
Bad Words and Spiral Dynamics

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I'd probably put myself at stage green but it is unfathomable to me that certain words can be considered rude, bad, or even forbidden. I often see in daily life that spiral dynamics stage blue aswell as green both attack others for using bad words and slurs. In academia, spiral dynamics stage orange demonizes the misuse of grammar and spelling aswell as bad words. Its probably safe to assume spiral dynamics stage purple forbid the use of certain words aswell.

I haven't met any but I assume stages biege, red, yellow, and turquoise don't give a shit.

My question is what is with people and words?

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@Onecirrus From the word "vulgar" you can see that certain words used to be considered both bad and common. 

I suggest that labeling certain words as "bad" is a residue of class division, and partly still is a means to maintaining said division. The higher, more educated society uses refined language to differentiate themselves from the mob. It's an ingroup identification sign.

That means there's no direct causality with spiral dynamics levels - you could be red, blue, orange and talk either way. Sure, green will tend to reject the underlying division of people. Probably all stages, if they are good communicators, may choose their language according to their audience.

Edited by Elisabeth

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The concepts of profanity and obscenity are rooted in stage Blue. It's what seems to stage Orange and above to be a ridiculous outdated mindset that certain words are inherently offensive, that there are certain things you just shouldn't say. People who believe this often rationalize it with other beliefs. Some of the most common I've heard are that using profanity indicates low intelligence, low class, inability to express oneself, or that curse words literally bring curses upon those who say or hear them.

This is how my conservative parents tried to raise me, totally unprepared for a world where people walked around wearing shirts with cuss words, teachers saying fuck like it's no big deal, and hearing people casually talking about anal sex at Whole Foods. For a long time I felt a sense of shock when hearing 4 letter words and sexual things talked about, while at the same time, was rebelling against the mindset my parents tried to instill in me by saying fuck, shit, dick and tits at every opportunity.


Edited by XYZ

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