
Authentic Love

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you really care about love, forget about love and sit down and do what the Buddha did. Then you will have love.

Just to note for everyone to put it into context of the decision i made for myself, I am certainly foolish enough to admit i do not have this kind of love for god, to become the buddah is NUTS even for me... Hence i will always be condemned to a life without infinite intelligence, creativity.. most of it. But i have traction in some infinities, as well as access to a slight portion of it. But we are talking about infinite levels here! LOL ... and i certainly DO NOT have infinite LOVE. yes i am infinite love, but i am not able to BE infinite love! infinite love is total enlightenment. LEO IS NUTS, and he's consciously doing it which makes him even more NUTS. he is able to love god more than anyone as is the wager you must give to reach total enlightenment. You must wager your love of the truth and knowledge of the truth, for your love of god and self-actualise it. If your love slacks, then you will be lost in the fog of infinity like me.  Ralston is nuts aswell , he's so nuts the way he teaches is to talk about direct communication of the truth. atleast, sadhguru plays about abit... ralston is to the point. 

and why do i know i'm foolish. Because i was aware of my mind rejecting the statement 

HeheEHEHehehe absolute truth LOL nuts! 


Edited by Aakash

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sat chit ananda.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki yes this is probably the best way to describe it in words, while seeking truth is a completely different ball game. Even those of yourself who are "enlightened". You are like me, lost in the fog. Except i am aware that if you were to discover absolute truth, you would run away like a cat being chased by a dog. Which is why i was interested in what the moderators had chosen. I think the same goes for you enlightened people as it did for me, you talk a big game, but won't walk the talk.

This statement is exactly true because you continue to talk about enlightenment as if its the truth. 

this is only my humble opinion anyway. I have not had an enlightenment experience as i will state again and i will not for a long time. 

Edit: It is what it is anyway. What do i know.. you lot are all chatting woo woo to me anyway, stop with your outrageous remarks, consciousness comes from the brain!!!!! prove to me it doesn't!!! 

Edit 2: reading this whole specific post in the thread again, made me feel like a chicken lol. for a second i thought i was a chicken and i got scared ahahaah :)

Edit 3: like if you knew jesus was god and he told you to cut him so he can turn his blood into wine for you to drink and  even told you it was the single purpose of life. You would actually be like "DUDE, WTF you smoking in heaven" 

Edit 4: wooooahh its scary to be a chicken :/ 


Edited by Aakash

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@Leo Gura Leo please explain the relationship between Sense of seperatedness or I feeling or Identity vanishing to that Intellect which discriminates as good,bad,morality,values.

Ego or the identity is just a feeling but intellect is the collective knowledge or conditioning which says what is right wrong survival likes dislikes.

So what change happens to the intellect after enlightenment ? How the intellect which was hating Hitler suddenly loves a Hitler,Rapists,Murderes ?

On the contrary you said you will know the use of war if a tyrant,dictator starts ruling your country ?

Unconditional love is unconditional acceptance of what it is with out any trace of judgement or like or dislike.

But you said enlightenment is not emotional mastery ???

You said the abortion is immoral is a moralistic view and is not conciousness work ? So what will be the view of an enlightened with respect to abortion,killing,murder,rape ? - No emotions when they hear,see that happening ? - become emotionally stale like a stone ? Non reactive ?


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When we typically talk about Love we are talking about relative love.  Because we as Egos are relative.   Everything is relative to our perspective, including Love.  Nothing wrong with that but we have to be conscious that it's just a part of the whole.




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Exactly. Hence we can say that this love as a partial also origins from autentic love and can functions as it is 'read' by ego.

Edited by tedens

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The ego is not just a feeling. It is a complex comprised of thoughts, feelings and perceptions that is the illusion of separateness and control/doing. In actuality, the ego is powerless and is always swept along with the currents. If the currents align with its conceptual understanding, then it is happy. Otherwise, it suffers and struggles. 

The relationship between the ego and intellect is such that ego introduces conceptual frameworks of behavior (morality) that the intellect is "supposed" to follow. It does not. It's true purpose is to perceive/receive Dharma/Tao/Logos. To discern what is harmonious in the present moment.

The intellect always does that and the concepts that constitute ego are the ego's suffering. They may have served their purpose at some point in development, but they are to be integrated to the point of irrelevancy. They are a ladder that is used for transcendence and then, thrown away.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki So am i enlightened or not ? lets test your current understanding of duality

ill give you two statements and one wrong statement so you can make your decision

A) i have lost the need to see into the infinite deeper because the infinite is a product of the infinite, meaning absolute love itself is only imaginary itself, truth can only be explored in direct experience

B) I am enlightened but not seeking TOTAL ENLIGHTENMENT

C) The Absolute truth is the only truth can be expressed in concept because every statement made about it is absolutely true to infinity (and thats sadhguru and ralston can talk about it in different ways) , But can only be experienced in the individuals direct experience to actualise the outcome in infinity. 

