Vitamine Water

I Need Some Guidance

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I don't know how to put this. For the past few weeks i've been feeling something that i call 'energetic restlessness'. My body is tired and wants to fall to the ground. I FEEL energetic, but I have no actual energy to do anything. It's kinda like being drunk actually. There are periods where i feel completely in peace and surrendered to this present moment while at the same time having no interest in doing anything. The joy is then gone. Not even painting and drawing, which is my passion. I don't even want to lie down. I just want to stare into that void and be completely at peace. I want to be alone. 

This 'state' can be very emotional at times, too. Often times there is some tention in the chest. Like something wants to get out. Because of this, my meditations have become VERY wild. Physically wild. I feel as though energy is releasing in my body and I get all these spasms and twists all over my body. Sometimes I talk weird languages, like shamanic languages (I think?).  These spasms have been going on for a few months, but just recently they've become more wild. I don't  force anything, it just happens and it is seen.

Intuitively I feel and know that im all right. There are no negative associations with these experiences. But something tells me I need to be reassured that i'm all right. I'm venturing in the depths and I need some guidance. Someone that knows what's going on, and can reassure me that im all right. 

Thanks for reading!


Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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That something is called the EGO, research it, once you understand it, you will get free of it's illusions. The EGO is an alarm system in you that makes sure you are aware of your needs. You are restless because your alarm system is on, for two reasons: One is to make you focus on your needs, and the other is the contradiction you see that fulfilling your needs don't make you satisfied or calm. The EGO makes you frustrated so you start to randomly question everything, and do random things to find the contradiction. This is your mind solving problems. You don't need anything. Don't believe me, chew on this thought :)

Edited by Litaken

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Hi @Litaken, thank you for your response.

After contemplating what you've said this restlessness made a lot more sense. I realised that I have to surrender the need for needing, because it is ego driven. Even the wanting to be at peace in awareness is ego driven! 

The art is to look without looking 

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Wow, that's quite deep quite quick :) You don't even need to need yes, you can enjoy anything you want, you won't lose it if you don't want to :)

Even the wanting to be at peace in awareness is ego driven! <- not sure, want is not bad :) want is the best! You might need to be in peace. Are you afraid of not being in peace?

Edited by Litaken

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16 hours ago, Litaken said:

Even the wanting to be at peace in awareness is ego driven! <- not sure, want is not bad :) want is the best! You might need to be in peace. Are you afraid of not being in peace?

@Litaken You're amazing, come give me a hug ❤️?

@Nahm Means a lot Nahm ?




Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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It's so amazing to see how well this works :D You minds starts to make you question everything, and reveals the self that senses contradicion. And tells you it's not needed :) Approaching to infinity, strategy built on any chaos loses to order. We can disprove every contradiction one by one if we search long enough. That proves that logic and contradicion exists, and both together create possibility. We implement it.

Edited by Litaken

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