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Litmus test for enlightened state.

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Self deception and difficulty judging oneself accurately can lead to confusion along this path, because others are not able to with certainty assure you of if you are really moving towards the prize or just bsing yourself.  Listening to the advise of almost anyone will be disasterous, because it will be ignorant advice, it will be "common sense" status quo" advice.  The advice given about your life to you, a spiritual seeker, by anyone who is not enlightened, is not applicable to you.  It is advice on how to live a system proven to fail.  Even a guru may not even be as enlightened as you are, how can you even trust his advice?  Doesn't this lead to a very confusing abyss of sorts.  There are weird and difficult things that come up that almost  no one talks about, or the advice given to overcome it is naive and is proven to not work in any way other than theory.   

So, how about a test to at least see if we have gone into this state, because if we have, in my experience, it causes certain things to be in play that can't simply be willed away, and this is after years and years of trying to make it work.  

In this godhead state, lets imagine you are walking around deep in "zen".  Now.... do some math.  Can you hold the godhead no matter how long you do math?  Like, go to work and do a duty that involves your non reptilian brain, and see if you can hold the zen.  Though many have claimed they can, It seems to be impossible.  If i  sit, left alone, in peace, I can imagine and hold equanimity toward all the possible things that could happen, even the idea of immersing my mind in things that will break me out of the godhead, but thats just imagining.  In actuality, as it happens, as you listen to somoene talk for 30 minutes about nonsense, can you hold that deep state?  I honesty have deeply tried and found unless I go into a state where I would appear to be catatonic, I can't, its never that deep satisfying state.  


So i guess the test is,  can you feel like a huge shift in your state as you start doing things that involve words and numbers,  having conversations with people. can you feel it in your body.  Maybe I'm just wierd but this is how it goes for me.  Like if i sit in peace, and then someone talks to me like enough, I can feel myself leaving the state.  I have also practiced trying to hold it through all that, but if the mental stimulation is long enough, it gradually pulls me out.  IF you have never noticed this phenomenon, you may have not gone into the state yet.  


I noticed this phenomenon at play, I would zen walk, then have a brief talk, then walk, I go out and back in each time. If the convo was short enough, I wouldn't even come out, but my convo skills would be very simple, spacy, and people would look at me as if i were odd.  But my "normal" was in, rather than out.  however, i found myself in cirumstances where I had to converse almost all day long, i felt immense pain and tightening in the heart as I came "out", and eventually I was out enough to where "out" was my normal, and it sucked balls lol.  Now I find myself going back to having in zen be more my normal, and noticing this, almost irritibility and pain when someone takes you out of it, and t hen deep peace going back in.  I also witnessed at least 1 other person Wim Hof, trying to converse with a logical minded person coming out of his breathing, and seeming to not be in any way attuned to linguistics at that point, in a way that seemede very relatable.  

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