Leo Gura

The DPT Mega-Thread

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I plugged 30 and didn’t feel much, went up to 50 mg. I felt the come up about 15 minutes after plugging. It made me dance and Music felt great, but definitely not anything crazy and not intense at all. So I am gonna take 70mg this Sunday and see If I can break trough and were it will take me. 

Thinking about if I should re-dose after a half hour if its still to weak. Did anyone successfully try to re-dose DPT, or would it be a waste of material?




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@Mel B The difference between 50 and 70 is drastic.

You can re-dose DPT quite effectively, though don't do that. I bet you will find 70 mg to be enough.

The dose curve of DPT is very exponential, it starts to show the full spectrum of the substance at 50 mg and gets 10 times or so stronger at 100 mg.

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70mg+ is when things get really interesting.

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@Girzo thank you for your feedback. Good to know that the dose curve gets exponentially more intense. And I will stick to the 70 mg and see what will happen and forget about the re dosing.


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Ok, plugged 70mg waited 15 minute for come up. Which felt really weak. So redosed another 20mg, redosed again 20 mg 45 minutes after first dose. Had some slight visuals but nothing intense. So i am questioning now if I have real DPT ( which i got from a reliable online vendor, where i bought a bunch of good quality RC )?


Or is it that the substance might not work for me? Or do i need to take way higher dose?

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@Mel B Wow even 20mg for me is a pretty serious dose with DPT, but I insufflate it (sniff). Maybe that ROA is more effective with DPT? Have you tried sniffing? If you do make sure not to sniff too hard, you just want it in your nasal passages and not the back of your throat, so just a light little sniff with the straw up into the back of your nose.

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Investigation time!

@Mel B Do you have any kind of tolerance? Tell us about the last drugs you have taken and when. What substances you might be taking that decrease the effects? (Anti-depressants, etc.)

Have you ever plugged anything? I bet that your technique is off. If not then plugging might be just not for you.

Try gently sniffing 70 mg, might work.

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@Mel B Try snorting or vaping it. But lower your dosages. It can be intense.

For some people plugging doesn't work. Probably a genetic thing.

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@Leo Gura Have you looked into maybe using DMSO to possibly dissolve the DPT? I'm not sure if it will dissolve in that, but DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) is usually used as a solvent to allow something to be absorbed through the skin. You mentioned that DPT doesn't really dissolve in water. DMSO may need to be diluted. I read to make sure everything is clean because it can carry dirt into the body too.

Edited by IndigoGeminiWolf

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@Girzo No Medication, no psychedelics except DPT in the last two weeks and I smoked weed the day before but don’t think this would have an effect. I did an enema the morning i took DPT, maybe that had some effect on absorption.

I try to follow Leos plugging tutorial he posted on the blog. But I never plugged anything else than DPT before. So i will check the video again and see if I did it all correct. 

@Leo Gura Would 50 mg be a good dose to start snorting it?

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3 hours ago, IndigoGeminiWolf said:

@Leo Gura Have you looked into maybe using DMSO to possibly dissolve the DPT? I'm not sure if it will dissolve in that, but DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) is usually used as a solvent to allow something to be absorbed through the skin. You mentioned that DPT doesn't really dissolve in water. DMSO may need to be diluted. I read to make sure everything is clean because it can carry dirt into the body too.

There's no need.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't dissolve in the water. It will still absorb just fine. Just suck it up into the oral syringe. The particles of DPT will be suspended in the water.

2 hours ago, Mel B said:


@Leo Gura Would 50 mg be a good dose to start snorting it?

Probably. Do some online research of what people snort.

I find snorting and plugging dosages to be similar potency for psychedelics in general. You should never compare oral dosages to snorting or plugging because they are totally different.

