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Reverse-Engineering UFO Spacecraft

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So according to Bob Lazar, there is ancient Tech which can produce anti gravity fields without wiring, letting vehicles fly and maneuvre like a red light dot in the dark.

I think the guy is trustworthy, seems like the Gov. just didnt kill him in time, or was not prepared for such a leak in the past.

So this was 1960-80s

We have alien tech, gov is communicating with DMT entities (see crazy infowars)

ah and btw you are God and reality is your imagination.


Man I love this shit. I see why God wants to play, I want to play too.

I think dualities are the most fundamental truth


You want knowledge? Prepare for fear and loneliness, and ultimately not-knowing

You want happiness? Prepare for sadness, discipline and consciousness, and ultimately conscious bliss

You want freedom? Prepare for discipline and self government, ultimately self control

You want to be financial free? Prepare to unlearn, uncover, run against a whole system, trust yourself, struggle and counter-intuitiveness

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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I hear you man. Up until just this week I was always dismissive of the idea that aliens had visited our world, but now thanks to Leo's blog post and me questioning my own existential assumptions I'm beginning to see that may not be the case. Still, this brings up even more questions than it answers. 

God certainly makes things interesting for itself. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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On 25/6/2019 at 7:49 AM, UDT said:

We have alien tech, gov is communicating with DMT entities (see crazy infowars)

It's pretty interesting topics. I saw the whole interview. Could you recommend any other JR relatable episode? 

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