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@zeroISinfinity SHHHHH man :(  it was just a trick question! i was only playing and having fun destroying the lives of enlightened people LOOL! 

except I am enlightened LOL 

you guys cling too much to non duality, which is why you can't openly say statements like this because you need the statement to be true to cling to your contortion of reality LOL just like i am now claiming "i am enlightened" 

but what you don't get is 

i am conscious of  being inside infinity whether it be as a seperate person or a unified being , it matters not to me, the outcome is the same... which is what i'm trying to say is why i am enlightened 

not because i am aware of what you guys claim to be a knock of version of enlightenment of total enlightenment LOOOL! 

TOTAL enlightenment is even beyond me! hence i've been claiming i am enlightened just not to the highest degree. TOTAL enlightenment is the most NUTS thing i have come across in my life. when you realise what it is as a concept (also real and true) its just insanely funny and ironic what is going on in the world. LIKE INSANELY FUNNY, so FUNNY you will stop chasing your enlightenment dreams because you will be asking for twice the amount of infinite love to wager against actually comitting to becoming god LOL.. HILARIOUS JOKE AT BEST. 

The reason it be true is because INFINITY IS INFINITY AND IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAS SIGNIFICANCE, which is also translated to "THE POINT OF LIFE IS TO BECOME GOD" 

EDIT: you have to understand i am not a moderator, but a participant in the forum. This is the reason i speak.. I am very immature LOL, if i get an impulse to laugh at someone i will! ahahaha

EDIT 2: the enlightenment experience you speak about is only an experience for me, lol i can do that later in my life LOL! it wasn't neccessary for the highest truth, and so i never really cared about it. I would like to do it just to experience it, not to get rid of my problems or solve anyone of them! it won't make me more enlightened than i am now. Technically, it will if i want to have a go at becoming god AKA total enlightenment. But that wasn't my aim! there are three directions in life... right, left and UP! i'm going right and left not UP AHAHA.  WHERE AS YOU GUYS ARE GOING LEFT AND RIGHT THINKING YOUR GOING UP LOL insanely funny. You got it backwards, but you are definitely more enlightened than me TECHNICALLY! because you see oneness. but for my goal, it won't make me more enlightened than i already am now and so i am more enlightened than you LOL! go figures the ego would say as i am preaching about my encapsulated position! BANTER 

EVERYTHING IS PERFECT, INFINITE PERFECTION! So overall i'm more enlightened than you, but i'm not trying to make this into a non duality war! i'm simply just offering my point of view. We should be consciousness enough to be able to have a non-delivry debate over this seeming were such enlightened people ahaha! 

Edited by Aakash

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When I look back at the path that lead me here it's all out of love or the negative motivation of escaping suffering. I used to be overly sensitive to immoral behavior, and so easily offended that I would rather not be around people. I created a job for myself where I didn't have to interact with people or leave my house. I hated people, and blamed them as the cause for my pain. I spent years mostly secluded as a workaholic and then slowly I realized that that wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be, and that I was the cause of my own pain, not other people.  I needed to learn to love people, and I finally needed to learn to love my neighbor as myself. Nothing else would work. Fortunately for me, my neighbors were loud, druggy rednecks. I used the law of attraction unknowingly. I saw things to appreciate about them, I noticed things that were really quite amazing about them. It's like the world started changing and I saw it differently, through eyes of love. 

Selective love is not love, I understand this. Everyone is made up of the same stuff, the same consciousness.  You don't have to get distracted by the egoic immorality that people display you can just see them for their true being. You can't see everyone as a reflection of you and let them be the teacher they were meant to be, if you can't love them first. There's no need for morality if you fully know yourself as love. 

I don't pretend that my love is perfect, like I don't pretend that my enlightenment is perfect either. Just because there are clouds in front of the sun doesn't mean that we don't still enjoy its light.

