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@Nahm No my enlightenment is not total. I AM at stage turqoise level of enlightenment or love enlightenment. Still do not know all facets and all infinities. ?

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@Nahm @Nahm Bear with me, 

were talking about cutting through everything, now i think about it nothing is merely just something , while being fooled 

so were literally saying cut through everything, 

The difference is this: 

one is your own void and this is letting self be, isnt it 


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1 hour ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@Nahm No my enlightenment is not total. I AM at stage turqoise level of enlightenment or love enlightenment. Still do not know all facets and all infinities. ?

Isn’t Total always Total, and always has been Total. How can a enlightenment not be Total?  How can a non-enlightenment not be Total. How can anything in between not be Total?  

Let go off the game of not There yet. Let go of the game of I AM. Let go of the game of stages.  Let go of the game of letting go. 

Edited by Mu_

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@Mu_ @zeroISinfinity

i don't know how to take you guys seriously anymore, i actually feel like your trolling me.

how many graces have been given out that all three of you are coming to me and saying your the one! 


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3 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Mu_ @zeroISinfinity

"I" actually feel like your trolling Me



That "me" has to go for enlightenment. 

"Other one", false self or as @Nahm says addiction to self refferential Toughts must go away. So the True One, all encompasing One, toughtless One, Loving One can shine.

That One is always present that one is Truth. 


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@Aakash ?

@zeroISinfinity wouldn’t you say the ‘me’ doesn’t even have to go either, One just needs to become self recognized or connected with. Then the ‘me’ and the stories will become less and less inherently held as Truth.  

And this apparent process is itself Total already. Never actually getting anywhere. 

Edited by Mu_

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@Mu_ Yeah, Being Is. 

Just trying to help @Aakash that's all. 

mind loves metaphysical concepts does it, Hard to let go. 

"Illusion is it's not you". Love this words. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity i see, i feel like you might have it down indeed. i agree with these words now.

9 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

mind loves metaphysical concepts does it, Hard to let go. 

"Illusion is it's not you". Love this words. 

@Mu_ i'm not sure about you,  


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@Mu_ I'm sorry right now my understanding is falling upon rocks, i can't tell who is enlightened and who isn't. 

@zeroISinfinity @Mu_  what does this term mean to you "literally nothing" 

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@Aakash Nothingness. Here is the deal. It's just a term to describe your True Nature. 

It is Absolute/Pure Consciousness without any apparent Distinctions. It is formless. There is literally nothing there. No body no mind no sense of self no awareness anything. Pure emptiness but it is made of something?!  BUT... Will let you to discover it and only way you can really do it(speaking from my experience) is with meditation and doing other spiritual practises or using soul medicines/psychedelics (never tried them personally but I am willing to). 

You will be shocked what Consciousness /God/Nothingness actually IS and you Will probably cry for the rest of your life. 

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3 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Pure emptiness but it is made of something?! 

it is not, its literally nothing. 

are you this right now? 

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@Aakash For Leo to shoot any video and to present you Absolute perspective and give you Truth so blatantly he dies. That is the price he pays for helping you out. So be greatfull for even getting conceptual understanding of IT. 

Pure bravery and high risk of insanity hahaha. But worth it and so rewarding. 

For actual thing you have to do practises on your own. 

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