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John West

Bruises and muscle pulls

3 posts in this topic

Hey guys / girls,

due to playing football a lot I quite often get injured. I've seen doctors, and even though I appreciate their knowledge, I feel like often they only see half of the picture. In my eyes medical science misses out on a lot of potential in terms of alternative medicine etc (and also for some reason nutrition and sleep, rarely a doctor recommended improving this to me).

Now my question is: What other tools/things/practices/mindsets can I do and use in order to heal sports injuries like this faster, and also reduce the risk of getting injured even before they happen? I'm also happy about basic advice, commonsense, or just other things that worked for you very well.

PS: Maybe someone has even experience with these bath salts. I've heard about  them (I think its called epsom salt) but I really dont no which ones are good or if this is just bullshit.

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@John West 

Epsom salt baths will help. Regular epsom salt works fine, it's cheap and sold everywhere.

Deep tissue massages from a massage therapist or learn to self massage (look up videos on YT that tell you how to do it).

Dry saunas (180 F) are great too, it heats up your muscles making them more flexible and responsive and also brings blood to the surface, then lightly massage the injured areas. It will help heal the tissue and soothe the soreness.

I would also visit a good chiroptactor in your area. They practice alternative medicine, physical therapy, and usually have good massage therapists trained in sports injuries. 

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@John West listen to your body, don't play on injuries, tend to them and mend them, understand how and why they occur. A strong core, stabilizer muscles and gluts are probably the best ways to prevent injury. Definitely make a preworkout or morning routine to keep you muscles flexible, balanced, and activating efficiently 

Also try ice baths, they do wonders for muscle recovery and injury prevention. Just be aware if youre trying to build muscle, from what i remember, there's been studies showing ice baths may reduce the amount of muscle fiber development if taken right after an intense workout. 

Keep doing the research and prioritizing your temple (body) 


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