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30 Day Healthy Eating+execersie

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I am struggling to sticking with with this. So this journal should defiantly  be the key to keep me on task. Starting tomorrow, no more junk food, and exercise everyday!

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Here is the thing ... 

First i wanna ask why you want to exercise and cut junk food for 30 days ? If you want to get in shape or lose specific weight, you might have bad motivation towards it. Now, this might sound confusing because i know in general that is your goal but let me explain what i mean here.

When you set a challenge of or some goal that is generally something that you want to change about yourself, you need to realize that whatever it is you want to change about yourself, it comes from negative place. By negative place i mean it is mostly some negative emotions about some parts of ourselves. Sometimes it is not the case, and maybe you are not in that position, but it is really important to be aware of it. The reason why this is important is that whenever you have negative motivation driving you, you will be type of person who will maybe check his wight after gym if he/she made progress by checking himself on scale. Bad side to this if the person relies on scale (and is driven by negative emotions), compares himself to others' progress, he will most likely quit.

I am pointing out this to you because this usually is the case with a lot of  people around me when they say to me : I am not doing this for 30 days, or i am taking 30 days challenge. I know upfront they will fail because i know implanting new habits work and trust me, this is only way :

You start tomorrow and you never quit. Ever. You should not care about results, you are just doing it for the habit itself. You are not doing it to gain something. By doing this, you lose all the stress you put on yourself when you make something very strict. :)This is how i implanted my vegetarian diet, meditation practise of 1 hour and next week i am going back to gym (i was on brain surgery so i had to rehabilitate) There are many other things i implanted too but they are just improvements for these 3.

Now... there is 30 days process that makes a habit stick and what you need to do is survive those 30. And here is the great trick on how to do this : Dont tell yourself that you have to exercise that day. Tell yourself the goal of that day is just to exit the door of your house. Do you see what i mean here ? I am breaking the great process into something very simple but that simple part of process is crucial part of all that process because if you exit your house, you will just have to go to the gym. And really, how hard is to exit your house ? :D And really buy in into this idea that your whole point of your day is just exit the house without even thinking about how much you need to exercise in the gym. Apply this to everything and you will see how easier and smoother everything will go. Also be mindful about ego not wanting to  make change, so your mind will play tricks on you :) It will say bullshit like : You did so hard yesterday, you can rest.  Dont take as excuse :) Be aware that is just your mind playing tricks on you.

I hope you will kick ass now :) Good luck with your habit. 

Btw.. one more thing.... implanting one habit each 90 days. If you want to exercise, do that for 90 days and then do something else. If you want to cut junk food while exericisng, cut step by step. If you like eating chips, eat them but cut of donuts or smt which are less important to you. Start small and thats the key. Do not stress yourself by doing lots of stuff at once, no one can it.

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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@Natura Sonoris  Awwww why thank you for informing me and helping me out with this. I am actually doing this just to be healthy in general cause of all the benefits from it. I have been fatigued alot and pissy moods. And realized I feel good and energized when I am exercising and eating healthy. and back to being fatigue and pissy when I'm not. I have been on and off of the exercising and healthy eating, for a long while. And this journal makes me feel forced to do this because people are watching. Even if there not, its the fact its out in the public which leaves the possibility of people seeing it. So its basically like okay shes doing a 30 day challenge were watching you. And of course everyone is wanting me to do good. So that right there motivates me. its like a silent cheer.  And so with that being said, Today I went for a jog, and walked back home to do 25 reps of 10lb weights. Usually I do 50 but since I just came from jogging and was little tired from it I didn't want to overdue it. I felt a little dizzy after shower probably because no food before jogging, I literally woke up threw on some clothes and went jogging. HUGE jump from being in bed all day, everyday, just in front of PC.  And just wanted to lay down. So didn't clean my room today because of that. Just made my bed lol. Didn't feel hungry till I woke up from my nap. I opened the fridge and saw pizza lol. my mind was like yes. But I was like nooo I have to find something healthy to eat lol I'm doing a journal. So I grabbed 2 slices of pizza and ate it lol. I didn't feel bad. I decided to just focus on the exercise and do the eating part some other time lol. Just like you mentioned. So now I know it is impossible to change two things at once. I feel much better mentally doing one at a time. And yeah I completely know your method of approaching  goals by just looking at it as stepping outside your door and not going to the gym to make it easier for you to do it.  I will defiantly be incorporating this when I feel like slipping up and my ego sets in. Thanks for looking out!

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Day 2

Didn't go jogging today, Went to the bus station with my mom and brother to say goodbye to my brother cause he is going away to his military base. But when I came home, I did 25 reps of 10lbs weights. Yeah I know I still should of still went jogging before or after going to the bus station. I didn't go in the morning because I know I would be to tired when going to the bus station. I didn't go after because I like to jog in the morning lol. But atleast I still did 25 reps! Thats still something! lol

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Day 3

Was waaay to sore to exercise. So I just stretched today, which was a  painful stretch, but needed. Forgot to mention that on day 2 as well for reason why I didn't jog. Need to stretch before and after exercise for now on.

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So yeah this is absolutely embarrassing...Only 3 days and completely abandoned this...Haven't been exercising...I realized this is because I'm to into playing video games and youtube. I believe this is an addiction...I felt so pathetic. Everybody else is able to start a challenge and go through with it, but I struggle to even get pass 3 days wtf. Is my mind so weak to handle the pain of breaking away from this addiction to do something productive like exercising? I really want to do better this is ridiculous and embarrassing. I mean breaking away from this addiction is like putting your hand on a not-so-hot to-immediately-take-your-hand-off-it hot stove, and the temperature gradually increases day by day, to the point where you remove your hand off the stove cause it is now to hot it has become painful, and now your back at your addiction, instead of enduring the pain. This is my problem I believe is being able to endure the pain of breaking from an addiction, I didn't think it would be this devastating, and difficult. And as I read back on my journal. I see I made stupid excuses why I didn't go jogging. Because I had to go with my brother to the bus station??? Because I was sore??? Because I like to jog in the morning??? Maybe jogging is to much for me right now and I need to go smaller. Like just do like 10-25 reps to 10lb weights. That I can see doing every day and seems much easier and quicker to do then jogging right now.

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