
the degrees of enlightenment completely explained

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@cetus56 I'm actually just in profound shock that pigs could fly if we attach wings to them. but we don't try so they don't. 

I mean like is it not do-able if the scientist try :/ 

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@Aakash Science already has a mouse with a human ear growing on it's back. Pigs with wings can't be that far behind. :P

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41 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@SOUL  so what do you think about leo's work? 

he explains a lot of stuff with conceptual baggage, that the ego can pick up and reaffirm

does this mean he is still in ego

Well, I understand that he has gradually migrated from personal development to consciousness work and he continued with his instructional behavior into an area of experience that is a challenge to communicate in.

I don't wish to criticize him for it because there is value in the encouragement that his work has. Although if he is trying to tell others what is "the truth" and suggest that what isn't in line with that is "false" then he might be a hindrance to some who have a differing experience and aren't awakened enough to recognize it's being an obstacle to liberation for them.

Edited by SOUL

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@SOUL yes i can sympathise with your answer, may i ask you what you think of the psychedelic pathway? do you believe it can let you reach enlightenment

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46 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@SOUL yes i can sympathise with your answer, may i ask you what you think of the psychedelic pathway? do you believe it can let you reach enlightenment

That word enlightenment has so much baggage with it but l have found in my own experience that they can awaken us in an instant compared to many years of 'practice'.

Although without a deep realization of those lessons the awakening can be fleeting and hollow so can become an obstacle as the ego may fixate on that past experience instead of on the present potential.

Attaching to the past experience even if it was of an awakening nature can still cause self suffering so hinder liberation.


Edited by SOUL

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I will give you all 3 powerful names


Echkart Tolle

Lao Tzu

Pick the one that resonates most with you, read their books, watch their videos, practice their teachings and quit everyone/everything else temporarily.

Eventually, you will GET IT because the more that is said, the more that is known, the less one truly understands.

Creation is the ultimate simplicity, the further you are from pure simplicity, the further from the truth you reside.

Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and keep it simple.

Just Be!



Edited by pluto


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