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Semen Regeneration and Chi Energy

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Hello. I have 2 questions,

How amazing is the male sperm energy? How much power does it contain? I was convinced yesterday, once again ... How can I accelerate the regeneration of sperm? Are there any activities? Diet? Practice?

2. Our hands are full of energy. I've been training martial arts for a year and a half. I feel incredible energy in my hands that burns. I know that applying  hands can accelerate the regeneration process. I once read that applying a hands full of energy to the testicles speeds up the process of sperm regeneration. Do you guys know something about it ?

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Proper Exercise, Healthy Diet, Mindfulness Practices ( warding off stress ) could be beneficial for the healthy sperms and the regeneration process.

the second one is out of my knowledge but by far, I've seen that MANTAK CHIA has explained the touching testicles practice, and you could find his videos on Youtube. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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16 hours ago, hamedsf said:

Proper Exercise, Healthy Diet, Mindfulness Practices ( warding off stress ) could be beneficial for the healthy sperms and the regeneration process.

the second one is out of my knowledge but by far, I've seen that MANTAK CHIA has explained the touching testicles practice, and you could find his videos on Youtube. 

Thanks :) have a nice day

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