
I think leo did a mistake by naming the plant

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This plant is everywhere here and growing up we where fascinated by the plant but was advised never to eat coz you will die.  So please dont try it. Never. (There are some crazy stories in the comment section of that video about datura)


I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Yeah that stuff is the dmt or salvia of deliriants.

As someone who has tried deliriants out of curiosity, it isn't fun. Its a very uncomfortable experience.

There are plenty of other substances to grow from before you should even think of deliriants and even then - don't.

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@Shadowraix  Maybe don't shut out deliriaats fully yet. It could be the same as with dpt, where you have to be prepared before hand, for example by going deep enough with 5 meo. ;)

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3 hours ago, fridjonk said:

@Shadowraix  Maybe don't shut out deliriaats fully yet. It could be the same as with dpt, where you have to be prepared before hand, for example by going deep enough with 5 meo. ;)

Have you tried deliriants? It isn't the same. I didn't just do them once. I worked up to heroic doses with them as I have done with psychedelics and dissociatives. They are very dangerous. 

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1 hour ago, Keyhole said:

@Shadowraix What did it feel like?  (I don't plan to ever do a harmful drug, just curious to know what being poisoned feels like.)

My experience I am writing out is mainly with DPH which I did from 200mg to 900mg: I would see and hear all kinds of crazy shit. People talking to the point I could have conversations. Confuse TV characters with real ones. These weird black lines that could form these floating jelly balls, spiders, or even shadow people. Smoking shadow cigars. The walls would twist and morph. I would feel what can only be described as intense dysphoria. Random stinging sensations that will make you think the spiders you see are biting you. Might feel them crawling under your skin. Speaking of those I would try to kill them and see and hear them be crushed. Sometimes you could see a pile of them. No matter how much you swat them they keep approaching you. You would not tell the difference in the night, but in the day they look like translucent creatures you can see the outlines of, kind of like heat on the road. You will think you are doing something like walking into the kitchen doing stuff and you will suddenly realize you did none of that but actually you were just sitting there looking dead-brained drooling. You'll forget sentences mid-way. Gravity feels so heavy that you literally can't stand up. And if you do and try to walk you'll likely fall over. I've had many instances I fell and lose consciousness while failing and regain it wondering how I ended up on the floor. You'll conjure up stories in your head and not recognize family. Such as sighing and handing them a wallet when they are wondering whats wrong with you thinking that fixed the problem. You won't physically be able to talk, and it won't come out normally until at least a day after the trip. Everything will feel "off" or wrong. You'll feel an impending sense of doom like the world is going to end.

Thats all I can remember at this moment, and a lot of people's trip reports got a lot darker and scarier than mine. I wanted to do it for the hallucinations but I quickly found out I could quickly hurt myself especially with the falling thing. I couldn't go to the bathroom without falling and smacking against the wall. Also a lot of people I know have had permanent effects from these. They've had seizures, they'll retain that stinging sensation, or see darting shadows across their room. Crawling tactile hallucinations can stick.

Health rant: Deliriants can show you how hallucinatory the mind can be, but it is not the only teacher of that. Dissociatives like Salvia, DXM, and Ketamine can do this too. They have their own risks (Riskier than psychedelics) but are many times safer than deliriants. Deliriants are fascinating to listen to because they sound other-worldy but it can very well be detrimental to your health even if you don't freak out on the trip. Another warning is when you are on DPH some people get the idea of taking more almost like a compulsion. I've known people almost die because they took a whole bottle of the stuff while already on it. Also known people to almost die from Serotonin Syndrome even myself because it was popular to mix it with DXM to remove the dysphoria and increase hallucinations. Many got by with a low dose from each but not everybody does and some go higher and set themselves up to being fatal and/or nerve and muscle damage.

I hope nobody has to learn to be careful with drugs by deliriant use. I learned my lesson the hard way. I got out unscathed but very few do. 


Edited by Shadowraix

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