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Demons and Exorcisms (Radical Openmindedness Required)

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So last Friday night I went with a friend to see a guy named Bob Larson (here's a link to his youtube channel to see some live exorcisms he's done:  who supposedly does exorcisms. I had seen a video or two beforehand of him performing these but I was still very, very skeptical. At this event, there was definitely an exorcism that I witnessed live. This random woman from the crowd started crying uncontrollably and he brought her up front and her entire body language and voice changed; she was shaking uncontrollably/violently and yelling back in pain - this was not the woman we'd seen at first. I'm not here to try to convince anyone of the validity of this, I am looking for others who have some understanding/experience of this, it freaked me the fuck out and after reading some of this guy's writings, it feels like I have encountered a few of these 'demons' in myself and others and am trying to figure out how to get rid of them. @Leo Gura I am curious to hear your thoughts on this.

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I grew up in an evangelical church and saw it happen.  My understanding now is that for Evangelicals, it's the only outlet they have for releasing blocked energy or traumas - and those can appear demonic if they are repressed enough.  

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Reality is infinite. Any type of being imaginable exists. This includes demons. 

There’s infinitely many methods for any single task (this includes getting rid of demons). However, I would say the most straight-forward method is immersion in Love. If these are “standard” demons, they’ll be disgusted by feelings of Love. 

Edited by Synchronicity

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Yes, this seems to happen.

Don't worry about it. Go for nonduality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's still all ultimately something you are imagining as God.  

All things are you.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I've seen this in videos from a reliable source who experienced this first hand through smoking dmt in a space where someone had purged bad energies (bad person also). 

I didn't really believe this was possible before, more so I just intellectually fantasised about it being real but this really really blew my mind. I've seen both the entity acting through him and also the exorcisms. 

Moral of story is to treat ALL psychedelics with extreme care and humbleness, purify the space and set good intentions. Don't just take acid and wander round a music festival. Whilst this can be fun you could be opening yourself to all sorts of trouble. 

God it feels weird to type that and even reading back i feel i look like an idiot. My brain is still fighting against the idea that this can be real but better safe than sorry I guess. There is nothing wrong whatsoever with being cautious and giving more attention to the ceremony you're partaking in. In my experience this will always enhance the effects and help you to break through any negative thought patterns.

Also I know there are a lot of people out there who hold these same beliefs, and whilst this doesn't make them anymore true I am now more so under the impression that others are way more perceptive of this other world and the dangers it can contain. This being said, I'm still learning and am just taking each of these experiences (both first and second hand) as they come. It's strange how far the rabbit hole goes once you start opening up. 

Just be safe and don't take psychedelics around random people you're not sure of. There are also still many people who treat these substances as a bit of fun and only see the positive sides or (like I used to) shut out any attempted input of the negatives. 

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What does science tells about that? It's like those people who have seen elves. 

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I agree with the comment about bathing in love!

I know this is not a religious forum, so I apologize if this content is out of place/dualistic.

I had the opportunity to sit down and talk about demons and exorcisms with a Catholic priest who had done a formal exorcism and many informal deliverances. 

In the Catholic tradition, there is a distinction between the Rite of Exorcism and deliverances. The Rite is a liturgy or public service (not publicized) that includes at its essence a formulary. A “formulary” means a certain order of words. This particular formulary addresses el shatan, the Accuser. 

Since 1969 or so, only presbyters (with the permission of a bishop) can perform the Rite of Exorcism (the holy order of presbyter subsumed the minor order of exorcist). A bishop would probably rarely apply the Rite even after significant psychological testing showed everything was normal—but something was clearly wrong. There is a rich lore around who and how, but the stories get into some detail that some people might find disturbing. 

Exorcism is different than deliverances. Those are more informal, often with 3 people (like a support person, the person feeling oppressed, and the person leading the prayers). Deliverances take any form—they are private. Some cycle phases, like

-normal conversation,

-asking or the experiences of oppression or bad feelings,

-some prayers / readings

-some silence,

- touching and physical symbols (blessed salt, incense, holy water),

-leading to more intensive peaks, like saying, “in the name of God, I reject the power of Satan”.

This goes in several cycles. 

Deliverances don't normally enter into dialogue with the spirit. An experienced deliver-er might ask the putative spirit for some info—like its name—but not out of curiosity.

Obviously, such practices can bleed into psychosis, delusion, and all kinds of private abuses. However, deliverances also seems to play a healing role.

If you do feel something like oppression or malevolent entities—don’t be afraid to say it, even by yourself. You might feel better! 

 “I reject the power of Satan [or the bad feeling you are having] in the name of God.”


Edited by RobertZ
re: potential dualism

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