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Maxwell K Bridge

In search of a specific - help!

3 posts in this topic

I have been in search for a specific book for a number of months now. The author and title alludes me. 

I remember very vaguely Leo mentioning the same book in one of his episodes a long time ago, so I thought I might try my luck in asking his loyal community if they're familiar with it.

It is a book of philosophy. The authors name sounds Russian or Eastern European.

The book is about how the nature of mind and how it makes decisions. 

For instance one would only genuinely meditate consistently with full presence and when one fully comprehends and grasps meditation. How it works, why it works, why it is important etc etc. Basically understanding it from a comprehensive perspective vs doing so out of a sense duty and or guilt.

I understand this is a vague and confusion description. If anyone knows of the book, or could point in the right direction I would be super grateful!!

Many thanks, 


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