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5 minutes ago, Conrad said:

But the illusion of being a separate individual must be seen through. This can only happen through direct awarness. Realizing you are God happens through awareness. 

One literally becomes God. You are directly conscious and aware that you are God. You look through God's eyes. It's obvious. But most are unconscious, lost in the illusory ego state of consciousness.  They don't know they are God. I myself find it strange. 

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@Conrad and God is so infinite (you are so infinite) that you can imagine their are other perspectives out there - and poof they exist

 And you can imagine them out of existence in an instant.  Poof - they are all in your mind.

That is the power of God.  Because it is One. You are One.  And you are infinite.

This terrifies a lot of people and it sounds crazy to them.  But that is what you are.  That is Truth.  When you discover it there is no more denying it.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Conrad and God is so infinite (you are so infinite) that you can imagine their are other perspectives out there - and poof they exist

 And you can imagine them out of existence in an instant.  Poof - they are all in your mind.

That is the power of God.  Because it is One. You are One.  And you are infinite.

This terrifies a lot of people and it sounds crazy to them.  But that is what you are.  That is Truth.  When you discover it there is no more denying it.


GOD IS GOD. You would cry if you realized and understood that. 

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@Inliytened1 yeah an enlightened master is basically a shape shifts because all perspectives are one 


Edited by Aakash

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@Nahm yes great advice :) I can’t wait to experience permanent enlightenment lol. 

? the search will be over one day! To find what is not lost. 

Edited by Aakash

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@Inliytened1 @Nahm the harsh reality of it is, I believe I can do the meditation daily. However, I don’t think god will grant me permanent enlightenment because of Leo’s teachings. When you follow a teacher, you follow him to his highest state of consciousness. To pick up non dual teachings and to do the spiritual work, will still leave me with the question. Is this the highest state ? 

Therefore, it’s virtually garunteed with the way my mind functions that I will not reach a permanent state.

If we look at this from the perspective of god. It is the infinite good + infinite consciousness + infinite intelligence + infinite free will + infinite oneness playing its roles. God will not rest until Leo finds higher states of consciousness and Leo won’t rest until he becomes god. Similarly for me to reach a permanent state of enlightenment is not beneficial to consciousness overall. 

Its just a gut feeling I have, none the less I will try my dam-nest.  

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@Nahm I agree, I am not disputing that. But for me to reach a limit where I call this the enlightenment. You have to conceal the limit, with a limiter. So you have to self - deceive yourself. To an untrained brain it’s easy to fool, into thinking it’s reached complete enlightenment because of the word enlightenment itself. They’ve defined a term against a conscious state and vice versa. 

Whilst in this omniscient state, (I’m not in it now), it was completely different to being in a non dual state. Ofcourse I am conscious of what the non dual state is and I can go into it for about 5 minutes or so. Favouriting non dual over duality. But I’ve always stabilised in both non duality/ duality integration comfortably for years now. 

Non the less, I think I am too conscious at my base level of non duality/ duality integration  to get lost in non duality and think it’s absolute truth. 

Ofcourse, who knows what god has in store. But I’m not sure you can cap consciousness unconsciously any more once you study Leo’s material enough.  

I also don’t think you’ll need convincing that where ever your at is not the highest as a student, because Leo is ahead of you. His metaknowledge is miles ahead of everyone. I personally think the top 4 on this forum are, him, then seratoninluv, then ajaysatya then me from the responses I’ve seen around. Meaning every trip is going to be more and more if he times it right against his education and studies of duality. 

Still its uncertain what the highest state of consciousness is like. I’ve realised I’ve got it backwards. You non dual beings are enlightened verticlally but omniscient consciousness is expandanding laterally with your non dual consciousness/ enlightened consciousness. 

Still i think saying it’s multi linear is inaccurate. I think they’re elevated levels of consciousness personally. Because your both dual and non dual. But it was wrong for me to say you non dual beings aren’t enlightened. You are 100% have lost your ego, you know you are god , like me. We just exsist in diffrerent states of enlightenment 


Edited by Aakash

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