
Siddhis and Miracles

49 posts in this topic

17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's a self-defeating statement. The official paradigm is materialism, which denies the paranormal.

There are millions of cases of paranormal phenomena, but they are all denied by closed minds.

Science itself has statistically validated paranormal phenomena, but mainstream science and culture is in denial about it. Because according to official dogma, it cannot exist. Therefore it does not exist.

You might as well be in 14th century Europe saying: offically there is no evidence the Earth revolves around the sun.

It is the job of officials to enforce the status quo, not to reveal cutting edge truths. When you expect officials to provide you with cutting edge truths, that's where you go wrong.

Everything official is old news.

@swedishmystic Regarding what @leo said about scientific validation, Dean Radin has some great info on this. 

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@Synchronicity The problem here is people pursue them for their own egoic gain. 

Siddhis comes from purification where you no longer desire to do such but use it as a tool for when you feel God guide you to do so. 

If you want to pursue spiritual advancement, don't set your sights on Siddhis. 

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2 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

Now finally I got a really interesting answer. Thank you! Can you tell me some of the supernatural abilities you have developed? Are you using Qigong, Tantra or Reiki? Is it still possible to access this from a normal yoga method like Kriya yoga or similar? I agree that showing siddhis is ego but it's still a very interesting subject for me. It shows me that there is more to life than the physical. Just seeing an enlightened person doesn't prove to me that there is anything more than the physical even though they are calm. 

@swedishmystic Some of the most powerful ways siddhis show themselves is subjective and hard to describe. Regardless, I have experienced telepathy and have projected myself outside of my body. I have also been shown things about certain people's past that they never told anyone and what I needed to tell them to release themselves of those burdens. Of course, they are completely shocked anyone knew. I am saying this as a former hard-core skeptic.

I projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered something in her ear. I didnt say anything about it and she told me the next day that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I whispered in her ear.

Dissolve your ego and purify yourself of attachments and aversions and they will show up. The occult will show you how to refine them further and develop others. I wouldnt suggest studying the occult until you have made a lot of progress on purification however because the power can lead to a reinforced ego.

Once the ego has been dissolved, refining these abilities is taking spiritual evolution to a new level that has eternal impact imo. You become more of a spiritual being that can operate on the astral realm. This is where one can do things that manipulate physical reality if they choose.

Many spiritual seekers have an aversion towards developing power as if impotence and weakness are somehow inherently spiritual and awakened. I think this is an unbalanced approach. Love + weakness cant do much. Love + power can do a lot.

In every energy tradition I mentioned, the abilities always involve combining a highly concentrated mind, visualization and breathwork. If you want a single resource that breaks down all the techniques to develop these abilities, i would recommend the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter. I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading books and resources from countless sources and that is the only book that has it all in one place. If you get it and ask yourself if those techniques are really what people use for those powers, I can assure you they are (including people like Sadhguru). The book looks like its cheaply made but I wouldnt underestimate the content.

Edited by Matt8800

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@Shadowraix Ahh yes, I see what you’re saying. In pursuing spiritual awakening it can definitely be a distraction 

Edited by Synchronicity

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Siddhis cannot necessarily be manipulated in a disharmonious trajectory or intent or you lose them as the higher self severs the connection automatically even if you attempt or have the thoughts to do so thus indication you are no longer completely pure of heart. If you are in tune with the higher-self and pure of heart you only will ever use them when absolutely necessary or when you are alone having fun with nature and creating harmonic resonance. Nevertheless, Enlightenment makes use of powers obsolete because you have a far greater understanding of life.



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13 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Real superpower and real magic is already Present. It is done, it is done

Are siddhis real, yes they are but you do not need them. It's all ego. 

All you really deep down want is to be a kid. Not some Guru, Spiritual teacher, Bodhisattva, all identities all roles no Truth in them. 

More you surrender, the more you remove brick by brick that defensive wall of BS higher the Love. That is the superpower. 



And how to have the same mental mindset as a kid? Reaching enlightenment? Its very rare to reach that state, maybe only Sadhguru is the only person in this world who has achieved that.

