By DrewNows
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
This is a simple exercise Teal Swan shares on how to chase down core beliefs to deal with problems in our life.
The goal is to chase down the root thought we hold in relation to the problems we see in our life so we can potentially change the core beliefs that cause us to be a vibrational match to these problems. The core belief will usually be a reflection of these problems. For example, the core belief, I am worthless, will attract people, circumstances and events that match this vibrational frequency. Once we have this root thought, we can start questioning this belief.
Pick a statement or judgement you have about someone or something that doesn't feel good and write it down
Now alternate between these two questions until you get to the root thought/belief
What does it mean to me?
Assuming that it's true, why is it bad?
example: Statement/judgement: My friend is annoying because she never stops talking
What does it mean to me? It means she always has to say what's on her mind
Assuming this is true why is it bad? well this is bad because people will think she sounds really dumb sometimes
What does that mean to me? If i say everything on my mind people will judge me and think I am dumb
Assuming this is true why is it bad? Because if people think i am dumb they may not think i am cool
What does this mean to me? People should care what others think of them/I need to care what people think of me (core belief) -
Turned around- people need to care what I think of them / people need to care what I think of me /I don’t need to care what people think of me / people don’t need to care what I think of them /I need to care what I think of people
My judgement of her is my problem. In what areas of my life does this impact me?
This core belief also reveals I must act a certain way to be loved or accepted. Can i absolutely know that this is true? No.
(try it out on your own by writing something down)