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Consciousness: silent observer, or thinking entity?

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As I understand it, at least in our experience as humans, the brain is responsible for things like thoughts, emotions, sensations, and all that good stuff, whereas consciousness/awareness was just the experiencer of all of these things, without any motivations to speak of, other than to be. Or in other words, it acts as a 'container' for everything in our direct experience.

Is that basically the gist of it? Because I've heard consciousness described in two different ways - as a silent observer, and as a thing that has values (truth, unity, etc), desires (such as to know itself), and takes actions (such as sending probes into itself). Is it just a silent observer when using a brain as a window into sensate reality, and a thinking 'entity' (for lack of a better word) in its infinite form?

Or do I just have this completely wrong? :)

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Reality is a Mind (consciousness) imagining  itself though different perspectives.  You are one of those perspectives.  So the brain is imagination..the body is as a human is imagination.  Nothing is really happening inside your brain, that is just imagination.  Everything is imagination. Fundamentally you are just consciousness itself.  

Edited by Inliytened1


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27 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Is the brain separate from consciousness?

In either case, what is the relationship between the two?

Well, @Inliytened1  said 'Reality is a Mind (consciousness) imagining  itself through different perspectives'. I can only speak from my limited perspective, where consciousness (true self) is separate from the mind (false self), but still feels like 'brain stuff' (even if it technically isn't), and is lodged firmly in my skull. Other than being present, it seems to have no other properties to speak of.

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@WorknMan You are the whole Mind (God) as well as this small slither of the mind (your finite perspective).

This is hard to see right now precisely because you have not Awakened yet.  Once you awaken you see through the illusion of the small self.   When that happens - through mysticism - the small self collapses and you discover that you are the whole Mind / God.  You discover it by Being it.  You are being it (meaning you are God) right now you just aren't conscious of it yet.

With Awakening or Enlightenment you become conscious that the part (your little perspective) and the whole - the Mind itself or God as the formless - are One. 


Edited by Inliytened1


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10 hours ago, WorknMan said:

I can only speak from my limited perspective, where consciousness (true self) is separate from the mind (false self), but still feels like 'brain stuff'

How do you know your perspective is limited? Have you experienced unlimited perspective? 

What if your perspective is not limited, but you repeat that thought, create that belief, identified with it, and now kinda defend it, a little, maybe. What if the “consciousness” you’re talking about is right in front of your face? What if your view right now is the center front row seat, submerged in raw as-it-actually-is consciousness? What if it’s so magic, that you’ve assumed your perspective is limited? 




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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

How do you know your perspective is limited?

I mean limited insofar as I can't experience reality from the point of view of anyone else but me. As in, even if we're technically both the same entity, I can't, in human form, inhabit your experience to see what you see and feel what you feel.

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@WorknMan precisely.  Thats precisely because you are you.  If you could do that you would stop being you and you would be him.

Relative vs Absolute.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, WorknMan said:

I mean limited insofar as I can't experience reality from the point of view of anyone else but me. As in, even if we're technically both the same entity, I can't, in human form, inhabit your experience to see what you see and feel what you feel.

Keep looking into those distinctions and it’ll make more and more sense. (And less) See if ‘human form’, ‘me’ and ‘you’, are appearance or actual, and you might find you can see more of what you’re thinking is “another’s experience” than you might currently believe you could. Try to let go of the hard line distinctions which were learned. Also, look for distinctions between consciousness, brain, mind, perspective, me, other, etc. Dissect them ‘down to’ nothing. They appear, but aren’t actual in appearance. Consider there is only infinity, no matter how convincing the distinctions appear, just magic. Notice claims the mind appears to make, and then be critical in verifying them, or uncovering the inherent falsity. Actually find out. Consider the nature behind them.  You might find ‘everyone’ is experiencing the exact same “thing”, yet some see this, and some see only the appearance, some see both. Be willing to consider there is no such thing as a perspective, but rather the direct knowing itself, and therefore no silent observer, and no thinking entity at all, convincing as implication may be. Contrast direct experience of not-perspective, and not-knowing, and how you confirmed there is another thinker, another observer, to begin with. Try to leave room, wild as it sounds, that there is absolute, you, and you convince yourself an “it” is “relativity” - that your perspective already is infinity, in actuality, and nothing is ever hidden. Ask if what you are, and if seeing, and knowing, are outside of infinity, without a thought.  






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@WorknMan @WorknMan Dear worknMan read Rupert Spira article on this.

In short conciousness doesnt think.It is the mind which thinks.

The gist is - the infinite  or conciousness or the Self or awareness is SELF AWARE.if it is not Self Aware we can never realize that.

Mind or the reflected conciousness or in otherwords it borrows the knowing power of the Infinite.

Conciousness or self is the simple silence or the blank nothing we experience always when there are no thoughts or in the gap between the thoughts and that is not realized as conciousness.


This article helped me to understand as typically lot of false naratives that conciousness is not an experience cannot be experienced like the eyes cannot see itself.You are conciousness allready you cannot realize it blah blah.


But that will not bring the immediate SelfRealization or collapsing of all dualities or enlightenment of We are that or No self experience or oneness.

Or the Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

So keep practicing  be till all doubts are cleared beyond doubt and realized.


Edited by Jkris

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