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12 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@swedishmystic Some of the most powerful ways siddhis show themselves is subjective and hard to describe. Regardless, I have experienced telepathy and have projected myself outside of my body. I have also been shown things about certain people's past that they never told anyone and what I needed to tell them to release themselves of those burdens. Of course, they are completely shocked anyone knew. I am saying this as a former hard-core skeptic.

I projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered something in her ear. I didnt say anything about it and she told me the next day that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I whispered in her ear.

Dissolve your ego and purify yourself of attachments and aversions and they will show up. The occult will show you how to refine them further and develop others. I wouldnt suggest studying the occult until you have made a lot of progress on purification however because the power can lead to a reinforced ego.

Once the ego has been dissolved, refining these abilities is taking spiritual evolution to a new level that has eternal impact imo. You become more of a spiritual being that can operate on the astral realm. This is where one can do things that manipulate physical reality if they choose.

Many spiritual seekers have an aversion towards developing power as if impotence and weakness are somehow inherently spiritual and awakened. I think this is an unbalanced approach. Love + weakness cant do much. Love + power can do a lot.

In every energy tradition I mentioned, the abilities always involve combining a highly concentrated mind, visualization and breathwork. If you want a single resource that breaks down all the techniques to develop these abilities, i would recommend the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter. I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading books and resources from countless sources and that is the only book that has it all in one place. If you get it and ask yourself if those techniques are really what people use for those powers, I can assure you they are (including people like Sadhguru). The book looks like its cheaply made but I wouldnt underestimate the content.

Thank you, I will check this book out!

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's a self-defeating statement. The official paradigm is materialism, which denies the paranormal.

There are millions of cases of paranormal phenomena, but they are all denied by closed minds.

Science itself has statistically validated paranormal phenomena, but mainstream science and culture is in denial about it. Because according to official dogma, it cannot exist. Therefore it does not exist.

You might as well be in 14th century Europe saying: offically there is no evidence the Earth revolves around the sun.

It is the job of officials to enforce the status quo, not to reveal cutting edge truths. When you expect officials to provide you with cutting edge truths, that's where you go wrong.

Everything official is old news.

Yeah you have a good point here! I'm very open to these things btw, that's why I'm here and also I've been researching and reading a lot. But sometimes I just lose hope when I read about ANOTHER supposedly enlightened guru who is doing shady shit behind the scenes. I want to believe there are genuinely enlightened beings, my gut tells me that Sadhguru is the only famous one alive right now. Probably more in some Himalayan cave though. But in the west it's more grim. 


Do you have any sources for your claim that science has validated paranormal phenomena? I'd like to read more about that.

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1 hour ago, swedishmystic said:

And how to have the same mental mindset as a kid? Reaching enlightenment? Its very rare to reach that state, maybe only Sadhguru is the only person in this world who has achieved that.

Really and what about You, what is preventing you? 

You are still that same kid. 

Stop idolizing "others", one of the things that prevents you to realize it. ??️

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Siddhis have nothing to do with enlightenment. If you want more sugary unfulfilling experiences, go ahead. If you want truth and truly care about truth, the moment you have a full blow siddhi like experience you’ll realize just how silly it is. 

Siddhis may come in the relative world as a result of freedom from the illusion of a body and a mind and that you are that but I can promise you, if that’s what you want out of seeing the truth, then you’re just spinning your wheels. 

So what if you could walk on water? How is that any better than walking on pavement? 

You can meet yogis who have what some may call “profound” siddhis but are no more enlightened and free than the rest of the population. 

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3 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

 I want to believe there are genuinely enlightened beings.

There are no enlightened beings. Enlightenment refers to the realization of this. Believe in yourself, without beliefs about yourself. 

13 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

If you want more sugary unfulfilling experiences, go ahead.

Sat with a woman the other day. Saw not only her entire life, but her past life as well, in a ‘mind’s eye’ more real than the chair I sat in. Saw what she needed to detach from, saw how to approach it with her. Huge release, lots of tears, true healing, changed both of our lives for the better. Wouldn’t have been possible with a closed mind. 



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39 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There are no beings.

As far as your story goes.

