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What you experience is what you imagine?

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I dont understand right now what is meant by this? 

God-Perspective: Consciousness/God/Nithingness/Whatever created reality. So there is a reality. If this reality is material, non material, nothing, everything, consciousness, energy, light, love should not matter right now. There is a reality.

Human Perspective: We humans live in Gods reality he created. We are not capable of experience reality fully, just with our 5 senses and our limited human mind. We add our imaginations/projections on top of it. So what we experience is reality in some distorted way. But it is not pure fantasy. The map is not the territory but the map somehow has connections to the territory, otherwise it would be useless.

So what you experience is not just what you imagine with your ego mind. If a human being puts his hands  on a hot plate in this 3d reality, it burns his skin. What there happend to this human being is not fully imagined by the ego from human perspective (even though the mind plays a big role on how strong it burns).

Or does it just mean following: What you (God) experience (as a human being)  is what you (God) imagine ?

I am totally confused by some of leos and other spiritual guru sentences because I cannot grasp in which context and from which perspective they speaks right now. Please clarify


Edited by OBEler

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