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Natura Sonoris

Subconscious Mind

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I need a advice from you folks.

Over the last years since i started watching Leo's videos, my life improved a lot ( i could write an whole essay on it ) but I am kinda struggling in cleaning the garbage from my subconscious mind. There is a lot of bad stuff from my childhood that i became conscious of as i was practicing mindfulness and doing meditation for 1 hour each day. Basically what i did is whenever i become angry, depressed,needy,when i want something or when i liked something about some person, i started to question my thoughts as they appeared. I was very mindful while i was doing this, so i did not make any judgments.

I came to realization that if you feel in certain way (let's say you are depressed or angry ) you are responsible for it. I wrote whole guide about this, so you might check it out.  (it needs to be polished a bit, but i ll do it when i have more time)

 Now i am at the point where i started to feel more in touch with myself (meditation on daily basis really helps me) but there is a lot of subconscious stuff that are bothering me. I am aware why they are bothering me but it is really hard to break the programming that you mind created. I still have a lot of insecurities about myself and my ego is pulling me to stay there each day.

For example, my 3 biggest insecurities are : being totally independent, opposite sex  ( that basically fucked up my relationship) and being able to speak up for myself (and possibly being able to defend myself properly). I know i need to break my comfort zone so i can break all of this, but can someone give some tips and advices. I can see the growth here if i deal with all these problems but it is hard when everything goes against you. 

Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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1 hour ago, Natura Sonoris said:


I need a advice from you folks.

Over the last years since i started watching Leo's videos, my life improved a lot ( i could write an whole essay on it ) but I am kinda struggling in cleaning the garbage from my subconscious mind. There is a lot of bad stuff from my childhood that i became conscious of as i was practicing mindfulness and doing meditation for 1 hour each day. Basically what i did is whenever i become angry, depressed,needy,when i want something or when i liked something about some person, i started to question my thoughts as they appeared. I was very mindful while i was doing this, so i did not make any judgments.

I came to realization that if you feel in certain way (let's say you are depressed or angry ) you are responsible for it. I wrote whole guide about this, so you might check it out.  (it needs to be polished a bit, but i ll do it when i have more time)

 Now i am at the point where i started to feel more in touch with myself (meditation on daily basis really helps me) but there is a lot of subconscious stuff that are bothering me. I am aware why they are bothering me but it is really hard to break the programming that you mind created. I still have a lot of insecurities about myself and my ego is pulling me to stay there each day.

For example, my 3 biggest insecurities are : being totally independent, opposite sex  ( that basically fucked up my relationship) and being able to speak up for myself (and possibly being able to defend myself properly). I know i need to break my comfort zone so i can break all of this, but can someone give some tips and advices. I can see the growth here if i deal with all these problems but it is hard when everything goes against you. 

the only real thing about you is consciousness, there is no sub conscious, what you have is things that became rooted within your consciousness, including desires of the identity and ego, some that you can recall some that you cant.  Many of these things arise in the waking process.  If you are experiencing that real part of you in a real way, when these things arise before you, simply observe, nothing more, dont give a great deal of attention to it or grasp on to it, just look.  Some things that you have done in your past cannot be changed, but you can see the reality of what happened and why.  In the process you may learn that it created consequences for you.  The thing to do now is to learn from it , see the reality of it and let it go.   If it is something that is affecting your life now, then spend some time looking and contemplating it,  embrace it and make the change necessary to liberate yourself from it.  This has to be done from within consciousness, not the identity body and ego.  When we make changes to move us toward liberation, in affect we have forgiven ourself for those things that created problems and consequences for us and it allows for the cleansing of our consciousness.  The most important thing in all of this is to function as the being of consciousness that you truly are , and not the identity with its ego, then you will see all things clearly, and consciousness itself will do the cleansing and liberating.  and by functioning as a being of consciousness , you can pass through these things in a state of peace


Edited by charlie2dogs

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