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@Mel B I plugged DPT three times. The first two times, I didn't really feel much of anything, maybe a slight contrast distortion. I thought that plugging just didn't work on me. Days later, I had some DPT left and didn't want to snort it because of the nasty side-effects and tried plugging in again. On the third try, I used more water and pushed the syringe deeper than before, till it couldn't go any deeper, and I also upped the dosage. I didn't expect much... well, this expectation of "nothing much will happen" was completely shattered. It took me places... 

You could try to add more water to it, push the syringe deeper and please heed the warning, that there is this exponential curve to it. 


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@iTommy I used a 1ml syringe, so im gonna try with a 5ml syringe and stick in as deep as I can?, see how that’s gonna work. Thanks for your feedback.

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@Mel B I also used the 1ml syringe, I had one more prepared (for quick refill). I stuck it up to 0.9ml or so, with water all the way up to 0.9ml on both. I think larger syringes also means stretching that back-hole wider, which I personally don't enjoy. But, do (find out) what works for you :) 

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@iTommy You were on anti-depressants and dosing with a spoon without knowing how much of the substance one spoon fits in. Although pushing it deeper might be good advice, people have different rectums.

@Mel B From what I know 5 ml is only thicker not longer, so good luck! xD 

But maybe try snorting first to make sure that it's the ROA and not you simply being immune to DPT.

Also, how do you weigh your dose? Maybe you only think you have taken 70 mg, when in fact it was 50 mg. Mistakes like this happen.

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Too deep is not necessary. 3 inches max.

Just make sure your bowels are totally empty.

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11 hours ago, Mel B said:


@Leo Gura Would 50 mg be a good dose to start snorting it?

50mg is probably a pretty high dose to start snorting at. For me 60mg was an out of this world, time+reality dissolving dose. I'd start with 20mg snorting, 40mg max. 

But Girzo asked you how you measured your doses, which reminded me that we do need to look at that. It's possible that if you're using scoops or something that your "70mg" isn't actually 70mg at all.

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@outlandish could be true, i am using a mg scale i bought from Amazon for under 30$, so might not be accurate. Plus i used the mg spoon for re-dosing.

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@Mel B that should be fine, but which scale did you get? Did you calibrate the spoon scoops against the scale, ie did you check to see how much a scoop of DPT actually weighs on your scale?

If you try the nasal route, let us know how it goes.  I find it's not super pleasant but not too bad either. DPT seems gentler on the nasal passages than 5-MeO-DMT is to me.

I re-read your posts in here because I realized I hadn't followed the story that well. I think you should also give a good break between the last time you dosed DPT in case tolerance is an issue here. And if you re-dose during the same session, I'd recommend doing it fairly quickly. If tolerance is an issue with DPT, which I believe if very well could be, you'd need to re-dose as soon as possible after your initial dose. If you wait half an hour, tolerance might already be kicking in. I'd recommend just committing to an initial dose, and riding it out rather than starting small and adding on to it. If it doesn't work at the small dose you committed to, try again like a week later at a higher dose.

I didn't notice you respond to Girzo's question about if you are on any meds? (or maybe I missed it) Some meds will interfere with psychedelic effects. Alcohol will also severely dull the effects as well, so make sure you aren't drinking beforehand at all.

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5 hours ago, outlandish said:

I didn't notice you respond to Girzo's question about if you are on any meds? (or maybe I missed it)

19 hours ago, Mel B said:

No Medication,

You are welcome.

@Mel B That's good, your scale is probably ok.

You can cut a piece of paper and weigh it then write the measurement on it. This way you can check if it is still working the same way months later. Mine is consistent, a paper marked 50 mg always shows +-50 mg. Often I weight the substance a few times because it decalibrates from a quick move when removing the tray and I can't check it with the paper. You will get a feel for this. I have also noticed that it sometimes take time for the scale to acclimate to the room temperature.

Also, check how much of a substance one spoon fits if you haven't done it already. I suggest putting 3 scoops on the tray, and then repeat one or two times. You will get a feel of how much of an error one spoon has. It's not a super mathematically correct way but will do.


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