
So Hum and Neti Neti

2 posts in this topic

I love paradoxes and enjoy trying to hold two seemingly opposing ideas as both simultaneously true. However I would appreciate anyone else's considered view on this.

The 'So Hum' mantra (I am that) seems to point towards the Samadhi experience of seeing everything as one. If I am one with the chair that I am staring at, then I am equally one with this hand.

The 'Neti Neti' self inquiry (not this, not this)  seems to point towards the true self being not my car, not my thoughts, not my hand.

Are these two thoughts opposite of each other?


Is it a technical subtlety (ie I am that, but I am not this)? If so can some please illuminate.

Is it as simple as both are true?

Is it a mistake to take anything spoken or written as true?

Is it that I am not this (neti neti), nothing, no-thing, no separation, everything, I am that (so hum)?



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You would have to go through the process for you to discover the answer.

Here's my answer though:

What you call you is simply an idea of you, not the actual you.

The actual you is the thing that calls things.

Both inquiries are pointing to the same thing from opposite sides. To say that you are everything is the same as to say that you are nothing.

The duality between a subject (a perceiver, you) and an object (a perceived, other) is standing in the way. Perhaps you could use some doubt here.

Really just sit down and try to pinpoint yourself. You are the 'pinpointer'.

Edited by Truth Addict

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