
Siddhis and Miracles

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Like probably many of you have already done, I've read Yogananda's biography called "Autobiography of a yogi" and in this book there are many examples of miracles. 

What is your view on siddhis and miracles? Have you experienced any of them? Why is it so rare? There have been countless fake yogis in India and the west who have told people they can perform miracles. One famous example is Sai Baba in India who had more than 100 million followers before he died. There are many videos now showing that he performed fake miracles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmL-d993zJk

There have actually never been performed a siddhi officially. Now, I know the goal of enlightenment is not to perform siddhis, it's just a distraction. But since so many famous yogi are saying they are real, how come no one has performed a real siddhi officially? There are only hearsayings about it.

The only "supernatural" thing that has happened, as far as I know, is that Yogananda chose when he died (entered mahasamadhi after a speech). I find it hard to see that as a coincidence, but then again, not sure if mahasamadhi can be counted as a siddhi. Even though it's something normal people can't do. 


And I can take this opportunity to ask another question as well. Why do people who have reached enlightenment still feel a lot of lust? Let's take Osho and Swami Kriyananda (Yogananda's disciple), both of them had sex with lots of their students and disciples. Swami Kriyananda even had to go to court because of it and he got sued. There are many many other gurus who have had sex with their students and done other "shady" things, considering that they are supposed to be "enlightened". Because of all these things I'm starting to believe this whole enlightenment thing is just a hoax. Or if it's not a hoax, what's the point of meditating for many years if you still have cravings after getting enlightened? Seems like a big waste of time for me. Curious to hear your views on these topics.

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@swedishmystic There is not a you “in” a world, it only appears so. That, is consciousness. You, are that consciousness. Consider, limiting the idea of you, limits the entire experience (“world”) too. It’s already Magic. That’s already all there is. Mystery. Magic. The “catch” is, “you” gotta meet “it” where it’s at, Love, Peace, One. 



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36 minutes ago, swedishmystic said:

There have actually never been performed a siddhi officially. Now, I know the goal of enlightenment is not to perform siddhis, it's just a distraction. But since so many famous yogi are saying they are real, how come no one has performed a real siddhi officially? There are only hearsayings about it.

The ones who can do it aren't gonna go out and make a public stunt of it. Their goal isn't to prove that it is real.
"Even if such powers should come to you, he taught, don’t use them, except you hear the voice of God telling you to do so."

37 minutes ago, swedishmystic said:

And I can take this opportunity to ask another question as well. Why do people who have reached enlightenment still feel a lot of lust? Let's take Osho and Swami Kriyananda (Yogananda's disciple), both of them had sex with lots of their students and disciples. Swami Kriyananda even had to go to court because of it and he got sued. There are many many other gurus who have had sex with their students and done other "shady" things, considering that they are supposed to be "enlightened". Because of all these things I'm starting to believe this whole enlightenment thing is just a hoax. Or if it's not a hoax, what's the point of meditating for many years if you still have cravings after getting enlightened? Seems like a big waste of time for me. Curious to hear your views on these topics.

Its impossible to tell the depth of their enlightenment as "my" experience doesn't contain theirs.

Nondual consciousness and what that entails is a tricky thing to describe to one who isn't there. Enlightenment doesn't guarantee your personal development has hit its peak though. Its a bit like a venn diagram.

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20 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@swedishmystic There is not a you “in” a world, it only appears so. That, is consciousness. You, are that consciousness. Consider, limiting the idea of you, limits the entire experience (“world”) too. It’s already Magic. That’s already all there is. Mystery. Magic. The “catch” is, “you” gotta meet “it” where it’s at, Love, Peace, One. 

Yes, just the fact that I exist and am experiencing life is a miracle in itself. But still, being one with god and fully realized, you're supposed to be able to perform supernatural miracles like in Autobiopraphy of a yogi. I'm not realized so I can't do it. 

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8 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

The ones who can do it aren't gonna go out and make a public stunt of it. Their goal isn't to prove that it is real.
"Even if such powers should come to you, he taught, don’t use them, except you hear the voice of God telling you to do so."

