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I can fucking love again! I know how to generate it from the source of my own being!


i fucking love the whole universe because I fucking love myself as god! My infinite love was bland meek before because I only saw illusions and did apply sameness until my awakening! 

Now I know it’s real without a doubt! 

Infinite love from source baby! 

Not from the heart, not from attachment to people! Not from object or thing! 

Just fucking love from my own being especially triggered when I think how much I love reality and love life 

thank you nahm! No need for reiki classes after becoming omniscient I can send it anywhere and generate it anytime! 

Its from inside you love out and you love in. 

Its from outside you find limited love! 

Remember this people, love is real and an illusion. lolololol

i waited two fucking years for this very moment! I knew all other love was limited! I know I would one day know what it is! 

Its been 1 and a half hours and it hasn’t stopped! 

I’m literally looking at a lamp and saying I fucking love you to it 

Edited by Aakash

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It was soooooooo worth it to fucking wait two years. So so so so worth it 

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Lololololol anytime a bad thought is thought I just love the shit out of it and it’s okay! 


killl ayerrrthing with love, 

who cares, everything you don’t like! Kill it with love! There is only love! 

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I swear this is gonna change my life lol 

im looking at Instagram I don’t see any distinctions! I’m just looking at the pictures loving them equally. Like it’s like what am I actually looking at. Lool there’s nothing I can compare somethiny I don’t like, to something I do. To feel like I favour it more and it stands out loool that’s actually so stupid 

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@Aakash Something similar happened to me six months ago. Just remember it’s a state, not a stage. Expect it to pass.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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