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The inside of my mind

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The body is not mine. It is borrowed from Mother Nature. My duty/privilege is to return these cells full of consciousness and love.

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The last couple of days I was inquiring constantly. Working and contemplating myself deeply. Taking care of the body, eating, talking and keeping the questioning going fully. I did not know it's possible to be so fully immersed in contemplation and live life.


Yesterday evening I was tripping and played this video:

There was a great fear of this strange man and at the same time I felt as if he was pulling my soul from my body. I allowed this.

Then I played this:

As Ralston was doing his hand thing, I got who I am.

Some minutes later the ego flew back in like a tornado. Damn, that was really uncomfortable. As if an imp, a disgusting creature has possessed me. Oh man, that was the worst feeling ever. Fortunately, I saw it coming clearly and I did not mistake it for myself right away. There was some struggle back and forth.

And yes. I see who I am. I knew this all along during my contemplations, I just didn't know that that's what it is... so to say. It's a miracle, really.

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Psychedelics as a spiritual practice

I have been doing psychedelics for years, but only recently I think I hit a really nice way of working with them.

It's a mindset thing. The important point I see is - look at psychedelics as a spiritual practice. What does that mean? Don't do it once. Do it again and again. Make a habit out of it. Just like mediation. Strive to be good at tripping, just like any other skill. Be smart about it. Make it a practice.

An idea of how this could work:

1. Choose a substance to experiment with.

2. Get enough for ... let's say 20 strong doses.

3. Try out a light, medium dose.

4. Dose up until you hit a point were it is really going deep into the mystery, but you are still conscious and clear - you don't pass out or loose your track totally.

5. When you get that dose, do it repeatedly. Let's say, every week.

6. What will probably happen is this - you will be busting through a lot of baggage and very soon (if not right away) you will start hitting mystical states.

7. Keep at it. Keep at it. See where it takes you. Be open. Be curious.


:) This is a post to myself.

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Fields, a house, many mulberry trees, fine gardens!

Oxen and calves fill his stables and his well-trodden roads.

He knows for sure from all this that all effects have causes,

and that only fools buy early and sell late.

So his eyes can see too how it could all get gone,ground down, melted, all away . .

.These things can knock on the heads of everyone living,

like the Abbot’s knock on the noggin of the errant novice.

You can end up in paper pants, or worse,

with a broken tile, pierced and hung on a thong

flip-flapping over your private parts . . .

and sure as sure, you’ll end up dead,

maybe starved or frozen, but certainly dead.

           ~Han Shan


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Here is a video I created with the help of a friend (in other words - Here am I being raw and vulnerable and shaking with fear :D). I hope someone can find it useful.


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Here I was trying to explain what consciousness is in the simplest way possible:


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On 04/06/2020 at 11:31 PM, flume said:

Love it! Getting over that initial hump is super difficult. The fact that you did it anyway is really inspiring. Your burning passion is way bigger than your fear, you can see it in the way you speak about these topics. 

Also the consciousness video is super creative!^_^

Keep up the good work!

Thanks. Means a lot to me :)

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'Remember, good sisters,' he said, 'the land and the king are one.'


'One what?' said Nanny Ogg

- Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchet



I thought this was funny. Also in the context of what we do.

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"The immensity of silence is the immensity of the mind in which a center does not exist."


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It seems that heart-break, pain, complete breaking-apart is not a misstep. Even though you follow the deepest listening inside of you, it happens - it is by design. Life designs itself this way in order to awaken from its slumber.

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Allons! the road is before us!
It is safe—I have tried it—my own feet have tried it well—be not
Let the paper remain on the desk unwritten, and the book on the
shelf unopen'd!
Let the tools remain in the workshop! let the money remain unearn'd!
Let the school stand! mind not the cry of the teacher!
Let the preacher preach in his pulpit! let the lawyer plead in the
court, and the judge expound the law.

Camerado, I give you my hand!
I give you my love more precious than money,
I give you myself before preaching or law;
Will you give me yourself? will you come travel with me?
Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?


- Walt Whitman

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Two Hearts know we all must leave this world,

yet they laugh, they laugh, they laugh.

- Duane Big Eagle

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