Its impossible to tell the depth of their enlightenment as "my" experience doesn't contain theirs.

Nondual consciousness and what that entails is a tricky thing to describe to one who isn't there. Enlightenment doesn't guarantee your personal development has hit its peak though. Its a bit like a venn diagram.

I understand they are not supposed to do it publicly. But imagine if just one yogi did it, suddenly the whole world would become yogis and start meditating. When Jesus Christ performed miracles, that was proof he was one with god and convinced many people back then they should follow him. If I saw someone performing a real siddhi, I would quit my job and focus 100% on becoming realized. But right now I don't see what benefits it would give me in my life.


You might be right that Swami Kriyananda and other gurus are not 100% realized beings, like Sadhguru or Yogananda. But then they shouldn't go around telling people they are realized, there are too many fake gurus nowadays. The only one who doesn't ring any alarm bells i Sadhguru, all the others seem to be fakes.

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1 minute ago, swedishmystic said:

I would quit my job and focus 100% on becoming realized. But right now I don't see what benefits it would give me in my life.

“Spiritual advancement is not measured by one’s outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.”

Spiritual advancement for pursuit of superpowers is not the way to go. That in of itself becomes an egoic desire. It would actually hinder you than help you.

7 minutes ago, swedishmystic said:

But right now I don't see what benefits it would give me in my life.

To truly understand you might need to inquire more in what is it thats truly causing you to not be in a state of constant bliss. Or psychedelics. Thats the only reason why I understood the point of meditation.

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@swedishmystic I understand what you’re saying. There is a deep truth, that almost no one on this planet seems to be  aware of. It has been sealed in material secrecy for long enough and it’s time the world is exposed to this, regardless of the initial consequences. If you are truly desiring to let go, to actually know, then see for yourself, fair warning though, once you see this, you can never go back to the veils.



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1 hour ago, Shadowraix said:

“Spiritual advancement is not measured by one’s outward powers, but only by the depth of his bliss in meditation.”

Spiritual advancement for pursuit of superpowers is not the way to go. That in of itself becomes an egoic desire. It would actually hinder you than help you.

To truly understand you might need to inquire more in what is it thats truly causing you to not be in a state of constant bliss. Or psychedelics. Thats the only reason why I understood the point of meditation.

Yes, constant bliss should be the ultimate goal. But why do so many yogis talk about siddhis then? They should just avoid that part entirely and ignore it, or show some kind of proof for it. But even if a person reaches bliss, they will still have cravings like a "normal" person do, unless these enlightened people are lying about being enlightened.

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@Nahm Do you still have the tendency to get a song stuck in your head? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

Yes, constant bliss should be the ultimate goal. But why do so many yogis talk about siddhis then? They should just avoid that part entirely and ignore it, or show some kind of proof for it. But even if a person reaches bliss, they will still have cravings like a "normal" person do, unless these enlightened people are lying about being enlightened.

Beats me I'm not a yogi nor am I enlightened. I could never fully grasp their perspective from my current state of consciousness. I only have glimpses from psychedelic use. 

Reaching such states of bliss has a lot of implications. Contemplate on how much your ego and identity drives your life and perceptions and what implications would come if you fully disidentified with it. A craving would not be a craving. It would just be any other experience that is experienced and passes. Acting upon it no longer becomes necessary. How else does a monk burn in fire looking so peaceful? 

Edited by Shadowraix

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4 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

I understand they are not supposed to do it publicly. But imagine if just one yogi did it, suddenly the whole world would become yogis and start meditating. When Jesus Christ performed miracles, that was proof he was one with god and convinced many people back then they should follow him. If I saw someone performing a real siddhi, I would quit my job and focus 100% on becoming realized. But right now I don't see what benefits it would give me in my life.


You might be right that Swami Kriyananda and other gurus are not 100% realized beings, like Sadhguru or Yogananda. But then they shouldn't go around telling people they are realized, there are too many fake gurus nowadays. The only one who doesn't ring any alarm bells i Sadhguru, all the others seem to be fakes.

