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@Leo Gura I just had an awakening kind of like adyashanti where streams information was downloaded in my head because I finally linked the physical biological world, the mental mind world. 

I’ve made a few discoveries such as enlightened beings are infact non dual consciousness without ego. However their metaphysical world lacks sophistication. Due to a lack of integrating duality 

this has lead me to ask the question 

is duality real ? 

I can answer with consciousness is prior to words. So what I really mean is: 

does the finite states of consciousness i.e tigers, lions, cats , chairs, trees. Exsist in a finite consciousness? They only appear to seem due to a distinction with the mind. 

I’m not sure I can word this properly but does the world of non duality exist ? 

Like does time exist? 

To the human it is an illusion, to the seperate self or subject/object or perception, it is an illusion in non duality. But to god itself, does it exist ? 


Edited by Aakash

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Duality is also a concept. Only God exists. God IS reality and existence. One must become conscious of God to understand God. He is real, He is God. God

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3 minutes ago, Conrad said:

Duality is also a concept. Only God exists. God IS reality and existence. One must become conscious of God to understand God. He is real, He is God. God

God, reality, existence etc are also concepts. Stating the obvious doesn't help much. Look at what people point to with such concepts.

18 minutes ago, Aakash said:

is duality real ?

Duality is as real as nonduality. Thats the mind fucky paradox. Nonduality includes duality. It is meant to point at the total, the sum of everything. Illusion and real are one in the same.

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Just now, Shadowraix said:

God, reality, existence etc are also concepts. Stating the obvious doesn't help much. Look at what people point to with such concepts.

Duality is as real as nonduality. Thats the mind fucky paradox. Nonduality includes duality. It is meant to point at the total, the sum of everything. Illusion and real are one in the same.

They are concepts indeed but so is duality. You will understand that once you become conscious of the non-dual One, God. Don't be stuck in the mind, become directly conscious and aware of God, the One. Everything collapses. Nothing remains of the mind. Only direct awarness of what is. 

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8 minutes ago, Conrad said:

They are concepts indeed but so is duality. You will understand that once you become conscious of the non-dual One, God. Don't be stuck in the mind, become directly conscious and aware of God, the One. Everything collapses. Nothing remains of the mind. Only direct awarness of what is. 

Running in circles is fun

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Just now, Shadowraix said:

Running in circles is fun

11 minutes ago, Conrad said:


Become conscious and aware? This world is dream and you are a character. Awakening to this is enlightenment. And only with death is it possible. The wise soul fears not death, rather he strives for death. He goes beyond to meet her. Death is Truth. 

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@Aakash There can't be left without right. Up implies existance of down. 

For Wolf there must be sheep. It is uncodiotanal Love. It is dualistic only in appearance. It is all Good. There are no dualities in Reality. 


Quite actually that is the mechanism your Personality got created. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Conrad "Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze."

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Just now, Shadowraix said:

@Conrad "Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze."

 A tale is what you have heard. A dream is what you have seen and known. - Death 

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@Conrad I'm trying to give you advice but it feels like talking to a broken record player.

Repeating yourself won't make people more conscious than they already are. 

You put everything into a absolute matter and seem to forget about the relative. If the absolute is all you want then silence is your friend.

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Yes I am aware duality doesn’t exist when looking at it from the absolute perspective. However, duality does exist and it is there for a reason. 

I am awakened. I am aware of consciousness. The merger of duality and non duality has happened. But it’s not the way it happened for you. My awakening is different you are permanently lost in a contracted state of consciousness. I am 100% aware of this at the moment. Except my mind is able to filter duality through my mind. When I say “I” or “my” I am talking about god. I am not talking about Aakash 

Edited by Aakash

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1 minute ago, Shadowraix said:

@Conrad I'm trying to give you advice but it feels like talking to a broken record player.

Repeating yourself won't make people more conscious than they already are. 

You put everything into a absolute matter and seem to forget about the relative. If the absolute is all you want then silence is your friend.

The relative IS the Absolute. There is only the Absolute. But this doesn't make you not functionable or something. Quite on the contrary. I've had 3 blowjobs this week already while I smoked a jay.

I am the Absolute. I created this reality. I do whatever I wish to do with it. I create whatever. Make whatever happen. In Love and Goodness of course. We are One, we are The One. But we pretend and act othwewise. 

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Just now, Shadowraix said:

@Conrad I tried. Good luck on your journey. 

My journey will only lead me to death and I know what I will do. Good luck with your journey. 

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5 minutes ago, Conrad said:

My journey will only lead me to death and I know what I will do. Good luck with your journey. 

100 gram is coming and I shall finally die. And by miracle I will live to tell the tale ?

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@Aakash that's right you can shift your consciousness to be that of God's consciousness.  As it is all one consciousness. 

But that is God's duality or formed perspective. 

Pure Being is just isness / formlessness 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

@Aakash that's right you can shift your consciousness to be that of God's consciousness.  As it all one consciousness. 

But that is God's duality or formed perspective. 

Pure Being is just isness / formlessness 

There is only One existent, One Being. There is no form. Form IS Formlesness. The belief in a body is delusion. The true nature of the Self is God with a capital G. 

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@Conrad yes.  The highest realization is that form and formless are identical.   Its One.

Just like the finger is the hand.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Conrad yes.  The highest realization is that form and formless are identical.   Its One.

Just like the finger is the hand.


Indeed. But I would say the highest realization is that you are God. It's liberation. It's Truth. God is Truth. 

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Just now, Conrad said:

Indeed. But I would say the highest realization is that you are God. It's liberation. It's Truth. God is Truth. 

But the illusion of being a separate individual must be seen through. This can only happen through direct awarness. Realizing you are God happens through awareness. 

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