
6 Hours Strong Determination Sitting

51 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Falk said:

Jeah with drugs it realy depends i would say, when i was 18 i was very depressed and actually felt like i got nothing to loose, i guess that´s why i came out on top if these experiences ..i´m pretty shure if i was attached to my "personality" at that time the experiences i made (especially with salvia) would have turned me literly insane. Don´t take this stuff easy, it is extremely potent, also we were quite stupid and didnt prepare well enough in terms of set and setting back then ... but that´s a different story ...If you are interessted in what happens without taking the substances yourself you can read on a site called "erowid" about good and bad trips , it is quite interessting. Some describe it very good so you can grasp how it must feel like without actually doing it yourself. 

I did try shrooms once but I guess I didn't do enough to "trip". All that happened was that sounds had a echo to them and there was little feeling of euphoria. There was one guy in town who did a LOT of trip and one day he didn't come back. He became permanently tripped out.  After that he was always talking to himself and walking the streets. So I guess that left me with a bad impression.

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35 minutes ago, Falk said:

Hm? ok ...i found that 60minutes actually are my personal changing point where it gets realy interessting, (that´s why i like 90 sits if can afford it time-wise) so maybe try that. May i ask what is the obstacle for you? Pain? Boredom? i guess boredom  can´t be it, so it must be the pain. if you find sitting in lotus too bad for the legs then just sit on a chair on a pillow, that´s how i usually do it :) I can´t stress enough the importance of frequency and duration of this practices in order to actually grow, Just watch 30min less of teal swan videos (i know it can be addictive xD ) and do 30min more meditation instead...

did you do the 6 hour sit on a chair or in lotus?


Forget this I just read your comment 

Edited by Huz88

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@Huz88 nono xD i would have died after 2h , just normal sitting , good old straight back sitting on a chair, hanging out this some thoughts of mine.

@cetus56 yep! thats what i mean, shrooms can be dangerous af, because you can´t predict the dose, fingers off i would say :) 

Edited by Falk

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31 minutes ago, Falk said:

Hm? ok ...i found that 60minutes actually are my personal changing point where it gets realy interessting, (that´s why i like 90 sits if can afford it time-wise) so maybe try that. May i ask what is the obstacle for you? Pain? Boredom? i guess boredom  can´t be it, so it must be the pain. if you find sitting in lotus too bad for the legs then just sit on a chair on a pillow, that´s how i usually do it :) I can´t stress enough the importance of frequency and duration of this practices in order to actually grow, Just watch 30min less of teal swan videos (i know it can be addictive xD ) and do 30min more meditation instead...

My obstacle is primarily having small children (1 and 4 years old) to attend to constantly. My husband works and I've been a stay at home mom for a little over a year now. So, we're currently pretty old-school in our family structure: very 1950s. :P When I was working; child-rearing, work, and housework were a bit more evenly divided up between us. When I do my meditation practice, it's sort of at the generosity of my husband to take some of his time off work to attend to the kids.

So, I feel a little guilty if I take longer than 30 minutes. He also lets me do my filming for my Youtube channel kid-free for a couple hours a week too, which is more time from his time off. Sometimes if I tell him early enough, he'll let me do an hour of meditation but I normally don't ask because of guilt.

This whole dynamic is very discouraging to me and I currently have a very inconsistent meditation practice in general. I'm trying to remedy this by waking up at 6 am before everyone else gets up but it happens often that son wakes up while I'm meditating. That's why I tell everyone who's serious about enlightenment work who isn't tied down with a family, to take time off of life to do a bunch of retreats or a long term residency where they can dedicate the lion-share of their time to meditation. It's exactly what I'd be doing. 

But I'd imagine that once both of the kids are in school, I'll be much better able to keep my practice consistent and catch fire with some longer sits. 



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@Falk So getting back to the subject. Do you think there is a "gate" in perception as that article talks about? Next question would be, what is required to open that gate? And the next question, how to keep that gate open always? As I said, it would sometimes happen spontaneously as a child with no effort at all. This is what I find interesting. There were no drugs, no sitting, no meditation, no determination, no effort, no discipline, no contorting of the body in various postures. Just the sudden experience of oneness. Any clues?

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I "think" .. xD this is the great danger about conceptualizing nothingness/awareness/oneness whatever you wanna call it.

We create models aka this and that is like a gate/ how can the gate open/ what is the gate made of/ who designed the gate/ what color is the gate of? xD you can start to ask all kinds of meaningless questions you see? and treat those mental images like actual facts...

but what we actually!! ACTUALLY DO while we try to "get" what is, we instead get lost in a thought!

mental masturbation! what you did as a child was not conceptionalizing! you didn´t create the thought of a gate opening and then it happend ... it just happend because you didn´t think at all and you just were presend and then "after the fact" you added that concept of a gate to it ...forget about that gate in a literal sense, it is a nice metaphor but useless for reaching a feeling of oneness!

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1 hour ago, Falk said:

@ZenDog i was just sitting with straight back on a chair. with crossed legs i will get cramps too, so i dont do it for longer sessions anymore, only for 1h maybe. 

