
How to have a great career?

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I am 26 and I am a loser career wise, Now I want to have a great career for Myself which I have wanted Since I was a child.

I am good in sales , I have worked on my communication and speaking skills.

I allways have  had a technical bend of mind but was never grounded , spirituality and pickup has helped me a lot to transform my personality and now I come of as a likeable guy mostly.

I Don't have a college degree, Currently I am working in a company in sales, where i'll complete a month next month.

I see in me  that deep down I have a negative belief that I might never really have a great career.

I would appreciate suggestions about how can I from here navigate life so as to realize my goal of having a great career which I really like.   

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  1. Expand your means of communication.
  2. Be water, adapt to your audience.
  3. Know your product and the product of rival companies. Be transparent.
  4. Understand the needs of your clients. Creating artificial needs in an ugly thing, imo.
  5. Always strive to work with high quality products. Change companies if needed.

unborn Truth

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Have you done Leo's Life Purpose Course? I think it will be a good thing for you to do.

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If you want a great career get good at rarer and valuable skills.  You can get good at skills through practice projects which use Deliberate practice and deep work.

Some good books to check out is so good they can't ignore you and Deep work by Cal Newport. Also, check out his top performer course which is about deliberately figuring out which skills matters in your career and how to get good at them. The reason why you might not have a good career may just be a lack of action I know from my own experience that I could have gotten way better than i already am if i just have put more action in my career.

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@ajasatya thanks! 

"expanding means of communication" you mean like learning social media marketing or in which sense?


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5 hours ago, Sauvik said:

"expanding means of communication" you mean like learning social media marketing or in which sense?

Exactly that.

unborn Truth

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Consider reading  " so good they can't ignore you" 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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