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Pacific Sage

Your opinion :God and religious people.

30 posts in this topic

9 minutes ago, Pacific Sage said:

Is the feedback on the spiritual path mystical experience? Peace? Or your wishes being fulfilled? Or just being with the awareness of consciousness as the ultimate?

Yes, the feedback is a mystical experience.
The point however is to not cling to it, not making it into an 'achievement'.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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To have faith in God is to make a practical commitment, the kind involved in trusting God. Faith simply means trust. 

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1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

@Pacific Sage you can do it 2 ways

a person/ego with blind faith, very powerful, unshakable faith in God


a person/ego going from knowing-feeling they are a person to realizing they are actually the higher-self/God and are creating their experience . this would be bringing the sub-consciousness to your normal / immediate consciousness... kinda like being in a dream and it becoming a lucid dream... that gives you immediate recognition of your position and with the faith/believe and direct experience of that you can then begin to create/direct your own life experience ... includes both your person and the whole of your experience  

I like the latter!

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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2 minutes ago, tsuki said:

Yes, the feedback is a mystical experience.
The point however is to not cling to it, not making it into an 'achievement'.

Yea that would be empowering the ego with pride.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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4 hours ago, tedens said:

Yes but the chemical communication is lower layer of let say 'evolution'. Imagine telepatic communication not only with words but also combined with feelinngs  for example.

I like this ?

More complexity implies more capabilities and possibilities.

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@Pacific Sage

Some people are skeptics, and others are believers. It works both ways, because we are one.

And actually, skepticism goes full circle to become faith.

While also, as reality crushes beliefs, believers start becoming skeptical.

Just like @SoonHei said.

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17 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

@Pacific Sage

Some people are skeptics, and others are believers. It works both ways, because we are one.

And actually, skepticism goes full circle to become faith.

While also, as reality crushes beliefs, believers start becoming skeptical.

Just like @SoonHei said.

I am the skeptic who went full circle B|

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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I just read the history of religion in the west last night. No wonder all the resentment towards religion. Sorry to hear that. The corruption of Christianity in the west. 

Well, if you wanna know anything purely, look for the roots. Not the branches. 

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On 6/26/2019 at 5:20 AM, Truth Addict said:

@Pacific Sage

I think it does.

  1. Blind faith helps shutting down the monkey mind.
  2. Blind faith helps in finding peace and then surrendering.
  3. Mantras are a practical use of the Law of Attraction.

You're right. This can work and Leo even mentions it in his yoga video. The key here is you must put 100% devotion in your worship. To the point you can look past your own ego. This often is unsuccessful though because people half ass it. 

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