
I am waiting for a baby)

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Hello everyone. I would be very glad to talk to future mommies, just like me. How are you getting ready for your baby? What kind of lifestyle do you lead? How do you eat? How do you take care of your health? Do you take any vitamins? I am reading many reviews on how to get ready for giving birth to a baby and how to keep a good form. I can share stories, blogs, books which I read like the one you can find out more. I will be very glad to talk to everyone))). Looking for our posts! 

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Diet is very important , because you are feeding 2 people now and want to make sure to give your child a good heathy start. Be aware of cravings, it's a common thing during pregnancy. Don't indulge in unhealthy foods.

Garden of Life is a very good brand for prenatal vitamins, but still can't replace fresh wholesome diet.

Swimming is an excellent low impact exercise for pregnancy. It allows you to move easily and freely in the water while still giving you a good workout.

Also, regular exercising is important to keep you fit and in good shape while carrying. There are videos for a before and after pregnancy workouts. I did them throughout my pregnancy and when I had my son I didn't have any skin sag or tissue scars. Regular exercising coupled with healthy diet will give you necessary energy you'll need as a new mother.

Replace harsh household chemicals with natural ones or learn to make them yourself. You don't want to inhale toxic stuff that will go to the baby via your blood. If you smoke or drink alcohol, drop those habits too.

Baby can hear sounds from inside your tummy, so listen to soothing music. I was listening to classical music a lot while carrying.

Meditate and do spiritual work and self-actualize. Leo has a great video 'How to Raise Rockstar Kids' where he talks about high conscious parenting.







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Whatever you do, don't drink any alcohol and don't smoke during pregnancy. Well, not during the sex either actually.

I have some small anatomic deviations which i believe are the effect of my dad being drunk during sex with my mother. It used to bother me a lot when i was a teenager, so stuff like that brings unnecessary suffering. It doesn't obstruct living a normal life for me, but if i had been a little bit more unlucky, i think it could have been very bad.

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Not a potential mom here but though I'd shre few tips :)

As @Natasha mentioned, your nutrition during this period is absolutely essential. Specific focus should be put on receiving enough calcium, iron, folate, zinc, B12, Omega 3 Fatty acids (both ALA and DHA) and magnesium. is a nice way to track for free. There are some supplements specifically for pregnancies but the food always comes first. 

Eating regularly in around 700kcal excess every day should be sufficient. Focus on nutrient dense whole foods and mostly organic fruits/veggies and meats

Be careful with your exposure to radiation, heavy metals, plastic and foods containing high amounts of growth hormones, pesticides and preservatives. Don't go too heavy on coffee, although this one is a bit debatable. Absolutely no alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs. 

Sufficient sleep, at least 8 hours per day, possibly even more. 

Excercise daily but mostly with your own bodyweight, do a lot of walking and yogic stretching

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51 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Not a potential mom here but though I'd shre few tips :)

You can always become a trans-parent if you want Michael :D 

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6 hours ago, Psyche_92 said:

Whatever you do, don't drink any alcohol and don't smoke during pregnancy. Well, not during the sex either actually.

I have some small anatomic deviations which i believe are the effect of my dad being drunk during sex with my mother. It used to bother me a lot when i was a teenager, so stuff like that brings unnecessary suffering. It doesn't obstruct living a normal life for me, but if i had been a little bit more unlucky, i think it could have been very bad.

Agreed, this is very important. Even during pregnancy, I think dad's should abstain from drinking and smoking, out of respect for what the mom has to do.

Out of curiosity, what are these anatomic deviations you mention?


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10 hours ago, outlandish said:

Out of curiosity, what are these anatomic deviations you mention?

I'm not sure what it's called again, but my doctor once told me the name, can't remember. It's basically on my left hand, 2 of my fingers are a little bit deformed. I'm not able to fully stretch them, due to muscles and tendons not being fully developed. It's not a big deal though, and i can get surgery for it if i want to. I just don't think it's worth it, since my hand is "fully" functional, but it's still something i was ashamed of in my teens. At this point it's basically just the esthetic part that's bothering me a little.

Also my elbows are not 100% straight and i have x legs, which can't directly be blamed on alcohol during sex, at least i haven't found anything about it on the internet so far, but i feel like it definitely has something to do with it, as it is again a deviation that happens before being born. This is also something that i was very ashamed about in my teens, and today i still have a little complex about it. Especially now during summer it's kinda annoying for me to wear shorts etc bcuz i feel a little paranoia that people might look at them too much 9_9.

At last i also have a deviated septum, which basically is one small nostrill. Up to this point no real problems besides again the esthetic part of things. Overall just mainly self confidence problems that came with them.

Might all sound bad but it's not that bad to be honest. I'm living a normal life as far as i'm concerned, but why would you simply not drink alcohol to evade stupid things like these from happening to a new born right :).

Edited by Psyche_92

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15 hours ago, bejapuskas said:
16 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Not a potential mom here but though I'd shre few tips :)

You can always become a trans-parent if you want Michael :D

well considering the OP is named George I guess you are right :D 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Psyche_92 that's really interesting, doesn't sound bad at all, just like the kinds of quirks that make us all unique.

I do think though that in a generation or two we'l look back in astonishment at the days when people thought it was ok to have a drink while pregnant. I mean it's already like that for many people, but still in some parts of the world, like Europe, the common wisdom is that a drink is ok here and there. I'm certain that improved health stats will turn up that there's no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy.

