
Height Issue

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I have been struggling with this issue for years now. All my peers and cousins are quite tall. I am only 5.6 This makes me feel insecure. Is there someone out there who has increased his height after 24? 

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@Jhonny Except surgical solutions you won't grow anymore. You should work on your confidence with this :)

I am 5.5 and starting to get comfortable with my height ;)

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Accept the unchangeable. This will give you the chance to grow yourself above this inferiority complex and to utilize your strengths instead of emphasizing the things that don't please you. So height is not your strength? Good. Your Journey of getting yourself to know begins.

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It's very unlikely, although I've heard of a few people having growth spurts in their early twenties before though (like at 21/22 at the latest).

Leo did a great video that may solve what "you" currently believe is an issue :)


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It's a paradox really, you can only desire to be what you're not. If you already had it you couldn't want it. If you were above average height you'd probably wish you were below. You're below you want to be above. Once you really contemplate this endless quest, it dissolves itself. Removing this whole system of desire can have crazy results in all areas of your development. Its a much simpler, minimal, easier way of thinking. It's actually great. 

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@Jhonny Hey man. I struggled with height myself for almost a decade from elementary school to high school (I could never pass 5ft. 0inches). I was quite literally the shortest kid throughout most of my early schooling career--I swear though, now that I look back on it, it really was a massive internal/emotional game, rather than a physical one. You don't need to be any specific height :)--I caused myself a lot of needless suffering back in the day being obsessed with this perception that I need to be taller to somehow fit in. It made me tougher in the end, but please, just love yourself. Compare yourself to no one. You are exactly who you are supposed to be in this world, and no one will ever be exactly like you. There is no definite "normal" or "standard" height. I promise, all of this will seem like a distant silly memory later down the road--practice self-acceptance, and patience with yourself :) I have a short story on this--maybe it will help you see your issue through a bigger picture perspective!

Bloom by Patrick Pfeiffer - Final Portfolio.pdf

Edited by Patrick

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Surgical options are there. But don't ever choose such option, that may affect your health. 5'6 is not really less. Work on your confidence

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Rest assured, your slightly smaller height will only benefit you, as you'll be easily distinguishable from the crowd.

I'm also 5.6. 

Guess what, Napoleon Bonaparte was also the exact same height. He is probably one of the most intimidating military generals and genius strategists of all time. Once people get mature enough, they'll forget about your physical characteristic and judge you by your actions instead. 

Peter Dinklage is even shorter and he has a disadvantage in all regards. Doesn't stop him though, people love him still.

Rather than trying to please others or conform to the world, make your own terms with life and "conquer" it. Do your own thing and you'll attract just the right people who are going to appreciate you.


Body Mind Empowerment 
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAohrrjG-3gEp5QF1WlM9_w

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Don't worry about your height guys we come in all sizes 5'6" is just one of them. Tall people can feel insecure as well , try not to take your height to seriously it does not determine you , your self confidence does so work on it. accept yourself and all other people short tall or round.

confidence is where success lies not in your height , and remember woman like a confident short guy just fine.

I'm 5'9 and still feel short I seriously think men worry too much about their height.

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