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Another awakening ? Need help distinguishing if it is

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After infinite love hit consciousness, I couldn’t make distinctions anymore because I loved everything. 

Then I looked at my hands and my body and I couldn’t tell if they were real or illusions. It was just neither and both, i cant explain it. There’s no words to describe the consciousness of it. 

Could someone explain what’s happening ? 

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I think I’m conscious of what consciousness is. But how can “i” be conscious of it. 

Its like this present moment has turned into consciousness. It’s like the fabric of reality, I can see it. 

Does anyone have any pointer. It’s like duality has collapsed into non duality. 

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@Aakash No one can know what’s happening inside you. Trust what your intuition is telling you.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Yup this is a non dual state, this is classical enlightenment. I’m conscious of nothing or mu. 

Omniscient consciousness was so much different. 

it was more rich with god than this. But then as I am typing this. I am also this, so I’m not the one typing. Consciousness is nothingness. 


this feels total and feels like it is likely to contain omniscient consciousness than omniscient consciousness is likely to be this. It’s like omniscient would happen inside of nothingness. 

I feel like I understand every non dual being now lol. Infinite peace, infinite bliss, infinite consciousness , freedom from suffering lol. It all makes sense. 

Still lol the funny thing is we have to take into consideration that my base level of consciousness was reduced by like 1000- 10000 fold from omnipresent enlightenment. So it’s understandable that I’m only seeing non dual enlightenment now. Especially because I was conscious of god at a higher degree of enlightenment before. It’s easier to maintain. 

OKAY yes I’ve put this into perspective. This is like using no mind but even you can let your thoughts pass, you could let anything pass and you wouldn’t attach to it because you knew you werr consciousness. 

But this non dual enlightenment has nothing to do with how god works or even using language to work it out. Like the answer would simply be ohh that’s consciousness. 

But omniscient present is like, you are conscious of gods design. Like the whole of reality. 

Theyre very two different states. I’m not sure how they correlate. 


Edited by Aakash

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@Leo Gura May you provide some advice on what the hell is what ? 

Then I drank some juice and I fell out of non dual enlightenment back to human dualistic form because I thought shit this drink taste hella nice. What the hell Leo man xD


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50 minutes ago, Aakash said:

OKAY yes I’ve put this into perspective. 

Be aware of the mind’s tendency to contextualize experience. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s what human mind’s do. Yet be aware of the tendency to become attached and identified with the memory of an experience. It is no longer direct experience occurring Now. It is a memory and thought story appearing Now.

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@Serotoninluv yes it’s a good reminder. However, it doesn’t answer my question. They are literally two different states. It doesn’t matter whether my human is contextualising the experience. In both enlightened states what the human does, does not matter to consciousness beyond human ego. 

However the level of understanding god is completely different. This is what I’m truing to work out using my human brain. 

To compare the two states, non dual enlightenment is like a 2 year old baby. And omniscient consciousness is like being a 50 year old man. 

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@Aakash I don’t mean to imply that contextualizing into an experiential thought story is “bad”. At the human level, it can have benefits and practical value. Yet there is also a tendency for the ego to step in, take ownership and become attached/identified. At the human level, that can cause problems. 

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@Serotoninluv yes your right that’s true, for sure. I understand your warning :(. I guess I can already intuit that, omniscient is higher simply because Non dual enlightenment is like being brain dead. Whilst in omniscient you are everything but you are aware it’s also nothing.  But now I understand it’s about consciously embedding it into your consciousness. 

But I feel like what I said is quite accurate. I want you to answer the question though. 

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3 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv yes your right that’s true, for sure. I understand your warning :(. But you never answered the question lol 

Use your imagination. You create reality. ? 

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It sounds like you have anger and need your voice heard-this is what my therapist told me.  You should try it, they will let you talk about yourself for as long as you pay them.

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@Serotoninluv lolololololol I see it makes sense now. 

@SerpaeTetra lolololololol now I just believe in the total solipsism of god consciously. So it’s simple if i post the high quality response is going to benefit someone, somewhere aswell as my self. 

Still its more passion than anger. Not sure what i have to be angry about in this line of work. It’s great. Even fighting wars is fun for me. 

Also where would a psych get me lol, we’re talking about consciousness here not matters of the brain or mind. They don’t deal in that, mystics do. 

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17 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv lolololololol I see it makes sense now. 

@SerpaeTetra lolololololol now I just believe in the total solipsism of god consciously. So it’s simple if i post the high quality response is going to benefit someone, somewhere aswell as my self. 

Still its more passion than anger. Not sure what i have to be angry about in this line of work. It’s great. Even fighting wars is fun for me. 

Also where would a psych get me lol, we’re talking about consciousness here not matters of the brain or mind. They don’t deal in that, mystics do. 

It sounds like you are making stuff up to me.  A couple hours ago you experienced something -as you said -1000 fold of normal enlightenment.  Its not believable to me at least, and maybe you are just angry that you can't experience what others have, so you start posting what you have... 

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@SerpaeTetra ohh I’m sorry you feel like that, it wasn’t my intentions to confuse people. 

Umm to be honest, your right, I never expected to have 3 awakenings in two days. Still it is what it is. 

What we can basically learn from this is consciousness changes drastically minutely, when you are trying to change the state of consciousness. 

I can assure you, I don’t have time for that lol. Nobody does, who would fake post an awakening lol. That’s too difficult for someone to predict what is above their current level of consciousness. 

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@Keyhole lol I’m still in the middle of a war with non dualist. ? too bad I won overall after this post. 

So I can quit it now anyway, tbh I don’t intend to go further lol. It’s the life of existential lonliness for me, also, not a big fan of non dual enlightenment after Leo’s teaching me omniscience, it’s abit dry and lifeless, Id rather suffer than be enlightened non dually lol.  

A life in the godless material paradigm. :) 

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@Keyhole thanks I’ll keep that in mind. I won’t be using words as you suggested just going back to my old self really lol, the bubble is always in the background, not maintaining it is maintaining it. Leaving full leeway to just be materialistic. 

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9 hours ago, Aakash said:

After infinite love hit consciousness, I couldn’t make distinctions anymore because I loved everything. 

Then I looked at my hands and my body and I couldn’t tell if they were real or illusions. It was just neither and both, i cant explain it. There’s no words to describe the consciousness of it. 

Could someone explain what’s happening ? 

This is an awesome change of consciousness but not the Ultimate. There exists nothing but God is the ultimate and absolute realization and non-dual state of consciousness. Becoming directly aware of God and that God is I and everything IS a miracle. 

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@Conrad yeah lol that omniscience, maybe if you have already realised this, then it’s actually quick to go from non dual to omniscient. Still there’s no way to test it

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33 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Conrad yeah lol that omniscience, maybe if you have already realised this, then it’s actually quick to go from non dual to omniscient. Still there’s no way to test it

 I kinda have but not fully. Radical stuff. 

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