True Self/individuated subjectivity is refined for eternity without denying nonduality.

Although, I used to align more with the Buddhist philosophy in the past, I currently think the occult view ties in better with my experiences in non-physical realms and people's NDE anecdotes. 

Edited by Matt8800

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Once you awaken to yourself you see the Oneness in what is being discussed here.  It is all One thing that is being discussed here.  It is all you.  

Before i digress into duality let me preface by saying you are One.  You are alone and you are God.

With the Absolute out of the way we can discuss form or duality all we want.

All of which being discussed here is duality or form - and how imagination can be manipulated - and it can - however difficult from the finite - it can via mysticism - or the occult as @Matt8800 discusses.

To @kieranperez s point the Absolute miracle is discovering you ARE the Absolute by dissolution of the illusion leaving bare the Absolute. 

Being.  To know that isness it itself.  That you ARE yourself and you are infinite.  There is no where to go because you are groundless and you are God.  That is the highest miracle.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Matt8800 if you think I’m here to discuss beliefs of what’s is Absolutely true then you are mistsken. I’m not here to talk about culturally tied belief systems of what is Absolutely true. There are different relative interpretations which can serve as pointers but that’s it. Not to mention I interpret all of those pointers anyways. I do not care what my beliefs are about the Absolute nor yours. 

No interpretation of the Absolute is true. We can describe for an infinite number of years and they will all miss the mark. It cannot be described. It cannot be symbolized. It cannot be perceived. It cannot even be experienced. 

If you wanna go about trying to go about becoming conscious of the Absolute through relative experiences, be my guest. 

Have fun. I’ve contributed to this post what I feel was necessary. This is going nowhere. Take what you serves you. Toss the rest. 

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42 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

If you wanna go about trying to go about becoming conscious of the Absolute through relative experiences, be my guest. 


I never said I was trying to become conscious of the Absolute through relative experiences. That is yet another assumption ;)

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44 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Once you awaken to yourself you see the Oneness in what is being discussed here.  It is all One thing that is being discussed here.  It is all you.  



Exactly. Siddhis are just another manifestation of the One. That diverges from the original point of the post however.

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15 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Siddhis have nothing to do with enlightenment. If you want more sugary unfulfilling experiences, go ahead. If you want truth and truly care about truth, the moment you have a full blow siddhi like experience you’ll realize just how silly it is. 

Siddhis may come in the relative world as a result of freedom from the illusion of a body and a mind and that you are that but I can promise you, if that’s what you want out of seeing the truth, then you’re just spinning your wheels. 

So what if you could walk on water? How is that any better than walking on pavement? 

You can meet yogis who have what some may call “profound” siddhis but are no more enlightened and free than the rest of the population. 

Yeah I know that this is not the goal but its still something that is interesting because its absolute proof there is something beyond the physical. Just taking drugs is not absolute proof for example even though your experience is changed, its just chemicals.


Where can I see or meet those yogis that you are talking about?

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40 minutes ago, swedishmystic said:

Yeah I know that this is not the goal but its still something that is interesting because its absolute proof there is something beyond the physical. Just taking drugs is not absolute proof for example even though your experience is changed, its just chemicals.


Where can I see or meet those yogis that you are talking about?

There isn’t absolute proof of the “physical world” either though. In fact, it’s an epistemic jump to even conclude that there is a physical reality at all. Just something to keep in mind. 

Edited by Consilience

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13 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

Yeah I know that this is not the goal but its still something that is interesting because its absolute proof there is something beyond the physical. Just taking drugs is not absolute proof for example even though your experience is changed, its just chemicals.


Where can I see or meet those yogis that you are talking about?

There is no such thing as physical. Nothing has ever been physical. Realize what you even call a chemical even is. 

There is no such thing as “absolute proof”. Direct experience is all you have as far as relativity goes. That which doesn’t exist in your experience doesn’t exist. 

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14 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

Yeah I know that this is not the goal but its still something that is interesting because its absolute proof there is something beyond the physical. Just taking drugs is not absolute proof for example even though your experience is changed, its just chemicals.


Where can I see or meet those yogis that you are talking about?

@swedishmystic Why dont you just learn to do those things yourself? One of the easiest things to prove to yourself a non-physical reality is out of body experiences. John Kreiter has a great book about it. Go explore the astral realms and meet some non-physical entities.

It takes some work to develop your abilities though...but can be pretty interesting imo :)

Edited by Matt8800

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