39 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Sat with a woman the other day. Saw not only her entire life, but her past life as well, in a ‘mind’s eye’ more real than the chair I sat in. Saw what she needed to detach from, saw how to approach it with her. Huge release, lots of tears, true healing, changed both of our lives for the better. Wouldn’t have been possible with a closed mind. 

First off, i would suggest you don’t go around trying to solve other people’s problems. Be mindful of being nosy of people’s issues. 

Further, understand still what it is that actually occurred. You can have all these alternative experiences of mind but that still is all stuff you imagine in relative world. Find out what’s absolutely true about mind is and what experience is. 

Glad it helped though. 

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@kieranperez She and I weren’t really of the ‘problems’ and ‘issues’ mindset. It was a life changing miracle for both of us, quite far from ‘nosy’, and indeed Mindful. ♥️






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8 hours ago, pluto said:

Siddhis cannot necessarily be manipulated in a disharmonious trajectory or intent or you lose them as the higher self severs the connection automatically even if you attempt or have the thoughts to do so thus indication you are no longer completely pure of heart. If you are in tune with the higher-self and pure of heart you only will ever use them when absolutely necessary or when you are alone having fun with nature and creating harmonic resonance. Nevertheless, Enlightenment makes use of powers obsolete because you have a far greater understanding of life.


Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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5 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Siddhis have nothing to do with enlightenment. If you want more sugary unfulfilling experiences, go ahead. If you want truth and truly care about truth, the moment you have a full blow siddhi like experience you’ll realize just how silly it is. 

Siddhis may come in the relative world as a result of freedom from the illusion of a body and a mind and that you are that but I can promise you, if that’s what you want out of seeing the truth, then you’re just spinning your wheels. 

So what if you could walk on water? How is that any better than walking on pavement? 

You can meet yogis who have what some may call “profound” siddhis but are no more enlightened and free than the rest of the population. 

@kieranperez Is watching a sunrise or sunset a sugary, unfulfilling experience? There are plenty of enlightened beings that consider the divine beauty of nature anything but silly. The claim that the physical realm should be completely rejected is esoteric dogma. All realms, including the physical, are divine. Once the illusory nature of the ego is seen through, there is much beauty to the physical realm.

Occultists fully embrace non-duality yet they reject no realm. If rejected, it cannot be fully used for evolving to our highest potential. The Gita says it is not what you do but why you do it.

There are abilities that can be far more useful in spiritual development than walking on water. To me, your blanket claim that all siddhis are useless is like saying the development of wisdom is useless. We will have to agree to disagree :)

Edited by Matt8800

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4 hours ago, Nahm said:

@kieranperez She and I weren’t really of the ‘problems’ and ‘issues’ mindset. It was a life changing miracle for both of us, quite far from ‘nosy’, and indeed Mindful. ♥️




@Nahm Its such a blessing to be used as a tool by the divine for the healing of others.

I love your gentle nature in your response. Its an inspiration to us all :) 

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@Matt8800 you’re not understanding my point. Watch your projections of me.

Experience does not fulfill you or anyone. A beautiful sunrise or sunset may make you feel something truly profound, however it nonetheless passes and goes. 

Siddhis of people levitating, walking on water are nonetheless childish and immature pursuits if you one fancies themselves seekers of truth and liberation. If you wanna chase an infinite number of different temporary experiences, by all means, do that. Call it what it is though. 

Wisdom comes from knowing what’s true. Not chasing experiences. Most people who are fascinated by siddhis are really just looking for more experiences and ways to be special. ‘I too can be like Jesus and walk upon water!’ Whether it’s walking upon water, reading minds, levitating, even healing, these are distractions if your goal is the truth. 

I also never said nor claim rejecting the physical world. As a caveat, there is no world, much less a physical one. What we call as world is yours/our/my mind. If your goal is liberation that’s what you are going to have to realize at the end of the day. There is no world, you, people, etc. and you gotta be able to surrender all of your attachments to that. If you wish to pursue “full liberation” - I personally don’t really like speaking in such terms but for the time being let’s go with it - you are going to have surrender all experiences. Assumptions there is such a thing as experience, attachments to experience, that there is one that experiences, the pleasure they come from certain experiences, etc. 