Okay, this clarifies your result a little bit. Whouh, I thought you sat in a cross-legged posture. I did several 120 minutes sits in Burmese posture and was on the verge of puking / fading / crying / screaming because of the pain and mental stuff. :ph34r:

But hey, cheers to you. 6 hours must have been really hard on your mind, just sitting and doing nothing. That's more then incredible. Have a drink on that, or two. :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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16 minutes ago, Falk said:

I "think" .. xD this is the great danger about conceptualizing nothingness/awareness/oneness whatever you wanna call it.

We create models aka this and that is like a gate/ how can the gate open/ what is the gate made of/ who designed the gate/ what color is the gate of? xD you can start to ask all kinds of meaningless questions you see? and treat those mental images like actual facts...

but what we actually!! ACTUALLY DO while we try to "get" what is, we instead get lost in a thought!

mental masturbation! what you did as a child was not conceptionalizing! you didn´t create the thought of a gate opening and then it happend ... it just happend because you didn´t think at all and you just were presend and then "after the fact" you added that concept of a gate to it ...forget about that gate in a literal sense, it is a nice metaphor but useless for reaching a feeling of oneness!

Oh, the use of the word "gate" was only there for making conversation.  All that really matters is how open we are to the oneness that surrounds us always. Yes, letting go of everything is when it happens and only than.  But, I do find these experiences of heightened awareness interesting and if we understood more of what was happening under these circumstances, it could be repeated instantaneously without years of meditation and such. Others could experience this too with little effort. Besides using mind altering drugs, of course. I was researching brainwave mapping just now. That could possibly answer some questions. It seems that the abundance alpha brain wave activity may contribute greatly to the oneness and sense of well being that you experienced. I wish you many more experiences like the one you had.

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@cetus56 Jeah if everyone could experience this imagine how the whole society would change. Alot of current problems would dissolve (also many new problem might arise xD lets be fair here ) 

i guess that sense of "oneness" might literaly come from the left and the right hemisphere of the brain interconnecting more ... this of course is just a theory. 

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@Falk Just for shits and giggles, it would have been interesting to recorded your b-w function before and after your 6 hr. sit. and compare, any differences.

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@Falk in what ways was it  life changing experience?


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8 minutes ago, Huz88 said:

@Falk in what ways was it  life changing experience?


I mean it was only 2 days ago.., but i feel i finaly established a bridge to my "inner world" more ...normaly im logic only "rational is the only way guy" and i felt like smth was missing from my life, i kind of got a clue now this might be the right direction :) but who knows, time will tell i guess

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@Falk The "gateless gate" as Leo calls it. One mans gate is another mans bridge. Your right there! Sweet

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@cetus56 Hehe yeah xD just tried to avoid using that word "gate" again xD 

Also today the pendulum swung all the other way. Today i felt extremely "carnal" sexual, body-wise present/ unusual playfull & agressive while doing sports after work. Also i just asked for a pay-rise today xD i thought why not! will get the answer to it by the end of the week, i was thinking about asking since the start of the year but there was always a reason not to ... don´t have time for this lame shit anymore!

@Emerald Wilkins cool ! i think what you do is realy strong, didn´t know you have 2 little ones... well not everyone would have the energy do invest in both spiritual work & the children, but i think it will benefit you and your children if mommy meditates :) my mother could have realy used some meditation when we were little she was quite unbalanced back then and maybe overwhelmed by me and my energy-overdrive ... also waking up at 6 is nice, i try to get there step by step ...currently waking up 6.40ish

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40 minutes ago, Falk said:


@Emerald Wilkins cool ! i think what you do is realy strong, didn´t know you have 2 little ones... well not everyone would have the energy do invest in both spiritual work & the children, but i think it will benefit you and your children if mommy meditates :) my mother could have realy used some meditation when we were little she was quite unbalanced back then and maybe overwhelmed by me and my energy-overdrive ... also waking up at 6 is nice, i try to get there step by step ...currently waking up 6.40ish

Thanks. :) It's not super hard to find the energy exactly because contemplation and other deconstructive mental activities similar to that have always been a big part of my life, even when I was a child. It's practically a compulsion of mine, at this point. But the uninterrupted quiet time is practically non-existent. So, my meditation practice or anything that's more mentally quiet suffers for it. But I'm trying to find something that I can stay more consistent with. I think a lot of moms could benefit from meditation. If you've ever hung around the moms of small children, there are some pretty negative social dynamics... sort of like competitive parenting. There's a tendency toward negation of all interests that aren't child related that's sort of echoed by older social norms that have survived into modern day. It's easy to get pressured into and caught up with if someone's not careful. So, meditation or any consciousness raising activity could be used to get more awareness of how this dynamic effects emotions and actions. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@Falk :P

52 minutes ago, Falk said:

@cetus56 Hehe yeah xD just tried to avoid using that word "gate" again xD 

Also today the pendulum swung all the other way. Today i felt extremely "carnal" sexual, body-wise present/ unusual playfull & agressive while doing sports after work. Also i just asked for a pay-rise today xD i thought why not! will get the answer to it by the end of the week, i was thinking about asking since the start of the year but there was always a reason not to ... don´t have time for this lame shit anymore!

