
A Glimpse In The Future П

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20 years from now this forum will be full of genius's from different fields and without massive egos.

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@Elton It'll be crazy to see what happens to us all, hopefully we'll still be on this forum and on this journey to somewhere that is nowhere! 

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Well, it really depends on how much time we spend here and how much time we spend making shit happen!

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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On 4/28/2016 at 7:23 PM, Saarah said:


Haha in 20 years this forum will be packed! We will probably have some virtual emblem that says "veterans" and we will help guide future actualizes with the problems that we face today :D 

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On 4/28/2016 at 11:22 AM, Elton said:

20 years from now this forum will be full of genius's from different fields and without massive egos.

There is only one way to provide for the future, if there is one.

What does future mean, it speaks of something that doesn't exist.  The evolution of human consciousness has only evolved up to this moment that i strike these keys.

However 95% of humans spend 95% of their lives living in that time that doesn't exist or memories of the past, and neither exist.

Yes and they tell us we learn from the past, but do we really, what are we learning that is causing an authentic evolution of human consciousness.  Why is there so few in every generation that becomes self realized.

If there is no future and the only thing that exists is the moment of NOW, then the moment of now is the creator for the next moment of NOW if one should arise.

How we function in the NOW will dictate what follows when and if the next moment comes, whether it will be joy, happiness, wellness, or sickness, pain, misery and consequences.

All sickness and disease is self created.  Before sickness and disease can grip the body, it first is created in consciousness, and then the physical body replicates what is in consciousness.  When one goes to the doctor to heal a sickness and disease, the doctor and the patient are dealing with symptoms of a greater problem, not the root causes.  When the root cause isn't healed it will become a symptom somewhere else in the body.

Cleansing must begin in consciousness in order for wholeness.  The thought process of most is simply a system of programing and false belief that they gathered from others, tv, books, video's which in turn creates a warped perception of life and the world around the individual,  so they become stuck in the holographic world of the identity body, with a warped thinking process.

The only real part of you cannot be seen, will not be seen leaving the body by others, but it is the creator of all you know and see including your physical body.  You are the product of the evolution of your consciousness up to this moment.

Functioning as the holographic identity body with its desires of the flesh and ego, will create a world of problems, pain and misery for yourself and others, and just because things seem to be going well doesn't mean that it isn't a true statement.  Your works will find you out.  Your thought process can set you free or imprison you.  Choose your thoughts well, the mind is a garden, tend and cultivate it well, or it will produce thorns and weeds, and all of this will depend on your own ability to understand these things and apply them in your own life.  There are no accidents in life, it is all created, either with intention as an aware being of consciousness, or functioning as an unconscious human being in life.

Rationalizing these things as the identity won't produce what liberates, it requires the living experience of these things from the real part of you, consciousness.  I know many of you understand these things, but most young people have not understood these things nor are able to live in a way to bring about wholeness, joy, peace, happiness in life.  You don't start out in life with all the answers, your answers will change as you live life and function as the identity.  It is only when one awakens to the reality of who and what they are, and what that means in relation to this worldly existence that peace and harmony can be achieved.  There is nothing like knowing, not thinking that you are the creator of everything around you and you hold the power within yourself to be a happy, secure, peaceful, loving,  productive being. 

Success in this physical world is measured by money, material possessions for the most part, but what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and never enter the kingdom of his own being,  living with love, peace, joy, and happiness, liberated from fictitious identity and its holographic world of consequences?

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