@swedishmystic I used to not believe in Siddhis until I started looking into the traditions that work with energy, such as Qigong, Tantra and Reiki. That made me open minded. Then, when I started studying the occult, I was convinced. I have started experiencing supernatural abilities myself.

If someone wants these "powers", my question would be why? To develop them, one must purify themselves of aversions attachments. Wanting to show powers to others is all ego. Thinking you can change the world by showing them siddhis is also ego. The world is evolving just as it should and things couldnt be different.

The Yoga Sutras say that these abilities will develop naturally with purification. That is true. The Sutras just dont tell how to refine and use them. That is what the occult shows, however.

Be skeptical of gurus that use occult knowledge for their own reasons but disparage occult knowledge to their followers. They dont want their followers to realize that the guru is not much further than them. Sadhguru does this IMO. One benefit that Sadhguru has over his followers in his development though is that he is not a blind follower, which is a spiritual weakness.

Edited by Matt8800

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11 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

@swedishmystic I used to not believe in Siddhis until I started looking into the traditions that work with energy, such as Qigong, Tantra and Reiki. That made me open minded. Then, when I started studying the occult, I was convinced. I have started experiencing supernatural abilities myself.

If someone wants these "powers", my question would be why? To develop them, one must purify themselves of aversions attachments. Wanting to show powers to others is all ego. Thinking you can change the world by showing them siddhis is also ego. The world is evolving just as it should and things couldnt be different.

The Yoga Sutras say that these abilities will develop naturally with purification. That is true. The Sutras just dont tell how to refine and use them. That is what the occult shows, however.

Be skeptical of gurus that use occult knowledge for their own reasons but disparage occult knowledge to their followers. They dont want their followers to realize that the guru is not much further than them. Sadhguru does this IMO. One benefit that Sadhguru has over his followers in his development though is that he is not a blind follower, which is a spiritual weakness.

Now finally I got a really interesting answer. Thank you! Can you tell me some of the supernatural abilities you have developed? Are you using Qigong, Tantra or Reiki? Is it still possible to access this from a normal yoga method like Kriya yoga or similar? I agree that showing siddhis is ego but it's still a very interesting subject for me. It shows me that there is more to life than the physical. Just seeing an enlightened person doesn't prove to me that there is anything more than the physical even though they are calm. 

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Real superpower and real magic is already Present. It is done, it is done

Are siddhis real, yes they are but you do not need them. It's all ego. 

All you really deep down want is to be a kid. Not some Guru, Spiritual teacher, Bodhisattva, all identities all roles no Truth in them. 

More you surrender, the more you remove brick by brick that defensive wall of BS higher the Love. That is the superpower. 



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Yes, Siddhis are possible. Everyone on here is saying they’re distractions. They’re only distractions if you use them as such. 

Siddhis can do a lot of good for the world. It’s just that nobody’s used them effectively enough.

One example of a siddhi is telepathy. This would allow a person who has realized Truth to directly transmit that direct experience into the minds of others, thereby, allowing others to directly know Truth without having to interpret your words. 

“But that doesn’t allow the other people to realize the Truth for themselves!” you may object. Well is that really so bad? Good and bad are relative. So there’s nothing objectively wrong with advancing the world in such a way. There exist infinitely many worlds where this has been done, is being done, and will be done. 

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7 hours ago, swedishmystic said:

There have actually never been performed a siddhi officially

That's a self-defeating statement. The official paradigm is materialism, which denies the paranormal.

There are millions of cases of paranormal phenomena, but they are all denied by closed minds.

Science itself has statistically validated paranormal phenomena, but mainstream science and culture is in denial about it. Because according to official dogma, it cannot exist. Therefore it does not exist.

You might as well be in 14th century Europe saying: offically there is no evidence the Earth revolves around the sun.

It is the job of officials to enforce the status quo, not to reveal cutting edge truths. When you expect officials to provide you with cutting edge truths, that's where you go wrong.

Everything official is old news.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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