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Angelo John Gage

Can you relate to this?

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@Mazwegian @JustThinkingAloud

Indeed. I knew there were others who felt this way on this forum. My one friend said to me yesterday that the one thing he can do is make sure he's not contributing and change what he can around him.

I told him that's not big enough for me. But logically, no matter what i achieved, whether big or small, things will always go in cycles and my work would be for nothing. This itself is depressing of course, but i keep telling myself that i will do what i do because it is my nature to do so regardless of this.

I looked into what Alan watts and the stoics said about evil. They gave me some solice in their words. 

Watts said the universal game must be that the winning side always seems like it's going to win but never does, and the losing side seems like it's always going to lose but never does, otherwise it wouldn't be interesting .

The stoics took evil as a result of Providence, that there are no external evils except for vice. People never do things for evil but rather for good, for even an evil person's actions is meant to be good for them. They also said that all evil is done out of ignorance, that if one was rational and in tuned with their nature, they wouldn't act in those ways.

I really don't think i could come to terms with this other than what i logically concluded. A person dies every second across the world, and theres nothing we can do about that.

Edited by Angelo John Gage

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