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The inside of my mind

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Surrendering is not an activity of the mind, it is the natural condition of awareness.

Where you ever able to hold on to any experience?

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Devil vs Not-Knowing

I am selling my soul to the devil, that's what it seems .

I know I am acting out of fear, yet what will happen if I don't?

Will I live or will I die? Will my loved ones let me go?

Will my life just fall apart, and I'll find that I was wrong?

How to find this mighty courage that will let me act as Love?

- ' Just be quiet, simply quiet. What you'll get, you will have.'

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This is a man after a lifetime of practicing sagehood :)

Edited by okulele

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@okulele I'm not usually a fan of Elliot Hulse but that was a really great video! Thanks for sharing :) I'm quite envious of his lovely sunny home as well!

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On 8/18/2019 at 9:21 PM, Space said:

@okulele I'm not usually a fan of Elliot Hulse but that was a really great video! Thanks for sharing :) I'm quite envious of his lovely sunny home as well!

Glad you liked it :) I'm not much of an Elliot person myself, but Paul Chek is a whole different deal.

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Words are Windows (Or They’re Walls), a poem by Ruth Bebermeyer

I feel so sentenced by your words
I feel so judged and sent away
Before I go I got to know
Is that what you mean to say?

Before I rise to my defense,
Before I speak in hurt or fear,
Before I build that wall of words,
Tell me, did I really hear?

Words are windows, or they’re walls,
They sentence us, or set us free.
When I speak and when I hear,
Let the love light shine through me.

There are things I need to say,
Things that mean so much to me,
If my words don’t make me clear,
Will you help me to be free?

If I seemed to put you down,
If you felt I didn’t care,
Try to listen through my words
To the feelings that we share.

~ Ruth Bebermeyer
(from the book Nonviolent Communication – A Language of Life)

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If you are a psychonaut, hard-core spiritual practitioner or really just waking up + you interact with people closely, you will change them. Watch this:


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During yesterday's transmission, a strange thing happened. As instructed, I was sitting with my eyes closed watching sensations in my body. Suddenly an image came to my mind. I can't  remember exactly what it was, but I think it was a representation of 'me'. It flipped. And my sense of self was gone... more than ever I think. I kind of had free will and so on, but still, something was missing. It was very good :) In the morning, I was basically back to my regular state of consciousness.

So, dear reader, if you want a hand in your awakening and are open to transmissions, give this one a try. I am posting it because 1) I really owe these people, they are great, I do it out of gratitude 2) I believe it works. I believe others could benefit like I do :)

Edited by okulele

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The beautifully simple insight of creation-and-destruction visited me again.

It's so funny that all of us act as if we are permanent. And I don't only mean that we don't remember death, I mean we act as if the next second will actually come! And not only us, humans, but all things. Every little thing pretends that it is lasting, while in fact there is no future.

How do I know there is only this? Well, it's being created now as well as destroyed. That leaves no room for time.

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On 02/09/2019 at 3:30 PM, okulele said:

If you are a psychonaut, hard-core spiritual practitioner or really just waking up + you interact with people closely, you will change them. Watch this:


Yes I watched this video the other week. An amazing talk, isn't it? Do you think what he talks about is actually going on here, with Leo and I feel like Leo's growth, and the growth of everyone on the forum is having a sort of collective resonance. Just a thought.

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On 9/5/2019 at 2:50 PM, Space said:

Yes I watched this video the other week. An amazing talk, isn't it? Do you think what he talks about is actually going on here, with Leo and I feel like Leo's growth, and the growth of everyone on the forum is having a sort of collective resonance. Just a thought.

Yeah, I am pretty sure Leo's growth is inspiring us all forward on many levels. It might not be so drastically obvious, as he is not working with us as closely as Chris was with his students, but still, I think how Leo's followers are changing as he is.

It's kind of like the 4-minute-mile. It was considered impossible for a human to break, but once Roger Bannister did it, many many more followed very quickly. Same with Leo. When we see him reaching the Absolute, it opens the possibility for us also :)

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