Why do you think I’m the story of Buddha, after attaining and developing advanced stages of yogic practice and earlier enlightenment experiences he still sat down in front of the Bodhi tree still unsatisfied in determination towards transcendence of life and death? Because all experiences are temporary. Relative. He wanted freedom. Not attainment. He couldn’t be satisfied until he was free. 

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1 hour ago, kieranperez said:

@Matt8800 you’re not understanding my point. Watch your projections of me.

Experience does not fulfill you or anyone. A beautiful sunrise or sunset may make you feel something truly profound, however it nonetheless passes and goes. 

Siddhis of people levitating, walking on water are nonetheless childish and immature pursuits if you one fancies themselves seekers of truth and liberation. If you wanna chase an infinite number of different temporary experiences, by all means, do that. Call it what it is though. 

Wisdom comes from knowing what’s true. Not chasing experiences. Most people who are fascinated by siddhis are really just looking for more experiences and ways to be special. ‘I too can be like Jesus and walk upon water!’ Whether it’s walking upon water, reading minds, levitating, even healing, these are distractions if your goal is the truth. 

I also never said nor claim rejecting the physical world. As a caveat, there is no world, much less a physical one. What we call as world is yours/our/my mind. If your goal is liberation that’s what you are going to have to realize at the end of the day. There is no world, you, people, etc. and you gotta be able to surrender all of your attachments to that. If you wish to pursue “full liberation” - I personally don’t really like speaking in such terms but for the time being let’s go with it - you are going to have surrender all experiences. Assumptions there is such a thing as experience, attachments to experience, that there is one that experiences, the pleasure they come from certain experiences, etc. 

Why do you think I’m the story of Buddha, after attaining and developing advanced stages of yogic practice and earlier enlightenment experiences he still sat down in front of the Bodhi tree still unsatisfied in determination towards transcendence of life and death? Because all experiences are temporary. Relative. He wanted freedom. Not attainment. He couldn’t be satisfied until he was free. 

Nobody is trying to make the point that experiences are lasting. If you are trying to say that IF someones motivation for siddhis is experience, I agree but nobody is making that point either. That is an assumption on your part that may or may not be true, depending on the situation.

Regarding people pursuing siddhis out of their own fascination, attributing motivation is just another assumption that may or may not be true. As I previously referenced the Gita, it is all about why you do something, not what you do.

You state that one should not place any value on the physical realm. That is based on your subjective values that have no objective existence. My subjective values are love, beauty and truth. For this reason, I place subjective value on the impermanent experiences such as sunrises and sunsets, regardless of the realm. I think the claim that those experiences enslave the experiencer as short sited and unfounded.

As someone that has experienced some siddhis, I can say that very much consider wisdom a "siddhi". The definition of siddhi doesnt necessitate that it is something useless like walking on water. That is another assumption.

Edited by Matt8800

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13 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

That is based on your subjective values that have no objective existence

There is no such thing as “objective existence”. As far as the relative world goes, all there is is subjectivity. 

13 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

I think the claim that those experiences enslave the experiencer as short sited and unfounded.

Of course. Again, because you covet experience more than the Truth. 

This is a common thing many people struggle with if what they seek is liberation. They covet the ignorance and clinging to their own experiences more than truth. That’s not shaming experience. It’s awesome to have experiences of deep compassion with friends and loved ones. It’s awesome to provide contribution to the world that fulfill you and what not. That doesn’t negate the issue though that many people struggle towards liberation because of their attachment to the illusion of experience which doesn’t exist fundamentally. 

That’s not disowning or poopooing experience. That’s calling it what it is. 

At the “bottom most point” there is no why as to why actions are being done. Fundamentally that’s a false dilemma. There is no action nor doer, much less a reason as to why there is either. 

You can interpret what I’m saying as not putting any value on the “physical realm” but at the end of the day, if we’re going to talk about consciousness work and enlightenment and the Absolute and nonduality, I can’t go around pretending that such relative matters have any existence from the Absolute if that’s what we’re here discussing using relative dualistic and inherently assumption language. That doesn’t discredit them. It’s putting them in their proper context in being honest about the matter. 

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