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Hidden technologies and underground bases

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I'm not really sure what section of the forum this would go in, but I think it's relevant after seeing Leos last few blog posts.

Emery Smith is a scientist who has supposedly been working in secret corporate and government programs for decades.

He's just come out publicly as a whistleblower within the last few years, but has been in contact with people like David Wilcock for many years prior to that.

He speaks about his experiences working in these deep underground military bases, that have access to incredible technologies, many of which have been reverse engineered. He claims these corporations have access to free energy technology (zero-point), cures to all diseases and consciousness controlled transport devices. Technologies that could rid the entire world of nearly all of its problems if they were publicly available. But aren't because of corporate interests

In UFO circles there is talk about public disclosure about these things coming very soon (Melting Ice in the Antarctic is revealing huge ships, and ruins of an advanced ancient civilization). Emery Smith seems very consistent in his story, and various other sources (Coorey Goode for example) have also had similar accounts to him.

What would this mean for humanity if these technologies existed, and saw the light of day? Could this mean a rapid acceleration of human evolution? The catalyst for the many pending paradigm shifts in science? 

Warning radically open-mindedness required :)

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Technologies that could rid the entire world of nearly all of its problems if they were publicly available

This is the whole reason that these technologies are not publicly available. The world is filled with problems, not because of a lack of technology to solve said problems, but because the problems themselves align so perfectly with the interests of those who run the world.

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