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My Mind Feels Like It's Being Tricked

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Ok, so in Leo's video on the Neti Neti method I noticed this trend of dismissing any thought about what you are, on the basis that you are not that thought itself. But obviously when you have some thought regarding your nature you are never claiming to be that thought, you are simply claiming that the thought describes or points to you true self. You are claiming that some thing exists which you are but you don't know much about it.

This whole method seems to just create a strawman and defeat it. If it's said that any thing you identify with must be a thing you have experienced, and not just experienced for a while but experienced non-stop throughout your life you are bound to fail to find such a thing. Meanwhile, this nothingness did not have to be experienced all throughout your life. I hope it is somewhat understandable what my problem here is. I'm sure there were many people that did the Neti Neti method and it worked for them but I just felt cheated. Can anyone explain?

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