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On the existence of magic - opinion review?

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Hey! I have a lot of random insights popping into my head randomly during my day lately. It's at least one AHA mindfuck every 2 days - goosebumbs and all that. I was thinking about starting blog for fun of doing it, I just don't know if this is at least a partially good. Could you read this and give me your opinions, if you have the time? Thank you very much!!!


On the existence of magic.

Following text isn‘t trying to deny the present or future possibility of magic or some unknown powers – on the other hand, it is focused on the term „magic“ itself, it‘s explanation and the connection between „magic“ and reality.

When I was a irrational kid, I was delighted about the posibility of magic force that people would be able to utilize to some extend – flying, invisibility, creating things from thin air, summoning creatures and many more. I would daydream for hours and hours about the possibility of waking up with magic powers. Maybe because I didn‘t have many friends or I just found the life too boring – I was obsessed with fantasy world.

Unfortunatelly, as a adolescent I started to realize that „the magic with wands and summoning“ that I always imagined doesn‘t exist and wont exist, at least not in today‘s conditions. Fortunatelly after reseaching and conteplating the topic for a time period that I am not comfortable sharing, I came to a conclusion that first – magic itself is subjective, but more importantly second – MAGIC SPELLS and SUMMONING CAN EXIST.

First, we need to disclose what magic really is – simply put, it is a unknown power that beings can utilize. Everyone knows that phone would be considered magical tool in medieval era, that is a common sense, but bear with me, it will be more interesting.


Let‘s imagine a hypotetical reality with diferent laws, where magic exists and is common part of life – people usually imagine medieval ages just with magic and fireballs shooting from staves. Lets go with that then. Assuming the dating would be similar, medieval ages officially ended 1492 in our world, what do you think would happen if you visited the reality only thousand year later?

Assuming that an inteligent civilisation can go on in one of two ways – either the civilisation will be improving and evolving gradually or it will destroy itself completelly. That would mean that if you came into that kind of world after that time, either you would find a reality similar to ours, where the laws of nature have been discovered and the humanity learned haw to amplify them and use them for their own need – creating moving object without the need for animals, wands shooting spells, flying devices etc. Even if there were some monsters some time before – by this time, they would be not only researched, but also eliminated or used.

On other hand, there is the possibility of catastrophe, that would set the civilisation back few centuries, but that wouldn‘t matter too much, because by definition the civilisation would continue to improve until they are at the level as the civilisation in the first case or the whole civilisation would be erased, there is no other way.


The word unknown is really important, it signifies the lack of knowledge about the laws of reality that allows the power to be used. Now for the best part that you‘ve been waiting for – is it possible for magic to exist?

Yes, but it depends on the time period you live in. What I mean by that is – in present, almost all of the laws of nature that concern the life of a human beings have been discovered and utilized – gravity, motion, mass and energy, thermodynamics etc. We might not know the laws of black hole, but do you really care, would your life change that much?

One possibility is clashing of dimensions – everyone heard of the multiple dimensions theory. I am not scientist, and truthfully, even if I was I am not sure I could tell you the real probability of that happening, let‘s just assume this wouldn't tear our dimension apart, but it would merge those two together instead.

Let'S say tommorow morning you would wake up, realizing that you have dragon on you lawn and gnome is sleeping on your face. World would be thrown into chaos for an unspecified amount of time. After some time – by the definition of improving civilisations - the mixed laws would be explained and life would become boring again. First would be chaos, then the phase of adaptation, experimentation and in the end explanation. The „magic“ would be no more.


So, yes. In theory „the magic“ is possible, but in reality wery unlikely thing. Of course, unless you live in a simulation, but let's not talk about that possibility today.

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