You have been busy this week-  building bridges in both your inner and outer worlds!   Yea, go ahead, move on to bigger and better things while I stay here with my lowly broken gate. haha:P

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Congratulations@Falk  I mean wow!

I'm learning the guitar hardcore style 2-3-6-8 up15 hours a day, so I've been seating for many many long hours the last 3 years, I could observe my body's response... not good man... at all!

Sitting kills! This is not a joke! I learned this only recently at my own expense.



Standing is not much better in that regard, the body is not supposed to be seating or lying on a chair/bed for too long. This is totally unhealthy. 

Seating or lying, you put yourself in micro weightlessness that every cell in your body dislikes. Shallow life whatsoever, beware of what you are doing to your body. The rule of thumb : Keep moving! It's not about the amount of time seating or standing, it's about the times you actually stand up from the seating position that will keep you healthy!

 We've got to play with earth attraction to keep good health, the interview above is really informative, the lady worked for the health of the astronauts at NASA and is totally worth watching if you attend sitting for long periods of time and often!

Don't do this too often or you will pay the price for it in one way or another. I'm planing to make yoga again one most important task of the day.

Take care



Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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On 2.5.2016 at 0:14 AM, Nic said:

Congratulations@Falk  I mean wow!

I'm learning the guitar hardcore style 2-3-6-8 up15 hours a day, so I've been seating for many many long hours the last 3 years, I could observe my body's response... not good man... at all!

Sitting kills! This is not a joke! I learned this only recently at my own expense.



Standing is not much better in that regard, the body is not supposed to be seating or lying on a chair/bed for too long. This is totally unhealthy. 

Seating or lying, you put yourself in micro weightlessness that every cell in your body dislikes. Shallow life whatsoever, beware of what you are doing to your body. The rule of thumb : Keep moving! It's not about the amount of time seating or standing, it's about the times you actually stand up from the seating position that will keep you healthy!

 We've got to play with earth attraction to keep good health, the interview above is really informative, the lady worked for the health of the astronauts at NASA and is totally worth watching if you attend sitting for long periods of time and often!

Don't do this too often or you will pay the price for it in one way or another. I'm planing to make yoga again one most important task of the day.

Take care



ok! this is news to me! very interessting. I get it that sitting is not that healthy. What i read it is mainly because it makes it easy/likely for the body to get fat/build up new fat-cells and thus increasing chances of heart-diseases.

I only think, well HOW am i going to meditate if i can´t sit down? I mean 6h is unusual, normaly i do 1h AND i have a job where i basicly never sit down i´m standing/walking 6h+ in my job, so i guess even with sitting down everyday for 1-2h im still mooving FAR more than average...

But jeah ...sitting kills..bad news for all "meditationists" ... any suggestions how to solve the problem? I mean this is basicly unsolvable ... especially in todays time you HAVE to sit in most jobs for basicly 7 or 8 h then you sit in the car and you sit at home ..lol ...if this is true we should all be dead in a sense? i mean i take it serious but on the other hand it is hard to deny that most people already sit most of the day (and are obese xD ok i give you that) ...hm ...guess just don´t meditate tooo much , i think if you do sport/eat healthy/ work out/ moove a lot/ then the benefits of 1h meditation every day by far outweigh the negative effects i would say...


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Just now, piotr said:

@Falk Can I sit with my back supported? I found my attempts to do it often end up more like a normal meditation because I struggle to keep my back straight for much long...

it is recommended unsupported, what helped me was training my back-muscles in the gym , strengthen them and it will be easier (also it would improove other things in your live so it is worth it anyways)

If your back gets round you have 2 options which are both fine , try out both, a) just let you fall down and focus on not mooving intentionaly get to learn you in that way ,,,or b)restraigtehn it once in a while and then focus on not mooving again.

In the end meditation is about spending "quality-time" with yourself, if you understand this you will see there is actually no wrong way to meditate anyways, every 30min even of "wrong meditation" is better than 30min of "right distraction" ;) 

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@Falk Hi Falk

Yeah, I posted this in case you really wanted to make a habit out of it and for general knowledge... I just learned about that too, I mean who would have thought about it, we seat so much since school...! Seating one or two hours a day should be fine. For my part I still seat a lot (today 6h!) because of my hobby, even though I could do it standing up but I'm just lazy, I love to seat down, chill & play... But hey, apparently the body doesn't like it. And we can see this with the amounts of back, neck problems rising seating at work, but it is apparently only the tip of the iceberg, as we generally will age sooner if we don't keep moving and play with the attraction of the earth. But I don't think people are fat because they sit a lot, I think they are for most of them fat because of their diet.

So what I do now is standing up more often, thank to this convinsing information, I try to make a habit out of it.

Take care

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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