
Becoming Santa Claus

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All these enlightenment exercises unleashed a  change in my personality. Before I would never give things away. I would prefer to throw it away instead of doing the hassle to find out if somebody needs it. Now I’m the exact opposite. I started giving stuff away that I don’t need. Help people such as helping somebody with a broken bicycle. Giving stuff away like giving a lighter to somebody and let him keep it. Forgiving family members with whom I had some issues with. Helping homeless people out. Doing favors to friends and family. I almost start to feel like Santa Claus. At least I’m understanding how Santa Claus felt when giving things away for free. Do you guys had similar experiences?

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@StarStruck That's being a benevolent force.  Leo listed it as one of the things highly conscious people do in his '10 Things You Don't Know You Want' video. And it's also one of the things the happiest man on earth (accordong to neuro scientists) Matthieu Ricard does also.

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