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Is eligibility for consciousness work a relevant question?

3 posts in this topic

  • What is a good indicator for being eligible for this work?

It feels like a question I shouldn't be asking but it is on my mind a lot. I've had a few mystical experiences, on psychedelics and off, so that feels like a good sign. But then I'm also extremely ADD and am constantly failing self-inquiry sits. Is there an indicator that I'm not cut out for this work? And if so, there doesn't seem to be anything else doing in life, the rest is ephemeral pleasures and suffering. I think I get super paranoid about it because Leo stating in his recent retreat notes "there is no cure for lack of existential wonder", but I think I would really like to know what this is, but how do I know I'm not just pretending or bullshitting myself? Are these just the chances we take?


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If this shit makes some sense to you, if you feel kinda naturally drawn to it whereas you could easily do million other shit instead of it, if you find yourself coming back to it no matter how many times you feel lost ; these are the signs you are meant for it.

''Not this...

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I've heard lots of yogis say that its (enlightenment, realization, liberation etc...) is everybodies birthright or that it is the 'only thing that matters', and that everybody should strive for it. so I guess that means everybody is eligible lol. I think the real question is how far along are you (and if you aren't very far, is that an excuse for not doing any work at all in this lifetime? eg. the ultimate procrastination lol). we all know about the few who have crazy awakenings at young age or after only a little bit of consciousness work, and that some spend their whole lives and still didn't get what those others got. you just gotta start somewhere tho

Edited by passerby

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