Leo Gura

The DPT Mega-Thread

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I don't know shit. I think that's the big lesson

Edited by Esoteric

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9 minutes ago, Psychonaut said:

Does DPT create thoughts and parallel realititties or are you in control of it? Fe. LSD and weed can sometimes create thoughts that are not true.

I don't know what parallel realities means. To me there is only one reality and one consciousness which imagines everything else.

At moderate doses I could control it pretty well in a non-egotistical way. I could use my intention to guide me. That was nice. I could for example use my intention to heal myself or to contemplate a topic I was interested in.

At higher doses I'd imagine you'd lose control and it would turn into insanity.

I find that mushrooms can produces some delusional thoughts. But DPT is not like that for me. DPT is very true in my experience. When you are in the Absolute it is totally self-validating. It cannot have any external frames of reference. You just magically know that it's absolutely true. It is an understanding beyond ordinary human thoughts. It's like the understanding of God himself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The substance, tool or how Bashar masterfully puts: " Permission slips" that we are drawn to, work best for you but not for everyone else . I do not believe in one thing or method works best for all, nevertheless i am glad it wasn't Adrenochrome.

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I am interested to hear from other people who are able to use DPT in a positive nondual way like me. Then maybe we can get a better understanding of what we all have in common.

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So I know 5-Meo-DMT, 2-CB and LSD.

How does DPT compare to those? I didn't really get it from watching the video.

It's been over a year since I last did 5-MeO-DMT. From what I remember it just removed me from the equation and threw me into a watching state. I also often threw up on it, which felt relieving. Some unfolding of reality, were parts were slowly falling away until there was nothing left and then it got put back together piece for piece.

So DPT is longer, has a different energy and will also take me into a similar state as 5-MeO-DMT with me still somehow being there and being able to think those healing thoughts?

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@Leo Gura that's fair. I'll try it within this year and reply here what I think. I used to run a drug education discord server and one guy was really into dpt. Left me curious ever since. 

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14 minutes ago, Psychonaut said:

So DPT is longer, has a different energy and will also take me into a similar state as 5-MeO-DMT with me still somehow being there and being able to think those healing thoughts?

I cannot speak for you.

For me, it's similar to 5-MeO-DMT in that it creates a state of total nondual consciousness, but then I'm also able to use my mind to contemplate whatever interests me and guide the trip in that direction. It's got a vibratory body energy more so than 5-MeO and it's more visual like a low dose of mushrooms. At higher doses the visuals will become more serious. I did not get serious visuals at 50mg.

It lasts almost exactly twice as long. Which is awesome for contemplating. 5-MeO never quite lasts long enough for me.

For me 2C-B has a terrible heavy body load. I don't enjoy that. LSD also tends to make my body feel uncomfortably alien. I enjoy the body feel of DPT more. 5-MeO-DMT probably has the least body feel of them all for me, which is nice.

It's hard to definitely say that DPT is better than 5-MeO-DMT. I love them both. Both have something unique to offer. Both deserve to be at the top.

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It's super-easy to contemplate on DPT, but not so easy to breakthrough. It's benign in nature, but bodyload can get uncomfortable (snorting RoA contributes to it).

Reasonable dosage range for snorting is 40-60 mg, haven't gone higher because it's already a lot of stuff to snort, the powder is very fluffy.

Yet to try plugging.

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@Girzo You gotta plug it man. It will be so much pleasanter.

Once you master plugging you'll never snort anything again. Plugging is silky smooth and painless. Snorting stuff is more harsh and the nasal drip distracts from the show.

Snorting N,N-DMT is just terrible. Never again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura is dpt recitally active as is? I know nn dmt need more conversion processes. To be able to be procesed. 

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It seems so.

I have tried vaporising it using baking soda freebasing method. It's the worst bodyload I have ever experienced.

Very nauseating, naturalistic visuals and experiences of body transformation. Felt like becoming a werewolf.

I wouldn't recommend vaping.

Also ate 130 mg once. Waste of material, not even a threshold dose.

Edited by Girzo

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4 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

is dpt recitally active as is?

How else could it be?

As far as I know DPT only comes in HCl salt form.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

How else could it be?

I asked because with nn dmt freebase there is apparently a few solutions that make the chemical absortion easier recitally. A more salt solution I think. 

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@Shadowraix DPT is already an HCl salt.

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@Leo Gura You inspired me in the video to take my first trip to/in Amsterdam this autumn. Seems very safe to take some truffles and dip my toes and not have to worry about the law, I live in Sweden so it takes me 2 hours to travel. Thanks Leo! ??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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DPT looks unscheduled in Canada.

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@Leo Gura I don't know whether Jesus' miracles in the bible like healing, turning water into wine and raising the dead are only metaphors or not. But in case he actually could do these things, then he probably did it similarly to how you described how imagination works. You said that - in an even deeper state of consciousness - you could probably turn your hand (with your imagination) into tentacles. That would be how Jesus turned water into wine. Then Jesus must have been incredibly deeply enlightened when this was his baseline consciousness. (except the ability to do these things doesn't necessarily require such a deep enlightenment but can also be attained for example through a kundalini awakening as a siddhi)

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DPT is legal in germany until july. Then it will be sceduled

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