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On 7/4/2019 at 3:43 PM, Psyche_92 said:

I'm not sure what it's called again, but my doctor once told me the name, can't remember. It's basically on my left hand, 2 of my fingers are a little bit deformed. I'm not able to fully stretch them, due to muscles and tendons not being fully developed. It's not a big deal though, and i can get surgery for it if i want to. I just don't think it's worth it, since my hand is "fully" functional, but it's still something i was ashamed of in my teens. At this point it's basically just the esthetic part that's bothering me a little.

Also my elbows are not 100% straight and i have x legs, which can't directly be blamed on alcohol during sex, at least i haven't found anything about it on the internet so far, but i feel like it definitely has something to do with it, as it is again a deviation that happens before being born. This is also something that i was very ashamed about in my teens, and today i still have a little complex about it. Especially now during summer it's kinda annoying for me to wear shorts etc bcuz i feel a little paranoia that people might look at them too much 9_9.

At last i also have a deviated septum, which basically is one small nostrill. Up to this point no real problems besides again the esthetic part of things. Overall just mainly self confidence problems that came with them.

Might all sound bad but it's not that bad to be honest. I'm living a normal life as far as i'm concerned, but why would you simply not drink alcohol to evade stupid things like these from happening to a new born right :).

are the x legs the same thing as being knock kneed or knee valgus? because I think I have the same thing as well as some hip abnormalities called FAI.

I have found nothing about this online and am quite curious about others who have the same issue.

I have had knee pain my whole life, you too?


‘The water in which the mystic swims is the water in which a madman drowns. --Joseph Campbell

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On 4. 7. 2019 at 9:43 AM, Psyche_92 said:

Also my elbows are not 100% straight and i have x legs, which can't directly be blamed on alcohol during sex

Does anyone actually drink during sex? That sounds like some crazy ancient Rome orgies

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12 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Does anyone actually drink during sex? That sounds like some crazy ancient Rome orgies

My "dad" was drunk during sex.. Yea my relationship with him is non existent :). It's kinda odd cuz i even showed him this stuff and he kinda laughed it off. Didn't expected much else tbh, he's kinda stupid af.

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7 hours ago, John Lula said:

I was born with my intestines on the outside. Like. Lots of it. Some didn't like the idea of getting back together so it left.

Wait what? What u mean it left? lol

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12 hours ago, montecristo said:

are the x legs the same thing as being knock kneed or knee valgus? because I think I have the same thing as well as some hip abnormalities called FAI.


12 hours ago, montecristo said:

I have found nothing about this online and am quite curious about others who have the same issue.

You will find something here and there about it. I also found it's due to bad genetics.. But i'm not so sure that will be the only reason.

12 hours ago, montecristo said:

I have had knee pain my whole life, you too?

No thankfully not. I don't really experience any negatives, apart from the esthetics.


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On 7/3/2019 at 1:48 PM, GeorgePeters2 said:

Hello everyone. I would be very glad to talk to future mommies, just like me. How are you getting ready for your baby? What kind of lifestyle do you lead? How do you eat? How do you take care of your health? Do you take any vitamins? I am reading many reviews on how to get ready for giving birth to a baby and how to keep a good form. I can share stories, blogs, books which I read like the one you can find out more. I will be very glad to talk to everyone))). Looking for our posts! 

I would say vitamins and diet, but that sounds obvious and self-explanatory to me. Same with cigarettes, alcohol and all kinds of drugs. Some people might say that too much coffee affects pregnancy too, but I don't really know, just sharing. Anyway, after preparing your body you should prepare your place for a new resident xD Also some useful things you may get on a baby shower party as this article says Though I would really recommend getting a decent baby monitor, something like this will do. 

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@GeorgePeters2  Hi there

I am a mother of 2 beuatiful daughters. 6 and 5 years old. with another one on the way through ivf …. i take vitamine b11 very important for the baby. u should star taking this even before you are pragnant ( i did) .. in general.. i am a pretty healthy person.. i actief and do sports and generaly eat healthy too….even when eating french fries i make them myself in the air fryer (alot healthier) one of the habit that personally i cut off for my pragnancy is coffe… and also raw no more sushi :( hihihih

good luck girl

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Gently dance, sing, and play your favourite soothing music. Read them stories, talk to them, share your love and insights and comforting vibes, Immerse yourself with love and joy and passion and the things you'd like to share and introduce your baby to before welcoming it into this world.

You will have 9 months to prepare so all the time in the world!

I would also spend a lot of time in nature and out in the sun, bare foot on the earth, this helps create harmonic resonance between earth, mother and child and attunes you all to the natural vibrations of the earth and flow of the universe.

I would also supplement with Iodine(preferably nascent iodine) and few brazil nuts a day for selenium. I would only consume organically grown fresh produce and lay off all processed foods and chemicals, sugars, coffee or any stimulants or spicy or strong foods that stimulate your nervous system. At least keep it to a minimal.

I would drink purified, spring and distilled and water only to get my hydration or fruits and coconut water even better. I would also send blessings and loving thoughts to whatever i consume especially raw living foods since the water is alive and responds to your thoughts and energy.

Go for daily walks or swimming at the beach where waters are gentle and not too strong often is also great, my mother did this a lot when she was pregnant with me and said it helped her as well as sunbathing daily for 15 - 30 minutes.

Supplements help but not really needed if you consume nutrient rich foods and living foods.

Oh yeah and Congratulations!



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