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How de get rid of neuroses?

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Could you share a little more about what you think? Where do you think you need to start from? What do you think neurosis is tied to? 

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@DrewNows I know nothing.This is why I ask for a video or at least a list of resources or some sort of technique.

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@xthebentnecklady What happens in the level of mind when the experience of "neuroses" comes up? What does the mental voice say?

unborn Truth

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@DrewNows I know nothing about getting rid of them.

I answered to your question and none of them were "how do you know you have neurosis? ".


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@ajasatya it's just noise and automatic thinking, especially overthinking.

Worrying,regrets,failure,being bullied,living in an abusive family (alcoholic dad).

This sort of things.

I don't know how to integrate them and live in peace.

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How to get rid of neurosis? Good topic. 

Getting rid completely is a lofty goal, but to start the ball rolling.......

Also, I'm not talking about regular levels of the below attributes, I'm talking enhanced levels, levels that take time and work to get to, levels higher than the average person. Neurosis builds up through time and gets hard wired into the mind. It won't just go if asked nicely, you have to dig deep.

1. Courage & Faith as things will get worse before they get better and if you are looking for an easy way out, I don't think there is one

2. Self-honesty as if you fail to diagnose the real issues, you will fail to match the right intervention to them

3. Humility as you will need to give up being so important

4. Selection of behavioural and cognitive techniques which may include things like; meditation & mindfulness, education, eliminating substance misuse, overcoming avoidance, general relaxation, letting go of attachments, detachment from thoughts, developing new habits, letting bad habits go, identifying and overcoming the need for instant gratification. 

5. Might need to identify a suitable mentor, sponsor, or therapist to help with steps 1-4 above. The neurotic is unlikely to achieve the above themselves. There are a lot of traps to side-step and negotiate. It's also especially hard to do number 1 on your own. I believe you need a power greater than yourself. 

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4 minutes ago, xthebentnecklady said:

@ajasatya it's just noise and automatic thinking, especially overthinking.

Worrying,regrets,failure,being bullied,living in an abusive family (alcoholic dad).

This sort of things.

I don't know how to integrate them and live in peace.

This is what I wanted to hear, how you define neurosis, you know...

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I forgot about a cognitive technique of identifying your "demands". This is related to not being flexible and having beliefs and expectations that are out of touch with how the world and other people actually are.

I love Albert Ellis' work for neurosis. It's simple and effective. He was a genius. YouTube him. 

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@xthebentnecklady here’s where I would start, become aware of your feelings, instead of reacting to the negative emotions, sit with them until the dissapate, pay attention to the negative thoughts too, they hold your beliefs and may not be true so seek to understand them. The goal is to take full responsibility for yourself and your actions, to choose love over fear, one moment at a time   

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