Love is the glue that helps us piece together all the pieces of duality we created falsely. 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@zeroISinfinity *SIGH* why do i even try 

this is a paradox, what would be the meta answer ? 

ohh right lets just say its god, conversation done! PUSH THE PARADOX UNDER THE CARPET

LOL fine i give up fighting, you are right at the end of the day and i am wrong. :) much love to you zerooo! 

edit: the thing you aren't considering in your fantastic approach to life, is there are degree of enlightenment to these so called non -enlightened people and this is where your paradox and limitations of non duality ends.! i've rewired my whole brain in the four days were banned! I've seen through any paradigm lol! even my own! i don't have a perspective of the world but i am in agreeance with the absolute truth. Which is where my limitations come from: but its not for me to say whether is true or not, because you can only be it and before you know it... it'll all be over ahahaah! Death is fucking funny lol! i actually love death now! its hilarious! so are you non dual people! your amazing i love you so much :)  


Edit: i'm only showing you where up! is! LOL. not my fault you can't see it! confront your own knowledge... i'll stop now! i'm meant to be orange  

PLease guys remember that capitalism is the best! we need to put more money into the economy so we can all have higher wages :). The reserve rate of 1:9 will handle everything for us. inflation will be kept to 2% relative to the last year. Over 10 years it would have risen by (0.2)^10 = 1.024e-17    . What do we care? this means nothing big to the poor people their minimum salary increase by changing governmental laws will happen once every 10 years. Well brush it under the carpet like always :) Capitalism is the best! my fit girl is waiting for me in my 2018 mustang. 

Edited by Aakash

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*Sigh*... tsuki, look what you did. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw LooL i know i almost feel bad that he helped me get my biggest break through! 

Edited by Aakash

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37 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

When I look back at the path that lead me here it's all out of love or the negative motivation of escaping suffering. I used to be overly sensitive to immoral behavior, and so easily offended that I would rather not be around people. I created a job for myself where I didn't have to interact with people or leave my house. I hated people, and blamed them as the cause for my pain. I spent years mostly secluded as a workaholic and then slowly I realized that that wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be, and that I was the cause of my own pain, not other people.  I needed to learn to love people, and I finally needed to learn to love my neighbor as myself. Nothing else would work. Fortunately for me, my neighbors were loud, druggy rednecks. I used the law of attraction unknowingly. I saw things to appreciate about them, I noticed things that were really quite amazing about them. It's like the world started changing and I saw it differently, through eyes of love. 

Selective love is not love, I understand this. Everyone is made up of the same stuff, the same consciousness.  You don't have to get distracted by the egoic immorality that people display you can just see them for their true being. You can't see everyone as a reflection of you and let them be the teacher they were meant to be, if you can't love them first. There's no need for morality if you fully know yourself as love. 

I don't pretend that my love is perfect, like I don't pretend that my enlightenment is perfect either. Just because there are clouds in front of the sun doesn't mean that we don't still enjoy its light.

Love is the glue that helps us piece together all the pieces of duality we created falsely. 

@mandyjw Why don't you do some volunteering and try to become a more loving person that way? 

I did some volunteering work in the past and it was a great feeling :) contrary to this just as you see the perfection in nature, you should overlap that onto humans and see the perfection of how humans are imperfect. This will help you. 

how there are people dieing of drugs 

how there are diseases which kill millions 

how the cat is a lazy shit 

how the dog is an annoying fuck that won't go away. 

can't ever see perfection, unless you get rid of all imperfections. Including, viewing things in a negative way. 

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@Aakash He made me totally batshit crazy/awakened too, but you'll look back on this and wish you held back a little more. There will be backlash. I know it's hard to do when you feel like you're weightless but try to ground yourself as much as you can. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Aakash You're testing my love right now enough and I don't even have to leave my house, thank you for that. xD 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw LOL. yes there will be backlash, only if your going up! :) as i said i'm not going up! 


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The following quotes by Ocke de Boer is meaningful to me in regards to love. 

Ocke: Remorse will bring conscious suffering. This is to see and feel your own mechanical behaviour or negativity and seeing you can’t do anything about it. Conscious suffering will bring the Work deeper in you and therefore will increase your being so that conscience can speak. It will give a constant and unflagging need to work and enable you to pass the first threshold.   Conscious suffering is the medicine to make the Automaton surrender to the Permanent Witness. The Automaton is an instrument. The Permanent Witness has to learn how to use it.

One of the aims of our Work is to bring us in contact with Conscience, which is in our subconsciousness. Conscience is the inner memory for those actions necessary to bring any given situation back in tune with Unity. Although this definition of Conscience is correct, it stays incomplete, because Conscience cannot be reasoned but must come into Being.


Zigzag Idiot note: Guilt is the distorted experience of remorse. Conscious love cannot be experienced until we are in contact with Conscience. We have to be able to stomach ourselves. Also from Ocke: Conscience is intuitive Intellegence, the Intellegence of the heart which is also the Intelligence of the Universe.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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